
Wednesday 15 December 2021

Condemn Dr.Mahathir accuse Malaysian Chinese not adapting to Malaysian culture by using chopstick.

 Refer to, I believe there's reason behind Dr.Mahathir wrote such apathy statement in his book 'Capturing Hope: The struggle continues for new Malaysia'.

I personally do not believe Dr.Mahathir would be this foolish to put himself into such silly trouble. He is a long timer politician and know well how this country react to sensitive statement, thus deliberately invite retaliation might due to coercion from mightier power or simply wanted to extend his political mileage, dreaming to become Malaysia's Prime Minister the third time. 

Technically, as medical doctor, he should know the possible reason for Malay race not as developed as Chinese culturally might due to different inbred cognitive ability. In this case, the development of chinese dining utensil can trace back to Shang Dynasty, 1200BCE, where Chinese started to dine with kuai zi (Chopstick) and Shao zi (soup spoon) that are uniquely Chinese whereas Malay still using hand to eat now. This might due to the lack of activation of anterior supramarginal gyrus (aSMG) of Malay that unable for them to converge upon different parts of dorsal and ventral visual stream, similar to that of macaques, however Malay is intelligently superior than macaques in the sense that their biological evolution had arrived  bipedalism, early human ancestor, Australopithecus. Although Malay language is predominantly borrowed from foreign source but save to say it had fully developed into their own, meaning already reached hominid's evolution stage of homo habilis and erectus. However, Malay lacking in develop tools as compare to Chinese few thousands years ago imply the inbred cognitive ability of Malay ethnic/species as reflected by their lackings.

I'm not subject matter in this area thus unable to conclude whether Malay is another species/subspecies or early human species such as between homo habilis, erectus and sapiens. However, Malay is a mixture of many races originally from Austronesian. Dr.Mahathir himself is a residue between Indian and Malay. 

The need to develop dining utensil is also corresponding to how food is serve. Chinese developed porcelain soup spoon that designed for hot soup where flat surface allow faster cooling in greater volume of soup per scoop. However, Chinese is not the only early civilization that developed our own utensil, the west developed fork and spoon in variety shape and size specific to its purpose adopting by all worldwide, including the Malay. Are we forgoing Malaysia when we use fork, spoon and knife in dining? 

I don't think need to remind Dr.Mahathir about Malaysia multicultural background come with different culture unless he think malay is superior that we (non-malay& nom-muslim) have to follow Malay's religion& culture strictly. Democracy means everyone is equal, not only every citizen carry equal potent vote but having equal right to practice our culture and profess in our religion freely. This may not congruence with constitution article 153&160 that under article 153, Malay is entitle special privileges where the race Malay is defined under article 160 as those that profess in Islam, conform with Malay custom and habitually speak Malay. This constitute some form of deprivation of freedom of religious believe, discrimination of race and cultural practice, as this may be view as quid pro quo that non-muslim citizen have to forgo for their religion believe. 

I hope we all can unite to fight against any unjust discrimination and persecution on the basis of race and religion believe. I'm not sure about new Malaysia but fight back against absurd accusation may become an aberration for true democracy endeavor. NEP has been haunting the country since inception and thus it shall be repel along with article 3 (Islam as official religion of the federation) to avoid further obfuscation that clandestinely islamize the country into a theocratic& backward moving nation.

Tuesday 14 December 2021

Suggest to remove sin tax on non-halal food imports.

Refer to the above, I hope Y.A.B. Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob (Prime Minister of Malaysia )& Y.B. Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar(Law Minister), Dato' Sri Azmin Ali (MITI Minister), Charles Hay MVO (British Embassador) & relevant politician look into the issues and forthwith reinstate what suppose to enshrine in the Constitution, particularly article 8&11 in relation to the unfair import tax on non-halal items. 

Non-halal food import such as, pork, alcohol and shark fin is being unconstitutionally and unfairly taxed which affect the non-muslim citizen of Malaysia. What more insulting is it is labeling as sin tax. Please be informed that the reason to impose tax is to either discourage people from consuming or to protect local industry, which not in this case because the non-halal food (pork, sharkfin and alcohol) is not near to self-sufficiency level. Import is not a threat to local market. Since Muslim is not consuming pork or liquor thus impose exorbitant tax is not discouraging Muslim from consuming it but a punitive action to non-muslim that don't believe in Islam. Obviously, the tax label as "sin tax" is openly suggest it is a form of punishment but problem here is we(non-muslim) don't believe in your Allah, why punish us? 

Isn't it absurd if Muslim would to be punish for consuming beef because cow is Hindus God in Hindus believe? 

Whatever within your religion shall be regulated within your own personal space. Even if Muslim would to break the halal rules, it is not an offence under Malaysia civil law. Syariah law is the only Islamic law enforcing in the federation and it is only limited to family matters, except the state of Kelantan where the state government implement Hudud law, said within the state jurisdiction. 

Malaysia was established as secular country and it was agreed that it shall be innocuous, otherwise Malaysia shall stripe off Islam as official religion, under constitution article 3. It was the British Officer Lord Reid original intention when giving independent to Malaya as a secular country and this is again reiterated by Lord Cobbold during the formation of Malaysia, unless Islam as official religion is innocuous. Article 11 stated clearly that no religious related tax shall impose on people not believe in the religion. Furthermore, article 8 reinforce the principle of religious freedom when come to business and trade. Therefore, impose sin tax is unconstitutional. Government shall be responsible for continue such breach as it is jeopardizing the social harmony and being unfair to non-muslim economically. To add salt to the wound, government has not come to the cognizant that Affirmative Action (NEP) is violating article 8 and since Constitution is the highest law of the land, its law shall prevail against all odds that contradict to it. Tax collected, including the sin tax, is consolidated as federal fund before distribute according to budget. Since the inception of NEP in1971, such consolidation fund is distributed to favor Malay race that defined as those who profess in Islam disregard phenotypes (under article 160). 

Please be informed that Malaysia is a formation as a result of MA63( Malaysia Agreement 1963), an agreement signed between Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore and British. Although I do not know whether this federation is still call Malaysia after Singapore exited but it is stated clearly that any amendment to the agreement, whether written or not, need all parties enter into the agreement to renegotiate and convent before execution which did not happen. As civilize nation we should follow law and if amendment to law is necessary then shall follow due process and forthwith adhere to the latest update accordingly. Sin tax is only one of the many breaches committed by the federal government for decades, which is a shame because it seems like we are illiterate or that the education quality of Malaysia leaders in executive and legislative is dubious. 

Should you need Royalty (Raja-Raja Melayu) assistance to influence public while mending the issues, please kindly do so, although I believe your good self is capable to do so. However, hundreds of millions ringgit is paid annually as emolument to the Royalties for the duty which religious affair is part of it thus it is not beyond their scope if would to seek advise from them for moral support (publicity). The matter is the responsibility of executive.  
Therefore, I would like to suggest to remove sin tax in order to protect what enshrine in the Constitution. 

Best regards, 

Wednesday 13 October 2021

Malaysia violation of constitution article 8 and 152 for more than 4 decades.

Refer to , I oppose 30% bumiputra allocation for ECRL project. Under Article 8 everyone shall be treated equally, if bumiputra (Malaya's Malay+ indigenous in Sabah&Sarawak) is given special privileges then it is not equal and not democratic anymore because democracy is predicated by equal opportunity for all, such allocation rendered non-bumi citizenship inferior thus effectively creating second class citizenship. It also implicate loss of economy opportunity and erosion of transparency in public administration. 

I suggest tendering process must be open, based on merit (financial capability and technical know-how), without discrimination based on race and religion. This is to ensure cost-effectiveness& safety of ECRL project.

If MCA wanted to stay relevant then please obtain federal government's approval for UEC. Under Article 152, we no longer need to consider Malay language as Malaysia official language because Government rejected UEC thus breach article 152 (a). I urge the MCA President to stand for Chinese community to get government approval on UEC. Government can not continue act against Constitution otherwise the government may subject to prosecution for violation of Constitution. It is wrong to have a race based party and it is even more wrong if this race based party is not protecting the race it claimed to. If you can't do it, others will. 


Lord Aloysius Tay K.G.

Email to Malaysia Prime Minister to express my objection for giving minister-level perks to Dato' Sri Anwar Ibrahim.


Refer to the link I strongly disagree the move to give Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim minister-level perks. Reasons for opposing government granting minister amenities to opposition leader especially Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim are as enumerated below:


1.      I do not know what is the content of Memorandum between government and the opposition party however giving minister-level amenities to opposition party leader may be seen as bribery that will erode democracy.

a.       Public money should be spend in the most cost effective manner thus any resources spent must corresponding to the value it bring. What value Datuk Seri Anwar expected to bring from the perks?

b.      What is the reason to giving Anwar minister-level perks without people’s mandate& expertise that is critically to what needed, urgent and no alternative, I believe Anwar is not essential and this is against the spirit of democracy: he is not mandated by majority.

c.       Although how he was being elected as Port Dickson Member of Parliament is legal but it is not democratic. The previous MP was perfectly fit and capable but resigned just for him to take over.

d.      Giving minister-level perks to leader of opposition faction affect free debate& critics hence jeopardizing democracy process in the parliament and executive.

2.      Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim have a very seedy personal quality and sordid history.





a.       He was being charges& imprisoned for sodomy& corruption twice, first in April 1999 then in 2015. Although both times is alleged being put into jail because of gutter politic played by his political opponents yet he still willingly formed a political coalition in 2018 with Tun Dr. Mahathir, the very person that removed all his position in government in September 1998 before accused& caused him incarcerated. Therefore, whether he was innocent and being put to jail because of Mahathir's gutter politics or he indeed committed the crime (raped men and corruption), his personal quality is unquestionable seedy and unacceptable to receive any perks derive from public fund.

b.      Apparently, he did not fight for the justice he proclaimed which imply he openly cheating his supporters, as he should fight for his innocent in court to clear his name but instead he did otherwise in exchange to be anointed as Prime Minister by Dr. Mahathir under Pakatan Harapan government.

c.       He was also being reported for raping women in the past multiple times when he was Deputy Prime Minister.

d.      Received royal pardon for his last 6 months jail terms without going through proper procedure is disrespect to the pardon board and royalty since his pardon was being rejected by pardon board in 2015.

3.      Clandestinely undermining Barisan Nasional ability to debate and live up to the principles of democracy.

a.       In others autocratic country, leader use force to subdue opponent and dissidents. What tactic deploying in Malaysia now is soft-approach but not less lethal for democracy. By buying opposition over, it is moving toward autocratic and non-democratic political system where nobody question government doing and thus no liability for public official for their doings.

b.      How Barisan Nasional could strength its position is to proof it to the people government capability in overcome difficulties and make life better for all. Result speak for itself, not silence opponent by carrots and canes.


4.      Anwar and his family hypocrisy encompasses his wife& daughter which act in conflict of interest to one another in the past.

a.       Anwar, himself equate giving all member of parliament indiscriminately is a keen to crime<>  thus, he would not accept the offer unless he is being hypocrisy. If so, his character can not be trusted.

b.      Anwar's wife, Wan Aziza, was Deputy Prime Minister(DPM), the first Malay female hold such high executive power in the country but her capability is doubtful. She seems acted on behalf of Anwar. What conflict of interest is their daughter, Nurul, was being appointed as member of PAC (Public Accounting Committee) while Wan Aziza was DPM. This give rise to the question whether her daughter would disclose her wrong doing if discover some?

c.       Anwar unwillingness to disclose how he may contribute to the country yet keep promise many fancy things to aggrandizing himself is prima facie of putting his own personal interest before the public that he has no genuine interest to serve people but merely crazy for power.


Therefore, I strongly oppose to give Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim any perks conversely government should allow parliament open for debate freely whether is matter relating to Pandora Paper or RU355 whilst the executive may instruct relevant authority to investigate Malaysia public official in the Pandora Paper. I personally do not favor Sharia law or any other religious law applicable side by side civil law as this is eroding the secularity of Malaysia. Remember Malaysia is not Allah's heaven, authority is not angels and we are not dead yet. More so, many cases overlapping between Sharia and Civil court and victims suffer in limbo. There are many others thing relating to Sabah& Sarawak sovereign and Constitution which need all party including the British to talks and iron out what best for the people of the three or four sovereign.


Best regards,


Lord Tay Kian Guan

+6011 2731 7552




Tuesday 3 August 2021

Suggestion to Malaysia Health Ministry to have external test for practicing doctor.

 Pertaining to the recent "Hartal Contract Doctor" protest, I would like to suggest health ministry to engage external party to come out with test method applicable to all doctor and specialist of various field and manage such test to ensure credibility of the certified doctor on top of their medical practising record. 

The drastic growth rate of doctor numbers in the country, about 45.4% from year 2015 to 2019, with relatively constant population growth rate cap around 33.4million as of 2021 is reason why doctor is oversupplying and the situation will only become worst if the trend persist. 

Malaysia doctor per population is more than what WHO recommend which is 1: 454 against WHO 1:500, meaning 1 doctor in Malaysia attend to only 454 population. With more than seventy one thousands doctor fighting to grab a job, it is no wonder why doctor in Malaysia is flooding the job market. Basic economy supply and demand rules dictate the production price (doctor remuneration) and this is true in this case except that the credibility of doctor produced in Malaysia is questionable since there are rumors reported that local public university is giving leeway for Malay ethnic to pass examination and graduated without true technical skills and thus ethics is practising this life concerning profession. 

Notwithstanding that the contract doctors are hired on ad-hoc basis to cater for combating COVID but their job opportunity and job security will be at risk thereafter. It is neither sensible for government to absorb them as permanent staff as they might cause severe redundancy in public health sector entailing unnecessary financial burden to the country. 

Therefore, it is only fair to assess all medical staff including pharmacist and nurses regardless of their ethnicity and whether the graduated from local public university or not. The test is to ensure doctor employed is truly qualify (by merit) and genuinely serve their purpose. 

This test shall be formulated by external party and regulated impartially. This is to ensure no bribery and manipulation of test result like what happen in SPM whereby it is reported that Rm500 is all one need to change their SPM result from the education ministry. Health ministry should have the authority to audit the test methods and management but shall not directly manage or have any influence throughout the test. This is to ensure credibility of the test. 

I believe if the test is set on par with international standard and free from corruption then doctor pass with merit will stabilize the job market itself henceforth enable government to compensate doctor fairly. Those who fail may re-sit or convert to nurse or pharmacist. 

I would also like to suggest public hospital to be upgraded so that it has wider range of services charging different rate in order to make more economy sense while provide affordability to public. This is because public hospital equipped with latest technology and equipment and may charge a better rate if upgrade the facility to cater for upper class market. 

Alternatively Malaysia may consider signing treaty with others country to allow Malaysia doctor practise medicine in others country in order to reduce competition and oversupply scene. 

Thursday 1 July 2021

Abolish NEP might be way forward to boost GBI coverage percentage in Malaysia

In Singapore , GreenMark is compulsory for certain development and the government aim to achieve 80% in 2030 which the government aggressively push forward. 
Although I do not think Malaysia should follow the same but Malaysian in general is far less conscious about matter concerning environment and climate change which make it harder to justify the cost outlay for green building. GBI is so far the most successful tools in Malaysia yet in terms of percentage it is not more than 3% of total real estate market.

You may find out from NAPIC about the percentage and how many property is overhanging. Remember , the greenest building is not to build but because of 30% bumiputra reserve that caused over 50% unsold unit in property overhang. Developer is paying the price. Another 7.5% penalty is apply for property in Johore to convert from bumiputra unit to non-bumiputra unit. It is a bet on percentage and this cost alone can use to elevate the GBI rating to gold and platinum rating and significantly reduce the operation cost of the property in future. 

The minimum bumiputra discount ranging from 5% to 15% for bumiputra various from state to state within Malaya, across different type of property (e.g. housing, commercial &industrial) can be interpreted as extra cost non-bumi have to pay if deem the price bumiputra property as 100% then what non-bumi have to pay is extra. This cost will snowballing in bank loan when included the interest pay for the extra cost. The rules of thumb is about double of the bumi discount rate. Example, in Johore, minimum discount for bumi is 15% then it is about 31% extra non-bumi have to pay, at the end of the loan repayment. This cost could have been use to upgrade GBI rating. 

I believe if Malaysia abolish NEP and introduce green initiative to boost GBI taking up rate then not only Malaysia can achieve greater percentage in GBI coverage but also racial harmony and the equality principle in democracy. 

On another hand, I do see Malaysia need to have more selective and targeted electricity and water tariff to make basic infrastructure affordable for all yet not so cheap to be ignore and abuse by many. 

I've earlier on wrote to Yeo (the previous climates change minister) about making BEI and historical data available on electric bill in order to more properly strategize electricity consumption reduction, reduce reserve margin and reduce electricity thief.  

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Fallacy on Malaysia unemployment rate.


Despite Malaysia unemployment rate remain relatively low in comparison to the plummeting GDP, I'm afraid it is one of the attribute factor to economy disaster government planted. 

What economy sense does it made to use public money to fund Despite Malaysia unemployment rate remain relatively low in comparison to the plummeting GDP, I'm afraid it is one of the attribute to economy disaster government planted. 

What economy sense does it made to use public money to fund employment retainment instead of let it float according to job market? 

Public fund should use to increase productivity such as increase local manpower education level& skills and adopt machine and robot to replace foreign workers in construction, mining and manufacturing sector. 

By forcing private sector to retain employments is to create an illusion that unemployment rate is low. This cosmetic tricks only paint beautiful image on politician but rotting the country economy and clandestinely weakening country productivity in long run. 

Furthermore, it made statistics unreliable as it does not reflect the true job market thus difficult for government to effectively find antidote to curb REAL unemployment. 

The modus operandi of Malaysia government is always patching up the statistics without really resolve the problem. even before COVID (Before 2020), NEP laid out many policy to assure Malay employment by forcing private sector to absorb bumiputra manpower while public sector is even a few step further by arbitrary recruit bumiputra that caused public sector productive lower than any similar developing country. Malaysia have more than 1.6million civil servant which is higher than any developing country in relative to a mere 32million population. 

Malaysia need to introduce free market concept and let the market dictate itself and regulate the job market thus make it more competitive and resilience for the economy and productivity. without which, meritocracy will not exist in Malaysia and this country will be left behind....

Mining sector surpringly decrease 7.8% while manufacturing only -3%. construction sector suffer the most, i.e. -18%, among all sector but it is safer stop building and not to build new building before the economy recover, otherwise it will not only drag financial sector along but all others sector related to it. 

I do not see Malaysia economy will be any better under Dr.Mahathir. probably the 'Sheraton Move' and the coup de'tat is merely a dirty political let Dr.Mahathir become puppet master behind the scene, so that he is safe from public critics when enforcing tough decisions including declare Emergency. 

I do not see competency in Malaysia government manage crisis, not this government and none of the previous one. 

I do see the 'declaration of emergency under article 150' is a good opportunity now to reverse the damage done in 1969. abolish NEP and let market float. Only by meritocracy, Malaysia may gain true resiliency and productivity thus economy superiority in this region. 

Malaysia can not progress without unity and racial harmony. it has to stop pretending and start do something real about bringing different ethnics together by amending policy so that every citizen is treated equally. only when all citizen are equal, will loyalty manifest across all racial group in economy performance. 

I also see this covid as good opportunity to reduce dependency on foreign manpower and repatriate local talents from abroad to strengthen Malaysia K-economy (knowledge economy). this will not only reduce out flow of currency but also reduce many social problem created by low skill(mostly uneducated foreign manpower) while retain local talents. instead of let it float according to job market? 

Sunday 11 April 2021

Suggestion to liberate nurses uniform(Email to Singapore Law Minister, Mr. Shammugan)

In respond to the newspaper 'Today' published on 23rd March 2021, on the matter, nurses likely to be allowed to wear tudung.<>

I do not know tudung is ban for nurse but I would like to suggest government to give free options for nurses to either wear nurse traditional head cap/scrub cap (resembling tudung) or nothing, this will:

1. respond to the sensitivity of 14.7% Muslim population.
2. Not compromise nurse profession image. 
3. Not neglect others religious group. In compliances to Singapore Constitution article 12(2). 

Head cap is traditionally wore by nurse around the world therefore it will neither look like special privileges to the Muslim nor compromise the secularity of Singapore. Nurse hard cap is evolved from what wore by the deaconesses and fit perfectly into the description by the Islam scriptures, i.e. Quran. 

Nonetheless, Islam do not mandate wearing Tudung. Quran chapter 24 verse 31, require Muslim female to cover up their private parts which I do not think they grow on their head. If hair would consider an element of beauty(Islam prohibit women show their beauty to outsider) then traditional nurse head cap is suffice for the matter. The veracity of Quran chapter 33 verse 59 demand wearing jilbab for Muslim female is to distinguish free women from slave girls(non-muslim is consider slave in Islam) and prostitute. Slavery is against constitution article 10 and prostitutes is only found in certain legalized area in Geylang. Thus, nurses in hospital is understood not prostitute and not slave girls. Moreover, constitution and civil law prevail against any religion's law that contradict to them. Everyone is equal before the law and law shall be made equal for all. Quran 33:59 is maliciously inferring Muslim superior than others. Singapore shall not made ruling in favor of it, whether as direct compliance to the Islam law or indirectly for the same effect. 

How strictly Muslim adhere to their religion shall be open to each individual. It various from individual and such adherence shall not cause any disturbance to others. Everyone who been to Dubai desert safari entertain by belly dance.

it is Arabs culture and they are all Muslim but never anyone have problem with it so why not cover up head for nurses become a problem?

Freedom of religion believe is guaranteed under the constitution but in no circumstances anyone is allowed to break law for practicing the religion he believe in, whether the crime is associated with the religion's doctrine or not. Islam teaching is base on Quran and Hadith, therein contain more than hundreds of verses that literally contradict to Singapore law, from slavery, rape, paedophile, war crime, looting, immorality (e.g. Mohammed gave his slave girl drank his urine), polygamy, child marriage, manslaughter and the list go on. You may find the related Quran & Hadith verses in the link below You may verify with translated version of Quran& Hadith in english. I do not know how the society fare with Muslim instilled with so many violence, immoral act and ideology that incite hostility against non-muslim. There's no lack of real life example. Look across the causeway. 

It would be treacherous to the secularity of Singapore if leeway is given to a particular religion but not others. If special concession is given to Muslim then other religion group such as Sikhism may demand their 5ks, Kesh (uncut hair), Kangha (a wooden comb), Kara (a iron bracelet), Kachera (cotton underpants) and Kirpan (an iron dagger), to be allowed during their work. Likewise, the Jews male nurse would ask to keep their sideburn.  

Democratic government usually do not interfere with professional uniform especially medicine professional that may be in the private sector. Head cover might carry risk of harmful bacteria growth. It is best for them to self-regulated. Politician shall be tactful not to trigger unnecessary upheaval at the same time not compromise law and principle of equality. 

I'm looking forward good news from you and hope the matter resolve amicably. This email is solely my personal opinions, my regret if any part herein cause any inconvenience. 

Thank you. 

Tay Kian Guan

Monday 8 March 2021

Should Australia process its own iron ore?

Why Australia don't process its iron ore? 

It has plenty of iron ore mines, biggest in the world. Big land mass and coal to fuel the furnace and expert in metallurgy.

The hindrances for Australia to process iron ore into iron ingot& others secondary materials might due to cost. The answer is automation. Robot can cut down 80% of manufacturing process. The rest are technical team like metallurgical expert, management and logistic staffs.

Australia have no reason to shy away from processing its own iron ore because of pollution because pollution is worse during mining part which happening in Australia while during the process pollution and by products can be better controlled and even turn into others commercial products thus making the process of iron ore more environmental friendly to be done in Australia than elsewhere. 

If Australia can allow for mining why not the process which is much less toxic and able to control?

It is more environmental responsible to do it in Australia than in developing country. We are sharing the same planet, Earth. GHG(Greenhouse gas) emitted in China or anywhere else will be felt in other part of the world too. Climate change have no boundary. The same process if emitted more GHG do not reflect Australia effort in fighting climate change if it can reduce it by having better control in the country and only export after processed materials or even secondary& end products (casted) to the world with a fraction of transportation cost and GHG emission. 

The cost savings from transporting raw materials can be used to offset the cost of production. Selling ingot or further process iron increase the value multiple times.

Through and flow, it takes 1.6 tonnes of iron ore and 450kg of coke to produce a tonne of pig iron. This is more than double of the weight of transportation requirements, 7,450km between Australia and China one way, accounting for 4,299.39 tonnes of carbon emissions. However, this amount of carbon emission could have reduce half and saved 2,149.7 tonnes of carbon emission if the transportation is avoided. This cost saving can use to offset the extra cost operating in Australia. 

China has successfully become the largest producer of all essential metal necessary for future technology i.e. Robot, building materials (steel truss, rebar, ironmongery), cable wire, computer, ship, plane, motor both diesel and electrical, weapon (firearm) mechanical parts, electronics including computer &phone. 

Automotive, railway, aviation and shipyard is all about metal. Without aluminum, steel and copper, transport industry will not exist.

China is building their own commercial plane, COMAC, and will be a rival to AIRBUS and Boeing soon. Likewise with shipbuilding.

Samsung and others electronics manufacturer is moving to India but materials still need to come from China. Electronics is heavily dependent on copper. Electrical supply itself is made of copper wire.

This is not healthy for both China and the world because China dominating essential materials and production line is becoming a threat to the existing superpower, USA and its alliances. This will inevitably invite certain degree of politics turbulence and seen as intimidation when problem arise. For instance, the recent COVID outbreak had waken up the world about China domination in manufacturing of health and medical supplies that may seen as threat to certain country security. 

I personally think it is just how capitalism works. China provide cheap labor, land and transportation thus low OPEC. This make business environment friendly for business to operate from China hence many industry spring up. 

China achievement is applausible. I believe there's more strategic cooperation to boost economy between the two countries while act more responsibly for the environment.

Tuesday 23 February 2021

Is Singapore having monarchy system?

I believe Singapore is not the monarchy people perceived.

Why people say Singapore is a Monarchy(Lee Dynasty) is because Lee Hsien Loong is Lee Kuan Yew's son (male line, Y-chromosome). When Lee Kuan Yew retired (seen as abdicated) Lee Hsien Loong ascended with Goh Chok Tong as seat warmer in between.

What make Singapore not a monarchy is PM do not make law as he wish like monarchy do. In Singapore, law need to go through legislation for debate to be gazetted. Although PAP won majority all the time and PM have big influence on the law making process but he is not absolute. Not even like US President where he can issue Executive Order, Singapore PM can't.

Singapore PM do not have the legal immunity or at least not at the same level as monarchy do. One of the distinct characteristics of monarchy is legal immunity.

Singapore PM is chosen by merit. Not only he need to be competent but also corruption-free and having high moral virtues. This is not require for monarchy. Whereas, traditionally monarchy is purely pass down by bloodline. Their successor need not be chosen because of education achievement and moral virtues. They are either pre-determine by monarchy tradition or favour from this parents.

Also because of the above, monarch normally delegate their administration role to professional who competent to handle nation affairs even they hold title like Prime Minister, Chef Command of Army and President. Whereas, Singapore PM and Ministers were chosen for their competency and expertise that they are there to perform.

course, there are monarch system that have election by elites to chose the King. Malaysia Negeri Sembilan is one of the kingdom where Sultan(King) is chosen by elites where competency, personal quality and a list of criteria is assess from a few of the royal bloodline. 

Sweden monarch is voted by people through referendum.

Source:Elective monarchy - Wikipedia (Elective monarchy - Wikipedia)

North Korea is calling itself republic democracy(DPRK, Democratic People's Republic of Korea). Kim was elected and election was held where he was voted by the people but the country is no where near democracy. The throne belong to Kim family since independent. From his grandpa to papa to him. There's no doubt it is a Kim dynasty. It is more Communist than any country on earth now.

Whether Singapore is Monarchy or not is not important, more important is the people is having good life. Only wealthy nation wealthy people have freedom of choice. I don't think Singapore has a monarchy. Lee dynasty is just what local folks talks. Even it is a monarchy it is not a problem as long as the country is well managed. 

So it is all labeling. There's no absolute democracy and Communist but surely there's some absolute monarchy country.

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Is Native American's rights equal to Malay special position/privileges?

Native American indeed have some special privileges but not like the one(Affirmative Policy/NEP) in Malaysia. Native American special rights is afforded to them for their tribal survival akin to customarily land afforded to Orang Asli in Malaysia, the purpose is for their survival because unlike us, they don't live in modern economy system thus special rights is given to them to preserve their culture. This is unanimous across the world.

*Malay ≠ Orang Asli (Malaysia’s aborigines)

Native people that live in their primitive culture don't use money and don't really care about the financial system we are having. They grow their own food and build their own shelter like their ancestor did thousands year ago. They are unable to buy land to continue their culture thus land and others resources is afforded to them in order to continue their culture.

Reason? We can not be so sure our way(modern economy) work. Modern life is stressful and cancer is known a modern age illness. Our financial system go up and down and tumbling down kill many people. Although it is still the best we can think of and evolved into, we can't be so sure.

Democratically and in the eyes of humam rights, they should have a fair share of the land and resources since freedom of homestead their way is human right. It is also a cornerstone of democracy to respect freedom of religion& minority's rights. Co-existence is essential, if it is justifiable to designate area for biodiversity protection especially for endanger species, no reason to evict native from their land and deprieve their choice of lifestyle.

They would have to work, do business like anyone else or even trade their music or culture for money when they come into capitalist world.

The NEP in Malaysia is undemocratic, inhumane and outright apartheid. Malay are not living in the jungle, they are living in modern economy where money is use to buy things. Hence, affirmative Policy It is not only a persecution on the non-malay but undermining the Malay by making them a fool for certain individual political gains. It is malicious, selfish and unethical, and this is applicable to politician background from Malay, Chinese, Indian and others races.


Malaysia Orang Asli is always being bullied. Despite the law give them customarily land but they are always being betrayed by government that sold/lease their land without even their acknowledgement. This is how ruthless and barbaric Malaysia government operate.

There's also force conversion in order to access to Orang Asli own rights.

I do hope Malaysia have mature leader that genuine think and act for the people. Not misuse their power to enhance their position for more politics money.

Malay is Muslim and Islam do not have spiritual value. Malay original religion and culture is very spiritual but Islam is just opposite. Islam is a prescriptive religion that ingrained politics and materialism for domination in the ideology, prescribed law to dictate life rigidly whereas spirituality is connection between inner self to God or nature which devoid in Islam country’s Islamism.

The old malay world is spiritual. They believe in spirits, spirit in stone, wood, keris, house and so on. They are animalism and they have shamans (bomoh) that pray for rain and cure illnesses. But the Malay now don't. Malay now is Muslim and bully other races.

Not only malay distorted from their own tradition the government also not allowed them to use malay name that connected to nature.

Extreme Islamism in Malaysia is eroding malay identity while persecute others race akin to robbery. Malay no longer spiritual and no longer depend on natural harvest for subsistence. Malaysia NEP are now preying on non-malay for financial gain that are neither democratic nor can be found in any financial system that works.

*Malay is not the first settler in Malaya. The first people settled in Malaya is Orang Asli (Negritos, Semang, Senoi)that migrates directly from Africa 65,000 year ago. Malay arrived 3,500 year ago.

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Malay Not Malay

 Malaysia citizen is not "Malay" but "Malaysian". Malay is defined as a race who profess in Islam, habitually speak Malay and practising Malay custom. This implied any citizen who fulfill the conditions is eligible to be Malay thus allowed to enjoy the same special privileges of Malay. Malay herein is a race that bestow special position under article 153. Later when Sabah and Sarawak merged with Malaya to form The Federation of Malaysia (Malaysia), Lord Cobbold commission a report and eventually made others indigenous people of Sabah&Sarawak to enjoy the same benefits as Malay special position except for Malay reserve land. 


Non-Malay like Chinese and Indian are the next biggest population minority in Malaysia who are being systematically marginalized especially after May13 massacre where NEP (New Economy Policy) were introduce in 1971 to further exacerbate the matter and reaffirm the apartheid state. 

Question here is what is Malay who left Islam? since they are no longer Malay. 

what are they after convert out of Islam? 

Nonetheless, profess in islam is not the only criteria to be Malay under article 160, as mentioned above. Malay must habitually speak Malay and practising malay custom which I would argue here most people here don't, therefore fail to fully comply with the criteria of being Malay. As a result, they are not entitle to enjoy the special position (NEP) empowered by article 153 of the Constitution because they are not considered as Malay. 

Most Malay nowadays no longer use Malay ethnic name but instead choose to adopt Arabic name and naming structure which is foreign to Malay tradition and custom. For instance, Ibrahim, Ali, Iskandar, and Khatijah. These name are in Arabic language. Is it necessary for Muslim to adopt Arabic name? The answer is no. 

Why people that adopt Arabic name instead of Malay failed to comply with article 160, as Malay?

  1. Arabic exist before Islam. Arab used Arabic name even before Islam exist and they were Christian, Jews and Pagan then. Therefore, Arabic is not exclusive for Islam and Arabic name&naming structure (using patronymic that is foreign to Malay custom). This imply a person who adopt Arabic name not necessarily a Muslim.
  2. Although Islam use Arabic for preaching, passing down by verbal tradition and written the Quran but Islam do not made compulsory for Muslim to adopt Arabic name therefore, adopt Arabic name is not necessary to be a Muslim. In Indonesia, where the world largest population of Muslim is inhabited do not use Arabic name. Some Muslim still use Sanskrit name such as Siva and Vishnu. 
  3. Malay have own tradition and custom for naming. Malay ethnic have own name, such as Suria, Intan, Kiambang, kasturi, Rimau& Tuah. Hang Tuah is a well known Malay warrior in Malaysia. Therefore, purposely not using malay name is rebel and deviat from Malay tradition and custom. 
This also imply malay who don't use Malay name failed to be categotize as Malay by-law (under Constitution) and shall not enjoy the special privileges despite being a Muslim. 

I personally condemn the racist Constitution article 153&160. It is racist to discriminate a race and what more absurd is to use religion, language and custom as key definition of the race that determine their citizen's privileges while openly practising race-based communal policy that apparently impede the nation from progress ahead. Not only this create a second class citizenship (minority that deprieve from equal opportunity) of minority that keep on divide the nation and make true harmony and peace among races impossible but it also lead to nepotism, cronyism and kleptocracy to permeate in every  corner of the public sector as well as force private sector to play along in order to survive in the country. Thus, corruption will never end because the policy and Constitution itself is moulded in such a way to encourage and made corruption indispensable for living. 

I had tried all my best with resources available to me to take advantage of this lacunae to correct the wrong objectively. My objective is clear which is to make all people none Malay (equal). Over in Sabah and Sarawak, there's no such thing as NEP or bumiputera privileges despite they are entitled by law, under the Constitution, because literally all the people in Sabah and Sarawak are indigenous thus no distinction is made. I hope Malaya can resemble the racial harmony of the two Borneo States by remove all people from being Malay race and create a Malaysian race that we are, Malaysian, regardless of ethnicity and background, share the same identity as a nation.