
Tuesday 14 December 2021

Suggest to remove sin tax on non-halal food imports.

Refer to the above, I hope Y.A.B. Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob (Prime Minister of Malaysia )& Y.B. Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar(Law Minister), Dato' Sri Azmin Ali (MITI Minister), Charles Hay MVO (British Embassador) & relevant politician look into the issues and forthwith reinstate what suppose to enshrine in the Constitution, particularly article 8&11 in relation to the unfair import tax on non-halal items. 

Non-halal food import such as, pork, alcohol and shark fin is being unconstitutionally and unfairly taxed which affect the non-muslim citizen of Malaysia. What more insulting is it is labeling as sin tax. Please be informed that the reason to impose tax is to either discourage people from consuming or to protect local industry, which not in this case because the non-halal food (pork, sharkfin and alcohol) is not near to self-sufficiency level. Import is not a threat to local market. Since Muslim is not consuming pork or liquor thus impose exorbitant tax is not discouraging Muslim from consuming it but a punitive action to non-muslim that don't believe in Islam. Obviously, the tax label as "sin tax" is openly suggest it is a form of punishment but problem here is we(non-muslim) don't believe in your Allah, why punish us? 

Isn't it absurd if Muslim would to be punish for consuming beef because cow is Hindus God in Hindus believe? 

Whatever within your religion shall be regulated within your own personal space. Even if Muslim would to break the halal rules, it is not an offence under Malaysia civil law. Syariah law is the only Islamic law enforcing in the federation and it is only limited to family matters, except the state of Kelantan where the state government implement Hudud law, said within the state jurisdiction. 

Malaysia was established as secular country and it was agreed that it shall be innocuous, otherwise Malaysia shall stripe off Islam as official religion, under constitution article 3. It was the British Officer Lord Reid original intention when giving independent to Malaya as a secular country and this is again reiterated by Lord Cobbold during the formation of Malaysia, unless Islam as official religion is innocuous. Article 11 stated clearly that no religious related tax shall impose on people not believe in the religion. Furthermore, article 8 reinforce the principle of religious freedom when come to business and trade. Therefore, impose sin tax is unconstitutional. Government shall be responsible for continue such breach as it is jeopardizing the social harmony and being unfair to non-muslim economically. To add salt to the wound, government has not come to the cognizant that Affirmative Action (NEP) is violating article 8 and since Constitution is the highest law of the land, its law shall prevail against all odds that contradict to it. Tax collected, including the sin tax, is consolidated as federal fund before distribute according to budget. Since the inception of NEP in1971, such consolidation fund is distributed to favor Malay race that defined as those who profess in Islam disregard phenotypes (under article 160). 

Please be informed that Malaysia is a formation as a result of MA63( Malaysia Agreement 1963), an agreement signed between Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore and British. Although I do not know whether this federation is still call Malaysia after Singapore exited but it is stated clearly that any amendment to the agreement, whether written or not, need all parties enter into the agreement to renegotiate and convent before execution which did not happen. As civilize nation we should follow law and if amendment to law is necessary then shall follow due process and forthwith adhere to the latest update accordingly. Sin tax is only one of the many breaches committed by the federal government for decades, which is a shame because it seems like we are illiterate or that the education quality of Malaysia leaders in executive and legislative is dubious. 

Should you need Royalty (Raja-Raja Melayu) assistance to influence public while mending the issues, please kindly do so, although I believe your good self is capable to do so. However, hundreds of millions ringgit is paid annually as emolument to the Royalties for the duty which religious affair is part of it thus it is not beyond their scope if would to seek advise from them for moral support (publicity). The matter is the responsibility of executive.  
Therefore, I would like to suggest to remove sin tax in order to protect what enshrine in the Constitution. 

Best regards, 

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