
Wednesday 13 October 2021

Malaysia violation of constitution article 8 and 152 for more than 4 decades.

Refer to , I oppose 30% bumiputra allocation for ECRL project. Under Article 8 everyone shall be treated equally, if bumiputra (Malaya's Malay+ indigenous in Sabah&Sarawak) is given special privileges then it is not equal and not democratic anymore because democracy is predicated by equal opportunity for all, such allocation rendered non-bumi citizenship inferior thus effectively creating second class citizenship. It also implicate loss of economy opportunity and erosion of transparency in public administration. 

I suggest tendering process must be open, based on merit (financial capability and technical know-how), without discrimination based on race and religion. This is to ensure cost-effectiveness& safety of ECRL project.

If MCA wanted to stay relevant then please obtain federal government's approval for UEC. Under Article 152, we no longer need to consider Malay language as Malaysia official language because Government rejected UEC thus breach article 152 (a). I urge the MCA President to stand for Chinese community to get government approval on UEC. Government can not continue act against Constitution otherwise the government may subject to prosecution for violation of Constitution. It is wrong to have a race based party and it is even more wrong if this race based party is not protecting the race it claimed to. If you can't do it, others will. 


Lord Aloysius Tay K.G.

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