
Wednesday 3 February 2021

Malay Not Malay

 Malaysia citizen is not "Malay" but "Malaysian". Malay is defined as a race who profess in Islam, habitually speak Malay and practising Malay custom. This implied any citizen who fulfill the conditions is eligible to be Malay thus allowed to enjoy the same special privileges of Malay. Malay herein is a race that bestow special position under article 153. Later when Sabah and Sarawak merged with Malaya to form The Federation of Malaysia (Malaysia), Lord Cobbold commission a report and eventually made others indigenous people of Sabah&Sarawak to enjoy the same benefits as Malay special position except for Malay reserve land. 


Non-Malay like Chinese and Indian are the next biggest population minority in Malaysia who are being systematically marginalized especially after May13 massacre where NEP (New Economy Policy) were introduce in 1971 to further exacerbate the matter and reaffirm the apartheid state. 

Question here is what is Malay who left Islam? since they are no longer Malay. 

what are they after convert out of Islam? 

Nonetheless, profess in islam is not the only criteria to be Malay under article 160, as mentioned above. Malay must habitually speak Malay and practising malay custom which I would argue here most people here don't, therefore fail to fully comply with the criteria of being Malay. As a result, they are not entitle to enjoy the special position (NEP) empowered by article 153 of the Constitution because they are not considered as Malay. 

Most Malay nowadays no longer use Malay ethnic name but instead choose to adopt Arabic name and naming structure which is foreign to Malay tradition and custom. For instance, Ibrahim, Ali, Iskandar, and Khatijah. These name are in Arabic language. Is it necessary for Muslim to adopt Arabic name? The answer is no. 

Why people that adopt Arabic name instead of Malay failed to comply with article 160, as Malay?

  1. Arabic exist before Islam. Arab used Arabic name even before Islam exist and they were Christian, Jews and Pagan then. Therefore, Arabic is not exclusive for Islam and Arabic name&naming structure (using patronymic that is foreign to Malay custom). This imply a person who adopt Arabic name not necessarily a Muslim.
  2. Although Islam use Arabic for preaching, passing down by verbal tradition and written the Quran but Islam do not made compulsory for Muslim to adopt Arabic name therefore, adopt Arabic name is not necessary to be a Muslim. In Indonesia, where the world largest population of Muslim is inhabited do not use Arabic name. Some Muslim still use Sanskrit name such as Siva and Vishnu. 
  3. Malay have own tradition and custom for naming. Malay ethnic have own name, such as Suria, Intan, Kiambang, kasturi, Rimau& Tuah. Hang Tuah is a well known Malay warrior in Malaysia. Therefore, purposely not using malay name is rebel and deviat from Malay tradition and custom. 
This also imply malay who don't use Malay name failed to be categotize as Malay by-law (under Constitution) and shall not enjoy the special privileges despite being a Muslim. 

I personally condemn the racist Constitution article 153&160. It is racist to discriminate a race and what more absurd is to use religion, language and custom as key definition of the race that determine their citizen's privileges while openly practising race-based communal policy that apparently impede the nation from progress ahead. Not only this create a second class citizenship (minority that deprieve from equal opportunity) of minority that keep on divide the nation and make true harmony and peace among races impossible but it also lead to nepotism, cronyism and kleptocracy to permeate in every  corner of the public sector as well as force private sector to play along in order to survive in the country. Thus, corruption will never end because the policy and Constitution itself is moulded in such a way to encourage and made corruption indispensable for living. 

I had tried all my best with resources available to me to take advantage of this lacunae to correct the wrong objectively. My objective is clear which is to make all people none Malay (equal). Over in Sabah and Sarawak, there's no such thing as NEP or bumiputera privileges despite they are entitled by law, under the Constitution, because literally all the people in Sabah and Sarawak are indigenous thus no distinction is made. I hope Malaya can resemble the racial harmony of the two Borneo States by remove all people from being Malay race and create a Malaysian race that we are, Malaysian, regardless of ethnicity and background, share the same identity as a nation. 

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