
Wednesday 17 February 2021

Is Native American's rights equal to Malay special position/privileges?

Native American indeed have some special privileges but not like the one(Affirmative Policy/NEP) in Malaysia. Native American special rights is afforded to them for their tribal survival akin to customarily land afforded to Orang Asli in Malaysia, the purpose is for their survival because unlike us, they don't live in modern economy system thus special rights is given to them to preserve their culture. This is unanimous across the world.

*Malay ≠ Orang Asli (Malaysia’s aborigines)

Native people that live in their primitive culture don't use money and don't really care about the financial system we are having. They grow their own food and build their own shelter like their ancestor did thousands year ago. They are unable to buy land to continue their culture thus land and others resources is afforded to them in order to continue their culture.

Reason? We can not be so sure our way(modern economy) work. Modern life is stressful and cancer is known a modern age illness. Our financial system go up and down and tumbling down kill many people. Although it is still the best we can think of and evolved into, we can't be so sure.

Democratically and in the eyes of humam rights, they should have a fair share of the land and resources since freedom of homestead their way is human right. It is also a cornerstone of democracy to respect freedom of religion& minority's rights. Co-existence is essential, if it is justifiable to designate area for biodiversity protection especially for endanger species, no reason to evict native from their land and deprieve their choice of lifestyle.

They would have to work, do business like anyone else or even trade their music or culture for money when they come into capitalist world.

The NEP in Malaysia is undemocratic, inhumane and outright apartheid. Malay are not living in the jungle, they are living in modern economy where money is use to buy things. Hence, affirmative Policy It is not only a persecution on the non-malay but undermining the Malay by making them a fool for certain individual political gains. It is malicious, selfish and unethical, and this is applicable to politician background from Malay, Chinese, Indian and others races.


Malaysia Orang Asli is always being bullied. Despite the law give them customarily land but they are always being betrayed by government that sold/lease their land without even their acknowledgement. This is how ruthless and barbaric Malaysia government operate.

There's also force conversion in order to access to Orang Asli own rights.

I do hope Malaysia have mature leader that genuine think and act for the people. Not misuse their power to enhance their position for more politics money.

Malay is Muslim and Islam do not have spiritual value. Malay original religion and culture is very spiritual but Islam is just opposite. Islam is a prescriptive religion that ingrained politics and materialism for domination in the ideology, prescribed law to dictate life rigidly whereas spirituality is connection between inner self to God or nature which devoid in Islam country’s Islamism.

The old malay world is spiritual. They believe in spirits, spirit in stone, wood, keris, house and so on. They are animalism and they have shamans (bomoh) that pray for rain and cure illnesses. But the Malay now don't. Malay now is Muslim and bully other races.

Not only malay distorted from their own tradition the government also not allowed them to use malay name that connected to nature.

Extreme Islamism in Malaysia is eroding malay identity while persecute others race akin to robbery. Malay no longer spiritual and no longer depend on natural harvest for subsistence. Malaysia NEP are now preying on non-malay for financial gain that are neither democratic nor can be found in any financial system that works.

*Malay is not the first settler in Malaya. The first people settled in Malaya is Orang Asli (Negritos, Semang, Senoi)that migrates directly from Africa 65,000 year ago. Malay arrived 3,500 year ago.

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