
Wednesday 3 February 2021

Will Sabah invite foreign power to colonize Sabah?

 I do not think Sabah would invite British to colonize it again since it had gained self-government status even before federated into Malaysia. Sabah is capable of self-governing and it may join Sarawak as a twin pack if they decided to secede from Malaysia. Unless, it is being invaded and colonize again and then I believe Sabah will be more wiling to accept British than Malaya to rule over their resources.

British present in South East China Sea will make China nervous since Sabah have territory issues with China 9 dash nine territory claim. The overlapping territory may be small compare to China with the rest of ASEAN country but if it is overlapping with British then tension in the region will be heightened multiple fold and British will need to have good reason to colonize Sabah while not spoil its imaging in protecting the sovereign against China.

I do not think British would like to colonize Sabah and Sabah will not like to be colonize again by anyone. It either remain in Malaysia or independent as sovereign by itself or plus Sarawak.

The Constitution British& Malaya established has been amended more than 600 times and problem is what need to be ratified according to MA63 thereafter the merger with Sabah (North Borneo), Sarawak and Singapore didn't fully materialise, even after more than half a century formation of the country!

Even those ratified into the Constitution is not adhere to. I don't think those yet to ratify will attract any attention of the federal government. Whether ratify or not, Malaysia should never ignore MA63 because without which Malaysia can not exist.

The race in this regard have to separate bumiputera into two different group, the Sabah&Sarawak indigenous and Malaya Malay. Bumiputera was something coined out to disguise Islamization, not a word in the Constitution. Malaya Malay are defines as those who profess in Islam, habitually speak Malay and oberseve Malay custom. Whereas indigenous from the two Borneo states are by phenotype(birth right) that do not need to observe culture practices to be one. Interestingly, Malay also found to be one of the indigenous of Sarawak which means Malay from Sarawak might not need to profess in Islam.

While both indigenous of Borneo states and Malaya Malay are all included in the newly coined term “bumiputera” but most of the people near 100% in Sabah and Sarawak are indigenous and they don't practice the NEP 6% discount for housing things thus NEP literally meaningless in the Borneo states. Unless they migrate to Malaya then their bumiputera status is useful. However, when they migrate to Malaya, the repercussions is not only a population shift but also a shift of land ownership where their previously owned land is sold to suit their economy life in Malaya. The lack of business opportunity and career advancement as a result of federal government unwilling to develop Sabah Sarawak in Borneo is forcing them to emigration.

Sabah and Sarawak population is inherently low. The MyKad project played by Mahathir is displacing local population percentage in Sabah with Muslim from Philippines and Indonesia. I'm not sure this is how Mahathir intend to islamize Sabah in order to gain control but people there is not only suffer from lack of economy development as a result of unfair budget from the federal but also impacted by the immigrations of poor third world population that erode the job market and economy there.

58 years already, what contains in MA63 is not adhere to. The most obvious is offshore territory that suppose to belong to state administration is being looted and manipulated under Continental Shelf Act 66 that were amended in 1969 during the proclamation of emergency. Petronas as a government owned private entity under federal government control is siphoning the wealth from Sabah and Sarawak to Federal Government. Giving back only 2%. By right it is another way round where federal government may receive up to 10% of the wealth derived from oil control by state. The 10% wealth allow to be given to federal might be for sovereign protection under federal, education system and infrastructure building such as telecommunication, broadband, electricity, clean water supply, highway and so on which federal government neglecting the two states yet still taking all their oil wealth.

While Sarawak established Petros to take over the role of Petronas from Sarawak territory in 2018, it is still a huge gap from what have to be restore since the illegal licensing for extraction by the federal government, if the state decided to bring it to court and won.

Sabah is still in limbo. Datuk Jeffrey Kitingan is the only MP fighting however federal government has been given a Federal Minister position to him purportly to brought him over to silence him to reclaim and restore Sabah wealth.

Malaysia has been operating unconstitutionally. Politician are not above Constitution even if they may have some leeway on law. Acting unlawfully, undemocratically, unlawfully is considered subverting the country and eroding the sovereignty.

There's lot of dirty politics tricks. They are extremely cunning(smart on the wrong way). They should use their brain for real economy development regardless of race, fair&honest socioeconomy development and most importantly their do job ethically (not abuse power for money and plot cronyism at international scale). From state government such as Taib Mahmud to Federal Mahathir, Malaysia have it all….

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