
Wednesday 3 February 2021

What do 'bin' and 'binti' means in Malay name?

There's no 'bin' and 'binti' or 'ibn' &'ibnat' in Malay names. They are not Malay per se.

Malay in Malaysia have lost their identity despite great effort asking people to follow Malay custom and language but themselves are distorting from it.

Bin& binti have a very sexy origin from Arab. It is a nasab (نسب) or patronymic rather than family name to distinguish their father. It was a side effects of their fond for orgy party. Back in those days Arabs breed like rabbits. An Arab women can be sex with multiple men and men of course enjoy sex with more than one women thus in order not to confuse and avoid inbreeding they adopt patronymic in their naming structure.

Not only the use of patronymic is from Arab origin but the name itself is Arabs, not Malay original language.

Bin and Ibn means ‘son of'. For example Ali bin Abu means Ali son of Abu.

Binti, Bte, Ibnat means ‘daughter of’. Example; Siti Binti Khatijah means Siti daughter of Khatijah.

Using patronymic is good for the Malay because they unable to control their lust. This is exabeted by Islam rules to hide female body parts that might make the Muslim society more tempting to use violence for domination or fulfill their lust, thus rape. Kelantan and Trengganu having the highest population of Malay Muslim is also the states having the highest traffic in pornography. . Whereas Ipoh and Georgetown having the most Chinese& Indian (non-muslim) population is having the least pornography traffic.

Of course, Patronymic not only used by the Arab, Greek also use them and purpose is the same. To identify father. Arab is also one of Semitics language family along with Hebrew, Aramaic, Akkadian..Etc . that's why they are not so different with name in Christian bibble. e.g. Ibrahim=Abraham, Islandar= Alexander, Yusof=Joseph, Daoud=David, Mariam= Marry. Christian however adopt surname or family name which I think more secure in terms of avoiding inbreeding because inbreeding still happen using patronymics on third generation or between cousin but family name ensure the entire family will not marry each other. This also assure natural selection do its work and better gene for next generation and human survival.

Malay ethnic name are such as Kiambang, Intan, Tuah. Perhaps the only malay still recognize by Malay is Hang Tuah.

The Malay are gradually becoming Arabs, from their name to attire. All for the sake of their frenetic to appear more superficially holy (suci). Some even started to wear turbans! I'm not sure when the Malay shift to ride camel.

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