
Saturday 30 January 2021

Is proselytizing allowed in Malaysia?

Freedom of religion is not entirely free. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew fought hard to have equality and being force to made Singapore independent ensued. Malaysia is primitive. While Singapore might not have full democracy but Malaysia is having basic human right crisis since independent. already more than 60 years!

  1. Only Muslim can proselytizing non-muslim to convert them to Muslim but not otherwise is no freedom of religion. I don't mind Muslim to their proselytizing but shall not reframe others to do the same for all.
  2. Born Muslim are not allow to convert out of Islam legally except for Negeri Sembilan otherwise will face heavy legal hurdle that is expensive, this is depriving freedom of religion and freedom of religion belief is definitely not free since only the rich can afford the legal battle.
  3. Those married with Muslim are force to convert to Muslim although they can convert out of Islam after divorce or her husband die.
  4. Those Muslim that convert out of islam will face consequences such as imprisonment, monetary fine, and forfeiture of their special position under Constitution article 153.
  5. Being non-muslim is not without cost. Because non-muslim have to pay a lot of things extra, literally everything from education, business, property ownership to loan. Thus, choosing own religion is not free despite non-muslim pay more tax by percentage of population.
  6. Despite Malay generally do not fulfill all criteria of following Malay custom and language, their name are Arabs not Malay, is prima facie of none fulfilling all criteria to be Malay thus they shall not enjoy the special position under article 153 but everyone is oblivion about it. Malay that not using malay name is enjoying the special position illegally.


To discriminate one citizen over another just because of their religion is racist, if religion is to included in definition of race. Constitution article 160.

Source:Article 160 of the Constitution of Malaysia - Wikipedia

It is absurd to dictate& marginalizing citizen by language they speak, culture& religion. A civilize society that understand democracy and human rights would not have Article 160&153 exist. They are racist, absurd, and outright infringing human rights.

The Monarch who suppose to govern the article 153 have no power over the implementation which is an insult to the monarch because it is as if the government is misusing the monarch for their political mileage. The King don't recruit public officer, he appoint main officer based on election and Prime Minister advise.

What Malaysia practising is wrong:

* Wrong for it is racist and depriving basic human right as per article 2&18 of United Nation Universal Human Right Declaration .

* Religion and public administration shall be separate, this is synonymous across the world whether free country like US or communist like China and North Korea. Religion shall be self-govern, free from interference& pressure from government.

* Wrong because Malay Malaysian themselves not fully fulfill the criteria of habitually speaking Malay and follow Malay custom yet claim the special position.

* It is wrong to force people to convert to Islam. Malaysia government has been using several tactics to entice orang asli (indigenous people) to convert to Islam. need to follow United Nation Human Right Declaration article 2&18 to stay relevant.

Source:Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Malaysia shall not using public money derive from taxpayers(non-muslim money inside) to aggressively spread Islam.

Source: (

Source:Malaysia to deport Christian Finns for proselytizing | DW | 27.11.2018

Source: At-Tawba 29 - Wikipedia

The persecution (apartheid) having in Malaysia is coincide with Quran 9:29 where May13 massacre by Muslim to non-muslim is a sign of fighting and domination. No prosecution on the transgressor is confirmation the crime done without consequences. NEP is the Jizy prescript by the Quran where non-muslim force to pay otherwise will face violence and death. There's no prosecution despite killing is a crime by law say a lot about Malaysia Islam jihadism is extreme. This is exacerbated by the involvement of government that initiate the violence and cover up each other. Law is compromised!

Justice is blighted.

source:Religious Freedom In Malaysia Under Microscope

why funding Halal? Halal certification are paid. JAKIM have revenue from certification and should use the profit to do marketing and operation, not taking public money to fund the scheme that is plaguing with corruption. Furthermore, halal do not benefit non-muslim so why misuse taxpayers money?

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