
Tuesday 3 August 2021

Suggestion to Malaysia Health Ministry to have external test for practicing doctor.

 Pertaining to the recent "Hartal Contract Doctor" protest, I would like to suggest health ministry to engage external party to come out with test method applicable to all doctor and specialist of various field and manage such test to ensure credibility of the certified doctor on top of their medical practising record. 

The drastic growth rate of doctor numbers in the country, about 45.4% from year 2015 to 2019, with relatively constant population growth rate cap around 33.4million as of 2021 is reason why doctor is oversupplying and the situation will only become worst if the trend persist. 

Malaysia doctor per population is more than what WHO recommend which is 1: 454 against WHO 1:500, meaning 1 doctor in Malaysia attend to only 454 population. With more than seventy one thousands doctor fighting to grab a job, it is no wonder why doctor in Malaysia is flooding the job market. Basic economy supply and demand rules dictate the production price (doctor remuneration) and this is true in this case except that the credibility of doctor produced in Malaysia is questionable since there are rumors reported that local public university is giving leeway for Malay ethnic to pass examination and graduated without true technical skills and thus ethics is practising this life concerning profession. 

Notwithstanding that the contract doctors are hired on ad-hoc basis to cater for combating COVID but their job opportunity and job security will be at risk thereafter. It is neither sensible for government to absorb them as permanent staff as they might cause severe redundancy in public health sector entailing unnecessary financial burden to the country. 

Therefore, it is only fair to assess all medical staff including pharmacist and nurses regardless of their ethnicity and whether the graduated from local public university or not. The test is to ensure doctor employed is truly qualify (by merit) and genuinely serve their purpose. 

This test shall be formulated by external party and regulated impartially. This is to ensure no bribery and manipulation of test result like what happen in SPM whereby it is reported that Rm500 is all one need to change their SPM result from the education ministry. Health ministry should have the authority to audit the test methods and management but shall not directly manage or have any influence throughout the test. This is to ensure credibility of the test. 

I believe if the test is set on par with international standard and free from corruption then doctor pass with merit will stabilize the job market itself henceforth enable government to compensate doctor fairly. Those who fail may re-sit or convert to nurse or pharmacist. 

I would also like to suggest public hospital to be upgraded so that it has wider range of services charging different rate in order to make more economy sense while provide affordability to public. This is because public hospital equipped with latest technology and equipment and may charge a better rate if upgrade the facility to cater for upper class market. 

Alternatively Malaysia may consider signing treaty with others country to allow Malaysia doctor practise medicine in others country in order to reduce competition and oversupply scene. 

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