
Sunday 11 April 2021

Suggestion to liberate nurses uniform(Email to Singapore Law Minister, Mr. Shammugan)

In respond to the newspaper 'Today' published on 23rd March 2021, on the matter, nurses likely to be allowed to wear tudung.<>

I do not know tudung is ban for nurse but I would like to suggest government to give free options for nurses to either wear nurse traditional head cap/scrub cap (resembling tudung) or nothing, this will:

1. respond to the sensitivity of 14.7% Muslim population.
2. Not compromise nurse profession image. 
3. Not neglect others religious group. In compliances to Singapore Constitution article 12(2). 

Head cap is traditionally wore by nurse around the world therefore it will neither look like special privileges to the Muslim nor compromise the secularity of Singapore. Nurse hard cap is evolved from what wore by the deaconesses and fit perfectly into the description by the Islam scriptures, i.e. Quran. 

Nonetheless, Islam do not mandate wearing Tudung. Quran chapter 24 verse 31, require Muslim female to cover up their private parts which I do not think they grow on their head. If hair would consider an element of beauty(Islam prohibit women show their beauty to outsider) then traditional nurse head cap is suffice for the matter. The veracity of Quran chapter 33 verse 59 demand wearing jilbab for Muslim female is to distinguish free women from slave girls(non-muslim is consider slave in Islam) and prostitute. Slavery is against constitution article 10 and prostitutes is only found in certain legalized area in Geylang. Thus, nurses in hospital is understood not prostitute and not slave girls. Moreover, constitution and civil law prevail against any religion's law that contradict to them. Everyone is equal before the law and law shall be made equal for all. Quran 33:59 is maliciously inferring Muslim superior than others. Singapore shall not made ruling in favor of it, whether as direct compliance to the Islam law or indirectly for the same effect. 

How strictly Muslim adhere to their religion shall be open to each individual. It various from individual and such adherence shall not cause any disturbance to others. Everyone who been to Dubai desert safari entertain by belly dance.

it is Arabs culture and they are all Muslim but never anyone have problem with it so why not cover up head for nurses become a problem?

Freedom of religion believe is guaranteed under the constitution but in no circumstances anyone is allowed to break law for practicing the religion he believe in, whether the crime is associated with the religion's doctrine or not. Islam teaching is base on Quran and Hadith, therein contain more than hundreds of verses that literally contradict to Singapore law, from slavery, rape, paedophile, war crime, looting, immorality (e.g. Mohammed gave his slave girl drank his urine), polygamy, child marriage, manslaughter and the list go on. You may find the related Quran & Hadith verses in the link below You may verify with translated version of Quran& Hadith in english. I do not know how the society fare with Muslim instilled with so many violence, immoral act and ideology that incite hostility against non-muslim. There's no lack of real life example. Look across the causeway. 

It would be treacherous to the secularity of Singapore if leeway is given to a particular religion but not others. If special concession is given to Muslim then other religion group such as Sikhism may demand their 5ks, Kesh (uncut hair), Kangha (a wooden comb), Kara (a iron bracelet), Kachera (cotton underpants) and Kirpan (an iron dagger), to be allowed during their work. Likewise, the Jews male nurse would ask to keep their sideburn.  

Democratic government usually do not interfere with professional uniform especially medicine professional that may be in the private sector. Head cover might carry risk of harmful bacteria growth. It is best for them to self-regulated. Politician shall be tactful not to trigger unnecessary upheaval at the same time not compromise law and principle of equality. 

I'm looking forward good news from you and hope the matter resolve amicably. This email is solely my personal opinions, my regret if any part herein cause any inconvenience. 

Thank you. 

Tay Kian Guan

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