When come to law enforcer, the first come to our mind is police. But what does it relate to Sustainable Development? As per United Nation's SDG (Sustainable Development Goals 17), Goal 5 (Gender Equality) and the sixteenth(Peace and Justice) is most relevant in this context. How close Gender Equality with law enforcement varies depending on the country culture perception and law and regulation. Since police is also part of the culture pool thus it is inevitable for police to act out of their culture belief in dealing with gender equality issues.
Law enforcer not exclusively confine to police although large part of it entrusted with them. The scope and extend of law enforcer largely depend on which type of law they are entrusted with, e.g. Anti-corruption Officer, Military, Marines Police, Immigration Custom Officer, Building Authority Officer, Local City and Town Council, and the list go on, but generally, police present and involvement law enforcement from small to big crime is inevitable.
In this context, we focus on police as law enforcement. Why? Since my parents is so into making me a police which directly against my will. I'm not sure whether because they work as police undercover or what because normally parents would rather encourage their child to be high public official, very stable job security and huge potential for side income (corruption- depending on which country). Whatever, it may be, I do not have a slight of intention to view police force any inferior than any other career, it is more of a preference and willingness of individual for the risk level which I definitely have no affection of.
Examples of Police responsibilities
-Respond immediately to citizen calls for assistance and to alarms triggered at homes and businesses
-Maintain a presence in the community that helps to deter crime and provide support to citizens
-Help to secure crime scenes and ensure that evidence is not removed or tampered with
-Act as a police presence at public events and provide security for municipal gatherings
-Identify potential criminal activity or other hazardous situations and take the proper actions to protect citizens and property
Examples of Police skills
-Associate Degree in Criminal Justice or associated field
-Basic Law Enforcement Training Course completion certificate required from sanctioned training facility
-Must have no criminal convictions
-Able to pass a physical test, a written test and a background check
-Valid driver’s license with clean driving record
My ambition is more of a leader, a boss, a businessperson and a good father. The type of business I'm into other than my core competency, building construction, is farming. So let's make farming as an analogy for of a society. The owner being the King, wife the Queen(may have concubine/s who knows!) and a bunch of children added as helping hand. Bigger farm have workers, those old fashion one got slaves. but what not to be miss in every farm is farm dogs. There are the essential for every farm, entrusted with duty from guarding the perimeter, protect livestock from potential predator, as well as herding farm animals as dictated by owner. While some fortunate one end up in the owner's family petting hand, to protect psychological comfort (companionship).
Again, don't misjudge me using police as dog in my analogy as anything negative. I personally find the two fit well into the context as super loyal, efficient and somewhat intelligent in their field. Dog is akin to police. They are essential but not the purpose of farm to exist. They are not profitable, often found to be listed in the "liability" column of the accounting though they actually help in generate profit (asset). Farm is also a profit driven enterprise, aim to make money or barter trade for profitable gains. So, the main focus of farm is the product, the livestock; chicken, duck, pig, cattle, cow, sheep and goat. farm's products are equivalent to people in the society, country or region. Some only produce a single product (homogeneity society like Japan) other have a mixture of multiple types (multiculture Singapore& Malaysia). This also resemble the social hierarchy and the types of police to suit them just like how different breeds of dog is more suitable for the type of farm function. for example, in order for a multicultural country need equal equity of race to be in each sector of the industry(including police force) to have a harmonious society. Singapore is such a country achieve balance equity and thus thriving without worry much of racial problem.
Farm dog breeds for protection
1. Anatolian Shepherd
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The one at the back of pony. |
2. Dalmatian
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The one that seat on the ground. |
3. Great Pyrenees
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Yup!it's a dog |
4. Komondor
5. Marremma Sheepdog
6. Bernese Mountain Dog
Farm dog breeds for herding
7. Australian Cattle Dog
8. Pembroke Welsh Corgi
9. Border Collie
10. Old English Sheepdog
11. Scotch Collie
12. Vallhund
Farm dog breeds for varmint catching
13. Rat Terrier
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The one on the right(smaller one) not the big one on the left(that is bull). |
14. Jack Russel Terrier
15. Miniature Pinscher
16. Fox Terrier
Best-All-Round farm dog breeds
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The black one on the right hand side |
17. German Shepherd
18. Catahoula Leopard Dog
19. Belgian Malinois
20. Rottweiler
King= Farm owner, Queen= Owner's wife, Prince& Princess= Children, Minister and public servant= Workers, Police= farm dog, Civilian= livestock (tax payers).
Despite not profitable, farm dog cost time and money in maintenance; feeds, glooming, vet and training. Unlike robot, how dog behave is entirely depend on their genetic make-ups and environment influence(financial condition, mixture of friends, family background) . If slightly not careful they might went missing to breed with the bitches nearby. Although most inherited with loyal traits but some follow their wild instinct and went nuts! likewise, police demand resources from the country; salary, uniform, medical cost and training. halfway down the road, some unable to resist the temptation to fall into the ever sinking quagmire of gray area! An area in between white and black. Black in this context naturally means people that makes black market exist and persist; gangster, illegal brothel, drugs pusher, money laundry, loan shark and whatever syndicate from beggar groups and human trafficking both partly(organ) and in one piece. Nothing uncommon about it. In fact, it has become known facts for certain country that their police is as good as criminals. Perhaps the wrong breed of dog!
A farm with many dogs will also have problem such as dog's conspiracy, they cover up each other. Every dog owner know if you only have one dog, it will loyal to none other than you but if you have more dogs, your dog loyalty will be divided, partly devoted to you and partly to others dog. Police is no different. They tend to cover up for their own despite it is obvious deviation from law or what ordered by the ruler. Commoner is always the one suffer the effects.
Maybe that's why more and more farmer choosing automation farming/robotics coupled with satellite technology to manage their farm. The same apply to police force where police to civilian ration drop sharply with the increasing technology take over. Maybe this is also why farm dog should be well feed otherwise they may prey on farm chicken for food. Singapore Minister are paid S$150,000 per month and police officer receive among the best offer in the world, to keep them well fed and happy.
Happy wife, happy life. Same goes to happy employee, happy employer. Let's not point all blame on the police for the high crime rate. No farm would blame the dog for not profitable because everyone know there are myriad of factors contribute to a successful business as well as downfall.
Just like farming, the main business is the chicken, ducks, cow and sheep. The farmer need to make sure his livestock got good feeds, suitable condition (temperature, humidity, wind speed), shelter, activities, vet and protection, because after all it is the product that is going for sale, not the dog(except for dog farm). A 100g Japanese Wahyu beef cost around $120, Kobe beef is triple of that $380/100g (and you can't get it anywhere, the whole USA only got 7 restaurant selling the authentic Kobe beef steak) yet a normal grass-feed beef only cost around $15-30/100g. The different is not the dog that they are using to herd the bull but the effort invested; feeds, the treatment (massage and bla bla bla treatment I heard better than my life), and generation of carefully breeding selection. It takes the farmer a lots of effort to product such quality beef for the market. likewise, a robust and civilize society is not build by their police alone but the collective efforts of all, including the people themselves.
Notice I mentioned "generation of carefully breeding selection". Wahyu and Kobe bull don't exist overnight, they are careful selection from the best to breed and for generations to create the type of beef texture market sought after. I'm not trying to be racist here but a country can not let influx of illegal immigrant to infiltrate especially those unproductive. Most are poor, uneducated, give no shit for law, worst! some carried with them diseases. That's why now every food handler(chef, cook, and those come in contact with food in the food industry) in Malaysia need to have Typhoid injection, not because of the local but because foreigner that carry such diseases already taken large percentage of the manpower.
Everyone has a role to play in ensuring the success of the farm but a successful farm will see the farmer working on the field most of the time. every success story come with many tears and sweat, only the farmer know best. Especially in the beginning, from building the chicken coops, pig pen and rabbit hustle to thorough research and years of apprenticeship(hardship), learning everything from scratch and resolve every problem that come his way. Not that he can not depend on his employee but as highest decision maker and person responsible, it is him that will truly care for his own business, just like his employee give priority to their own family (only work to take back salary for family). What different between employee and farm dog is employee have his greater commitment toward his own family whereas the farm dog is part of farmer family or possession.
That's why police is unlike other government servant. Although they all come with rank and salary but police and army is means to die for the country, when necessary, just like how a dog would to sacrifice its life for his owner. Old farmer would encounter incident where their farm dog sacrifice itself in the fight with wolf, fox, snake or larger predator while protecting it's master (farmer) or master's livestock (chicken, cow, sheep or duck). Victory against smaller predator/pest like rat, possum, racoon, monkey or small snake will be rewarded with better food and have its rank upgraded.
Dog is not the only option, for chicken farm rooster is adopted to defend the hen. Not only rooster can mate and produce more chicken but rooster also a fighter, even to larger predator like eagles, owl, falcon and small snake. It is interesting to note that rooster that contribute more got into higher pecking order, a priority for food. Hens or smaller rooster will give way to higher pecking order rooster. This is very similar to police force where they are very rank-crazy. Perhaps that is what they say being 'cocky'. They do the salute things (Malay call tapet). Whereas, I'm not into such things. I treat everyone same, no such hierachical things.
Rooster flesh is not as tender and they don't lay eggs thus normally don't contribute to the profit directly but contribute for not losing the profit. victory against pest and predator is in a way safeguard the farmer profit except talking about breeding. well, don't expect dog to breed with chicken unless you are into Egyptian god things.
You won't see farmer's employee die for them. it just won't happen. If not careful, your employee may even take you products for their own and sell it for profit. Farming is not a fancy job and not a popular among the youth. Same for civil servant. They are not paid as good as their peers working in big corporate or running a business (remember civil servant is human too and have the potential to be farmer themselves) hence the imbalance feeling kick in, called 'jealousy'. it depend on individual self-control. those unable to withstand the temptation will go for the easy way (shortcut) but not always the right cut, sometimes they cut themselves!.
Not saying all employee is bad. in fact most farmer treat their employee like family and same in return. A wise farmer would not only make his worker happy but train them to be efficient. A happy worker will make sure the farm dog works and high yielding production. Workers form part of the important component in making a farm success. They need to be love and nurture to be productive. of course, it is not all about money. old workers and their family is often treated as part of the farmer family. Especially for Chinese, we called 老臣子(Experienced warrior) because they fought for the country and literally form part of the ruling class.
I'm in the mid thirty, having some working experience although never in public sector but see enough workers loosing their integrity and some their virginity in Geylang. Predominantly Indian workers just arrived Singapore and desperate to release. But it is in Malaysia that I see public servant fall into the trap of chasing fame and materials by illegal means. How could a farm be profitable if workers is stealing from within? Chicken will not grow fat if feeds is half stolen and sold to black market (steal people's money), cheat by brought in lower grade chicken (allow illegal immigrant to infiltrate the social fabric) and cheat the maintenance cost result unsuitable condition for egg production (cut project margin for own gains). How to expect the chicken farm to be productive and profitable? Malaysia for instance got tainted by unproductive illegal immigrants and whatever budget allocated has been stolen half-way or completely before it even materialize.
Commoner are like the chicken in the farm. Depending on what type of farm; caged chicken, cage-free, free range, organic fed and wild chicken. Literally, the value of the products is very much correlated with how the chicken is raised. The eggs production of free range may not be as high as caged chicken but the quality is better thus higher value and prices. However, there is no silver bullet for every situation. It may be space constraint or present of vicious predator that force the farmer to protect the chicken by cage. likewise, a country political system differ from one another, and so their citizen behaviour, it mould their lifestyle and perception of life. A communist country seldom see their people defy the leader except for those trying to save cost in commit suicide. A free country let their citizen have freedom to express themselves and let their creativity flow, how a democratic country would look like. Respective each other privacy and human right. Of course, just like many eggs labelled as free-range but actually nothing so different with caged chicken, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE‘S REPUBLIC OF KOREA (North Korea) for example.
Tax payer is one way country generate revenue. I wouldn't say the ruler take people for a ride unless it refer to those corrupted country. Tax paid is for nation building because at individual level people won't fork out money to build road and power station or do crazy things like defense the border so collectively the tax people paid is used to do all that. Government as steward of the country is entrusted with responsibility to protect the interest of people. Government that squeeze eggs of out chicken too much will get nothing more than shit. A wise farmer know how much eggs his chicken can produce, to produce more, more things should be done, for example, add oyster shells, yogurt and protein rich into the feeds and adequate lighting. An economy strong and healthy country will see more people contribute to the country and continuously contribute and grow.
So, what is the nonsense I have mumbling so far got to do with me not prefer a police job?
Firstly, I will not sacrifice like a dog to my country. I'm not slave to no country. I'm not brave and certainly not brave for somebody other than my own family. Whatever none of my business remain none of my business. I will not make a good dog despite me born in the year of dog (according to Chinese Zodiac). I don't like policing others and surely not a control freak. I respect everyone freedom and give not shit to ranking. Neither me is the material as public servant nor police. My parents are like the rooster, partly police partly civilian (spy) and coincidentally, my father and brother is born in the year of Rooster. I'm not sure whether they are indeed spy but they look like one to me. I respect law enforcer and recognise their contribution but not without reservation for them, especially in corruption prone country.
I would like to be a farmer but not the farmer in this analogy. The farmer of me is the cow(civilian) in this analogy but I want to be a kobe cow. I want to migrate to a country that will care for me like what kobe receive, not like Indian cow. Indian cow are being worship like god but force to eat rubbish.
*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource. No obligation, any amount of ex-gratia is very much appreciated.
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