
Thursday 30 August 2018

Prepare for WEC3 or fishy business? Government need to be transparent.

Transparent is vital for a good governance of a corruption-free government. Although the Prime Minister is entrusted with the power to make decision for the country but that does not spare him from being question and be transparent about his decision to the people. Running a country may not be as simple as managing a family household. People deserve to know what is the reason behind government decision. People entrusted the power to the Prime Minister to represent the people and lead the country in the interest of people, not merely lip service. Of course, everyone know the art of politics is to let the mass belief what the politician want them to belief.

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Review of Touch n' go e-Wallet for public transport ticketing.

I've previously suggested to Transport Minister to adopt biometrics verification for ticketing in public transport and to my surprise Touch n' go had come out with e-wallet that function same as BOOST, ALIPAY, WECHAT PAY, and those QR code payment scheme already exist in the market. 

Having another e-payment is not a bad thing but to retrieve a QR code from phone with the need to enter 6 digit passcode and trouble of start and browse through the phone in the middle of crowd is not a safe and efficient way to pass through the LRT turnstile. Its relevant is even more doubtful for bus payment when on boarding local bus in Malaysia is nothing reflect civilized society. The conventional plastic card touch'n go is more efficient in this context and for low traffic user the Penang RapidFerry one time paper ticket with QR code printed is more relevant. The RapidFerry ticket costing RM1.20 return is printed on paper and the QR code is scanned by the turnstile. Although one may argue it is not environmental friendly for frequent user but for 4,000 average daily passengers is not a big deal. of course, RapidFerry may use similar debit card payment like RapidCard or Touch n' go card but since it is heavily patronage by tourist thus making no sense to pay deposit for just one time usage. 

Business is created to respond to needs and only with that it will be profitable. Unlike government-run business, private business is profit driven and take profitability of shareholders priority whereas a public business may be socially justifiable or an environmental responsible, not necessary economically sensible. however, sometimes we don't see things make any sense of the above thus it may be either is an indirect business lead or may involve corruption or simply not a wise management decision.

Whatever it may be, I think touch n' go e-wallet is parellel with its peers by offering similar service such as buying flight, movies, bill payment and transfer fund. however, to stand out from the crowd it need to have an edge over others. E-wallet as alternative to Touch n' go card payment may be something what its peer not able to duplicate but there's little logic for passenger to make the trouble open their phone, browse for the tab, enter passcode (in public) and wait a few seconds for the code to generate before scan it (electricity consuming) when they can simply get through the turnstile  by touching the detector using touchn' go card or token. therefore, in terms of productivity and security there is little chance the e-wallet will be successful as alternative to card. 

Security possess a big question when user is required to enter the 6 digit passcode in public. this prone the private information to leak out and e-wallet credit being stolen or hacked. I wish Prasarana do a thorough study before spend money in fancy venture with little probability of success. There's question of money laundry when involve huge sum of financial transaction judging from the pool of ridership Prasarana is having. the Debited money from clients may be use for investment and generate more profit without incur any dividend but it has got to make sense (benefit)to the clients in some form or another (e.g. convenience, cheaper, more secure and less likely to lost), which I think biometric verification may be the answer. Prasarana and Touch n' go should work together shall they want the system to be profitable (marketable).

I'm glad RapidFerry come out with the QR code paper ticket although the turnstile is not properly monitored. I passed through the turnstile without having scan the ticket I brought. What if people get free ride without paying? Isn't it a lost? Probably Malaysia need to consolidate all the card into a universal card system like Japan PASMO or SUICA card. A PASMO card can be use in Tokyo across all types of train and buses as well as others city like Osaka and Kyoto. 

The Touch n' go e-Wallet seek to promote its usage for ticketing LRT during the coming National Independence Day celebration by offering free to a few stations (but not all, can commute between the few stations only). I would say it is a good strategy provided all stations is ready and it shall be encrpyted with pre-registered passcode and only retrieve the QR via thumbprint from phone or better still directly use biometric such as thumbprint or face recognition to go through the turnstile.

Nevertheless, I do not discount the fact that Touch n'go e-wallet may be successful in the e-payment sector since it has a good financial backup and political affiliation that add magic to the play. What I wish to remind touch n'go is that the transaction process must be smooth as I have encountered a few glitches such as unable to get transaction across due to technical problem. Incident like this will demotivate client, diverting to use others more efficient service provider.

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource. No obligation, any amount of ex-gratia is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Reminder for Suggestions to Integrate Aquaponic System into River of Life Project to Increase City Self-Reliance& Sustainability

I have written to Kuala Lumpur City Mayor numerous times as well as others city Mayors in Malaysia to build up resiliency. Resiliency in terms of food security, water security and Renewable Power, EcoMobility and most importantly cultivate a civilized and environmental conscious population. 

This is one of the example I have written to DBKL. 

Refer to my email date 5th March 2016, I would like to reiterate my suggestion to increase Kuala Lumpur’s self-reliance and sustainability by integrate aquaponic system into the River of Life Project. 

Herewith attached sketches for the 2 aquaponic system,  
  1. Raft Technique Aquaponic system consist of bamboo raft as growing planter, wrapped around with netting (allowing only small fishes to take refuge), seating on aluminium frame tray that anchoring to concrete wall with stainless steel cable. A divider is secure at the front against water direction to divert debris away and protect against extreme river flow rate. LED lighting on the raft is optional. This system is productive& cheap. Planting and harvest of crops can be done by retrieve the tray (Modular system).
  2. NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) Aquaponic system consist of a series of PVC piping or aluminium tray fixed on the hanger of a mobile rail rack and secured on floating device that float the whole system when river water level exceeded design level. An I-beam is bolted on the concrete wall, act as guide for the railing rack for it to float when necessary. Ram pump is pumping the river water to feed the system on the top most growing tray. Water is flow by gravity to the rest of the sloping growing tray where it discharges to weed/frog pond before finally discharge back to river. 

Aquaponic system yield four times as much of crops per hectare and save up to 95% of water compare to land based farming method. Agriculture consume two third of total water consumption thus saving 95% of it will not only ensure water security but also protect water source since traditional farming caused eutrophication that damage water ecosystem and water quality whereas this system will help to create symbiotic relationship with aquatic life therein. However, I would suggest trying decorative plants first and only go for the edible when the water quality reached class IIB, as designed. An self-regulate automation system to monitor and control pH level, water level, temperature, PPM, &oxygen, and surveillance camera, can be installed.

Economically, it generates income, e.g. 3sqm yield 128 heads of lettuce, at average market rate of RM3.95/lettuce, it generates RM168.53 revenue per meter square per month. Decorative plants(Flower) can also be sold for profit. However, I suggest DBKL establish a company to have more efficient operation and management. 

Furthermore, I would like to reiterate my suggestion to install mini-hydro that easily generate 5kw per unit to power the lighting and probably extra could supply to electric vehicle charging station, along the river. 

Produce organic food locally reduce food miles and wastage (>30% of wastage during transport). It also reduces the need for refrigerant and electricity for keeping it fresh. This will be the healthiest, cheapest and most environmental friendly option for the city folks for many generations. Also indirectly increase their health and avoid unnecessary medical cost& suffering. Manual labours for maintenance could be done by employ homelessness around the city which has increased threefold from year 2013 to 2,000as of 2014. Harvest could be sold to local market or donate to charity organization. 

I hope to have the opportunity to meet you to discuss how it could make our city greener and better.

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource. No obligation, any amount of ex-gratia is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

Monday 27 August 2018

Suggestion to Ministry of Education Malaysia: The syllabus "Sustainable Living skills" as Replacement for "Living Skills" in Primary and Secondary School Syllabus.

I've earlier on wrote to Ex-Education Minister& ex-PM on the matter. Since Malaysia is one of the member of UN Sustainability Goals and pledged to cut down 40% of GHG emission thus we should inculcate the green culture as early as preschool to working adult.

Education is the best place to begin with as the very purpose of education is to prepare the next generation for the future thus the syllabus must relevant to the projected scenario of the future, including the climate, economy and society. The draft is only a preliminary however the expected outcome is not merely transfer skills of Sustainability practical for daily living but also to instill passion for professional skills as well as awareness of it. The scope of the proposed syllabus may subject to your discretion however I would like to highlight that some of the module is less explicit than it may seems. For example, there are several module focus on chicken life cycle from chicken coop, hatchery to taking care of it but embedded within is the knowledge of architecture (design& construction of chicken coop to requirements i.e. space requirements, feeds, lighting, security against predator), science (life cycle of bird. In Japan primary student were taught to observe chicken hatched from glass shell), mathematics, medics& etc. Chicken or ducks in the Sustainable living skills syllabus also complement with the free meal program. Eggs that student's chicken produce will partially use for next batch of student but mostly will use as food for their free meal program. This will assure low cost to maintain the free school meal program while act as education materials. Student also expected to cook themselves thus assure they appreciate their food. This will inculcate appreciation of food culture and reduce food waste tremendously. 40% of KL solid waste consist of organic waste which can be eliminated if people don't buy unnecessary and do composting or convert it to biogas. Kuala Lumpur alone produce more than. 3500tones of solid waste per day. Imagine the cost saving if people practice sustainable lifestyle and better still, doing composting and biogas actually generate income from waste while reduce GHG (GreenHouse Gas)emission. Using chicken as learning materials can reflect on real life what should property buyer expect building. Compliance to UBBL is not very much adhere to especially after obtain CF.

As of 2015, 85% of budget hotel in KL do not comply with bomba requirements which is very dangerous because tenant are expected to be unfamiliar with the surrounding, making escape during fire become a big question. By designing chicken coop, students will be taught what define a free range chicken, minimum space for caged chicken and cage free chicken also reflect the basic design requirements for human. Water and feeds requirements also reflect on human needs for the same and at the same time observe how student perform in taking care of the animals. Of course, to reduce food waste, others courses such as food preservation can be introduced.

Others module teach student in water conservation, energy saving, prudent in diet (food selection based on nutrient content and food miles), indoor air quality, responsibility toward own body and knowledge in sexual orientation, respecting others religious & custom believe&etc.

It is worth highlight that the syllabus should be a profit driven where student able to sell their produce and revenue generated is to offset the cost of certain module such as robotic (using Arduino or Microbits) or field trip in overseas. Recycle plastic to make into new plastic products such as gasing, comb&chairs and be cooperate with student learning website design and marketing so that they can put into use the skills in real life. Of course, all student expected to go through all courses and learn everything although not every student may develop interest at everything or good at everything but surely I provide an insight of what their future career may be. 

The YouTube page above show how to recycle plastic. It's fun and easy. Free school meal program proven encourage student attendance rate and is now happening in Japan, USA and even India. The hands on "sustainable living" skills will supplement the free meal program as well as itself (self-sustaining) and possibly generate extra income for the student. Education Ministry need to allocate the module hours into primary and secondary education as well as budget to kick start it. Whether the module relevant or not, I'm confident at least 70% is relevant. Developed country like UK& USA started learn Microbus 3 years ago. Singapore started 2years ago. Website coding such as HTML, CSS& JavaScript is taught in most advanced country from Europe, Australia, Japan, Korea, China and Singapore. Food production like growing crops is taught in UK, Europe, USA, Japan and most of Malaysia private school. To be competitive, student is expected to showcase how they compete their works in social media such as upload to YouTube or vimeo. There's rules and requirements but no specific ways to complete their module thus allow them to design and create new things. If necessary, school may help them copyright or patent their works for commercial use. Video of their works uploaded in YouTube may be selected as national best and rewarded. Good example also can be reference for future batch as well as world audience. I belief we should make use of our human capital at their best time. The time that they have creativity and not after brainwashed by society and dogmatized. Refer to ticket ID MOE.025794, feedback previously. The link for digital textbook is as follow:

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource. No obligation, any amount of ex-gratia is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

Sunday 26 August 2018

Suggest to Ministry of Education Malaysia to use digital textbook as textbook for primary and secondary school education.

I would like to suggest digital textbook to be use in primary & secondary school education. Refer to the link South Korea have introduced digital textbook since 2007. Malaysia have taste a bit of it on 2014 but still too conservative to dive deep into the opportunity digital textbook may offer.  

Other than eliminate the burden of carrying weight of traditional printed books, digital textbook is more economy judging from the ability to download thousands of books at a fraction of the printed book price.

Despite higher initial cost to buy the digital textbook gadget but it's return on investment is almost immediately. Other than national textbook student can also download reference book to enhance their knowledge. Digital textbook allow comment& highlight and even may make possible submit homework online. Thus, not only a greener option, lower cost but also reduce burden on student transport. 

Less baggage also means more space for school bus. This also means school bus can take more student and student will have less strains on their limbs and shoulders. 

As for the less privileged, maybe Education Ministry can consider to rent the digital textbook like how renting printed textbook is done. Each digital device such as phone have unique series number called IMEI, which student can register their device to school in order to prevent stealing as well as facilitate loss& found process. Likewise with renting the digital textbook gadget to student. Education Ministry may register the IMEI unit rented out to student. 

I also would like to suggest your ministry to train teachers for basic repair skills to fix basic problem for student digital textbook device. School may expect to have higher electric demand and installation of charging port (e.g. USB port) for student to charge. Set rules to avoid exploitation and vandalisms. 

I hope Education Ministry can take the opportunity to install clean energy generator such as solar panels, wind turbine or mini-hydro to supply the electricity demand. 

I would also like to take this opportunity to support the black shoes ruling. It is wise to change white to black as student is spending money in buying white liquid to cover up the dirt on their shoes instead of
washing. White shoes also easily stain thus become laborious in maintaining it(wasting time, energy and water). 

Additionally, I've submitted a syllabus two years ago for 'Sustainable Living' to your ministry. It is an open book and self-developing syllabus for student. It outline the basic knowledge and require student to use their innovative to further develop it according to their creativity and latest technology & needs.
*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

Open Letter to DBKL: Report infant use for street begging& suggest to open a centre for temporary shelter and jobs for the mother.

Open Letter to DBKL are as below.

Refer to the attached, I would like to report there's many begging activities in the city using infant as bait. It is breaking Act 611 clause 32 and I hope DBKL or any relevant authority take action against the incident. 

The pictures is taken in Pasar Seni LRT station linkway to KTM. however, I belief such incident is happening everywhere in the city. 

I must highlight that it is different from homelessness problem since this involve young child and it is begging whereas homelessness do not necessarily involve begging(money) thus homelessness might not associated with crime or begging syndicate.

Letting it go rampant is putting infants health at risk and possible of human trafficking where infant is kidnap by syndicate for this illegal activity. I would like to suggest DBKL build a shelter for those mother in financial difficulty while create temporary job while helping them looking for a more suitable job. I understand that there's "anjung singgah" and homelessness shelter at Jalan Pahang but it is not suitable to mix infant with others adult and these begger might not have homelessness problem.whatever it is, young children shall not expose to outdoor elements and there's high chances of syndicate behind thus DBKL must not let the problem prolong. 

Young children must first be rescued then authenticate the parents. If it is not their biological parent then must put under the care of authority until the child is in good hand. If it is indeed their parent then should send the child for medical examination first to determine the health condition whether there is any abuse. If found to be genuine good parents only facing financial difficulty then DBKL should arrange a temporary shelter for them. The shelter should have provide basic jobs while assist them match a more suitable job. I belief DBKL have many position possibly from recycle waste segregation, janitor, clerical, gardening, guard, customer service& rotation on duty to care for children at the shelter. While the jobs may not suit the parent but nothing is free so this may cover the cost of shelter.  Meanwhile DBKL may also open training centre to add new skills and knowledge to increase their economy mobility. 

I would also like to suggest DBKL utilize empty land in the city to do some edible garden thus create a source of food and income for the less privileged like them and homelessness person. Urban farming is becoming a trend and it ensure city resiliency and cut down foodmiles. On the other hand, DBKL may open a waste segregation centre where solid waste from city is send to a centre to sort out according to their recyclability. They may station along a conveyor belt with proper safety equipment to sort out recyclable content of solid waste to increase the city recycling rate. This is done in many countries. 

While the actual problem may be more complex, e.g. family abuse, religion conflict& illness, but the general idea is to ensure the safety of child first. Medical check and authenticate the parents. I understand that the matter may involve federal government (e.GM KPWKM)and several ministry as well as police for investigation but generally I think DBKL fit into the picture to take the lead. 

I'm looking forward your reply and action.

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

Open Letter to DBKL (Kuala Lumpur City Council):Suggest to provide more bubbler(Drinking Fountain) in the city to reduce plastic bottle waste.

Dear Hj. Wan Mohammad Ghazali bin Nor,

I wish to thank DBKL for providing bubblers near Masjid India area and I would like to suggest such noble innovation should be expanded to the rest of the city. 

London have started to provide public drinking fountain and public toilet since the mid-19 century and many city is following the footstep in the recent years. I have been traveling to Bangkok quite often and notice their city council is installing bubbler (refer to the photo attached) at bus station and area where population is dense. This effectively reduce plastic bottle waste and cut down solid waste in the country. The cost of installation and maintenance of bubbler will see the return from waste reduction in the city and overall public health, although it is difficult to quantify but the effect will be felt immediately. 

Additionally, providing public drinking fountain and toilet also respond to the human right of access to drinking water and sanitation. Urinating in public is a norm in Kuala Lumpur and the effects is both unhygienic and eye sores( refer to the photo attached, a man urinating near Pasar Seni LRT Station). I also urge DBKL to harvest rainwater as supplement to flush public toilet water closet. Basically it is free, just connect the downpipes to a tank (or reuse 55 gallon plastic barrel, cost

For your kind consideration and action.

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

Open Letter to Minister of Health: Recommend to ban smoking at all public area except where designated as special smoking area that is localized.

I would like to suggest Health Ministry to ban smoking at all public area except localized area that is designed to contained and well-ventilated for smoking cigarettes. This should extend to all public areas including restaurant open

The 2011 Global Adult Tobacco survey which found that a majority of respondents wanted all public places to be smoke free. Whether for economy& heath reason, majority of people or smoker's family members want smoking to be stop at once. Special designated area may be allocated for smoker(if they want to suffer and die) but not fair to let second smoker suffer the effects. Therefore, there is no reason why government still delaying in making smoking ban in all public area.

Businesses who find reason allowing smoking in their premises may allow so, as long as special designed smoking zone is allocated and that such area shall designed in such a way not affecting others outside the designated smoking area(e.g. exhaust air vent output shall be treated) and must not be in common area such as corridor.

Signboard, direction sign or any such indication shall be made explicitly to designate the area. Such designated smoking area shall be keep a maintenance record and inspected by authority(or third party recognized by your ministry) on regular basis (e.g. twice a year) to ensure fit for its purpose. Additionally, I would like to suggest such designates smoking area size shall not exceed 10% floor area of the functional area of the premises or 10% of the occupancy capacity, whichever lesser. 

*Occupancy capacity may based on or
local building code. 

Your ministry (Health Ministry) estimated that 100,000 Malaysians die of smoke-related illnesses every year. Rm 3billion is spent every year to chronic cancer associated with smoking which prompt Health Ministry to aim reduction of smoker to 15% from 23%, in September 2016.

Malaysia became a Party to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control on December 15, 2005. Malaysia ranked 71st per capita cigarettes consumption, with average of 646 cigarettes burned by each smoker each year.

As of now, government had gazetted all national and all central-air conditioned area, government building, public transport, petrol station, state parks, area in nursery, school bus, playgrounds, camp sites and public parks in Peninsular Malaysia as no smoking areas. Although enforcement of it still very lax. Smoker floating the ban is risking penalty of Rm10,000 and 2 years imprisonment.  Another initiative is to increase cigarettes price from Rm17 to Rm21.50.

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Possible Scenarios of Malaysia Import Plastic Waste from UK.

Life is short so make it sweet. 'make it sweet' thus it is not sweet originally. Nothing is free, in order to achieve something we must offer ourselves and hope our services benefit to others too. 

 I had written to UK Prime Minister Teresa May, UN of Thailand and Vietnam on the matter too.

I have written an email to the Chairman of Khazanah Bhd., Tun Dr. Mahathir, also the Prime Minister of Malaysia on the matter. I'm not sure how competitive the market in UK but I presumed the business prospect is good since recycling rate is high and on the upward trend. No technology barrier and no short of expertise in the field. There is many land bank in UK the government may consider to open for the purpose which not only trigger the economy grow in the area but also providing job opportunity. Demand for green products is high in UK and Europe thus market it is not a hassle at all. 'Khazanah' is the largest sovereign fund in the world. It is owned by Ministry of Finance Malaysia. It's investment profile spread across the world including UK. Ideally Khazanah should do an investment feasibility study on the overall market size and future prospect by taking into others consideration such as startup cost, cost of doing business, local statutory requirements and risk of such investment. I presume the market in UK is still very loose since the phenomena of divert the garbage dumping to Malaysia is because of sudden ban from China which means UK may not have the treatment capacity yet but demand is there. Malaysia can make use of the situation to negotiate for a good deal and eliminate the risk of pollution in Malaysia. Not only invest in UK may be a profitable business for Malaysia sovereign fund company but also enable technology transfer which may be use for Malaysia when there is a market for it. 

I see it as a mutual benefit sustainable case where UK& Malaysia resolve the costly problem of UK plastic waste and both countries benefit in terms of economy& environment protection. Whether in terms of tangible dollars and cents or intangible benefit such as elimination of health risk and environmental impacts, it is a winning case waiting the call of both nation leaders conscience.   

For PDF copy click here

In my earlier email to UK parliamentarian Claire Perry dated 9th August 18, the possible scenarios of Malaysia wiling to import 500,000 tonnes of plastic waste every year from UK are as followings;

 1.UK ship plastic waste to Malaysia

2. UK Plastic waste is;

2.1 Recycled

 2.1.1 Reuse to make biodiesel

 2.1.2 Convert to energy by incineration

 2.1.3 recycled into plastic pellets to be reused.

 2.1.4 others recycled materials.

2.2 Incinerated

2.3 added to landfill

2.4 Mismanaged on land

2.5 somehow leak to become ocean Plastic Marine Debris.

3. Possible faith of plastic waste after items no. 2 are;

3.1 Recycled waste is sold in local market.

3.1.1 Plastic made of recycled waste enter into Malaysia economy is better than those extract from natural resources.

3.1.2 however, Malaysia recycle rate is low at the moment(perhaps many moment more before catching up developed nation level) thus it will contribute to pollution in Malaysia (refer to 2.3, 2.4& 2.5 above)

3.2 Recycled waste converted to  biodiesel and power generated for Malaysia market.

3.2.1 Create new market locally which is environmental friendly.

3.2.2 However, it is less likely happen since economically Malaysia can sell better rate to UK and Europe.

3.3 recycled waste is export back to UK.

3.3.1 A greener& more feasible option than 3.1 and a more likely scenarios compare to 3.2.

3.3.2 Although CO2e emission is inevitable but recycle rate is higher in UK means most like this plastic waste will be recycle again.
3.3.3 However, from environment perspective biodiesel produced is better consume in Malaysia than ship back to UK but judging from business point of view it is more profitable to sell it to UK.

3.4 recycled waste is export to overseas other than UK.

3.4.1 It break the close-loop cycle and very much depend on the importing country recycling rate.

3.4.2 It create economy benefit for Malaysia recycling industry and in export. less trade deficit and greater trade balance.

3.4.3 Greater local economy in terms of providing jobs, business and also contribute a bit on international trade.

3.5 Plastic waste added to landfill and residue of incineration is taking up space in Malaysia land thus incur cost for land, treatment and others side-effects of it such as health to human and animals thus medical cost and environmental damages.

3.5.1 Need to do the " Cost Benefit Analysis" whether worth it to import plastic waste if Malaysia do not have the capacity to treat the waste.

3.5.2 Is it fair for a few individual or government to received a sum of money from UK or certain company but due to inability to properly treat the waste result rakyat(citizen) to suffer to effects?

3.5.3 How much cost equivalent in sharing the landfill? also need to consider the cost of land, deforestation, natural capital, and treatment cost.

3.5.4 How much cost government would need to fork out to shoulder health cost of rakyat(people)?

3.6 Plastic waste mismanaged become a health problem and economy disaster to Malaysia which require higher cost to properly dispose off otherwise lead to diseases, environmental impacts, economy loss (from tourism, fisheries, waste treatment cost, human health and food contaimination).

3.6.1 The cost to Malaysia on top of 3.5.2, 3.5.3& 3.5.4 are collection of waste.

3.6.2 somehow release out to ocean and adding to the Asia-Pacific gyre.

3.6.3 refer to 2.5, Asia& ASEAN including Malaysia will suffer the effects from lower fish stock, loss of marine biodiversity, plasticized fish, loss of tourism, cost suffer from maritime industry, amounting more than $1.3 billion yearly.

3.6.4 Malaysia reputation will be damage further. Malaysia already ranked top 8th as most ocean polluter and mismanaged on land.

I wish to make clear that despite there are many 'virtual reality games' and we are not 'Valerian and the City of Thousands Planets' thus we must come back (go ahead enjoy virtual reality games during your leisure time) to reality as in the reality on planet earth.

When British leave Malaysia the spirit of Westminster System is also left. What remain is lifeless words written on paper (子上摊宾).

Mr. Gandhi once said:

"You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there be no results. "

I recognise the 'denialism' culture in Malaysia as though it is Malaysian copyright. Diabetes level of sweetness in every words and pictures covering behind the ugly truth only God bear to endure without a voice in his mind.


Great! oh so great! Everything is so wonderful...

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

Email to Malaysia NRE& Climate Change Minister (Mr. Xavier& ms. Yeo) in Respond to Maria Crastus of DEFRA UK email on UK export plastic waste to Malaysia issues.

Marial Crastus of DEFRA UK email to me dated 21 August 2018

DEFRA-Fact sheet: Plastic pollution
Last updated August 2018

Maria Crastus of DEFRA UK Letter to me

16 August 18
My previous Letter to UK: Would UK increase the recycling capacity in Malaysia in tandem with the plastic waste export?

22August 18
My email to Mr. Xavier& Ms. Yeo of Malaysia

The email is as below:

Pertaining to the reply from UK Maria Crastus, I thank her for the time prepare the email and Her Majesty Queen Elizabth 2 for having such responsive government (even to a developing country's nobody like me). I am impress with her explanation and defense though it wouldn't make me change my previous email a bit. 

Monday 20 August 2018

Suggestions to use biometric for transaction in public transportation.

I have written an email to the Ministers to suggest the shift to replace cashless card transaction such as touch n' go& Rapid Card to biometric such as eye verify or palm print which is cashless and cardless. 

Not only it is the most environmental friendly but it is also very convenient and secured. despite card is lighter weight compare to cash but it is still prone to being stolen, missing and damage. biometric is a more secured way and literally it produce no additional carbon footprint. The only carbon emission need to be consider is from the verification side. 

Nonetheless, biometric is not 100% perfect thus a combination of all option from palm print, eye verification and face detection would be more holistic. this way person with special needs such as blind, limb amputee or congenital defects may also enjoy the same benefit. 

On top of that, I also suggest improvement of bicycle infrastructure in public transport so that the notion of first and last mile cycling is viable. First and last mile means public transport passenger may choose to cycling maximum 1 miles from home to take public transport then another 1 miles or so to their final destination after exit from public transport. Most of the train in Kuala Lumpur such as LRT, MRT and KTM can considered bicycle friendly but there's still a lot of room for improvement. 

Some of the things I've suggested to Prasarana& RapidKL to make public transportation more bicycle friendly are;

1. Install 'bicycle wheel ramp' on staircase.

2. Install 'bicycle lift storage' inside the station to prevent thief. Since the bicycle is stored on high elevation it do not take up space and reduce the risk of being stolen.

3. Provide shower room. Malaysia is a hot and humid tropical country thus shower room is a good avenue for grooming before going to school or work after some miles of cycling. 

4. Provide compartment and space for bicycle inside the train and bus.  

MS 1884:2002 is code of accessible for disable person but also in some way relevant for elderly. In Singapore there is  'Code on Accessibility in The Built Environment' that cater for each groups of person needs i.e. elders, disabled and infant. By complying the MS1884 it will increase the mobility of wheelchair bound person specifically the disabled. This will make their economy better and improve their lifestyle as well as lessen their dependency on aids. 

Among others thing that I am advocating are CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design). A few proposal has been submitted to the previous government silence in reciprocal. I strongly belief crime prevention is everyone responsibility and thus Architect and everyone have a role to play in preventing crime before costly remedy is needed to respond to crime committed i.e.  police resources in investigation and bring perpetrator to prosecution, judiciary cost and penalty such as jail. 

The Email to the Ministers are as below;

Refer to the previous email, about the CO2 emission information for public transportation and rewarding program, I would like to reiterate my previous suggestion to use palm print (a more secured method compare to thumb print) as alternative for cashless card (plastic). However it might have legal issues about privacy and personal identity leak issues. Face recognition may also be another alternative as many financial transaction is moving toward that direction (e.g. Alipay& McDonald at developed countries). 

This will further cut down CO2 emission and enhance security. The only problem is Malaysian is known slow in adopt new technology and least willing to try new things. Thus the million ringgit lottery will be a good marketing strategy. 

I will also forward to you my letters I wrote to previous government about eco-mobility such as bicycle infrastructure in public transportation and compliance to MS1884 Universal Design for the aging population. I have been talking to government for more than 7 years yet not significant result achieve except KTM now allow bicycle in the train. We are far behind others country. 

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

Saturday 18 August 2018

Support letter to Dr. Lee Boon Chye on LGBT matters.

Congratulation to Ministry of Health, I am most delighted to learned about Dr. Lee Boon Chye bold, professional and honest clarification to PAS-Kuala Terengganu MP Ahmad Amzad about LGBT issue.

I have earlier on written to Suaram (refer to attached) on the matter as I notice whether conservative Muslim or general public in Malaysia have wrong understanding about the severely marginalized group.

Early this year February, I have also published a book entitled Austronesian Writing System for My Child which also touch a little bit on the issue. Although it is not a linguistic problem but I intentionally use fish as example to elucidate how biologically nature works between the gender and cultural invention about the sex.

Besides, I also written to Ministry of Education 2years ago and the current Minister Mazlee to proposed 'Sustainable Development Living skills' syllabus for primary and secondary school which also touched on Sex Education and LGBT.

I think it is vital for a developing country like Malaysia to openly learn about it despite its sensitivity and be civilized. My suggestion in the syllabus is to open all student with different religion believe about the topics and relevant in science.

I think a multiracial democracy society we must be transparent. LGBT perspective from Taoism, Sikhism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity& animism should be taught along side with science explanation. A truly religious free country should let people expose to all religion so they may select the whichever suit them the most including agnostic and atheist.

I am glad you step out to clear the air. Marginalized the group that result deprivation of education and job opportunity is affecting the country economy what more the suffering caused to them is injustice, unlawful and unconstitutional.

As you mentioned, it is an organic illness. Though it may not be an terms as illness but it may largely affected by hormone. This link to EDC (Endocrine Disruptive Chemical) which I have blog about. There are many sources of EDC and as well as food or consumer products that directly affect the hormone level in our body that attribute to the LGBT. While another less known group; Intersex and Quer should also share the same protection. Intersex is natural phenomena. depending on the types but generally 1 out of 100,000 new born found to be intersex in some degree.

I wish your ministry work hand in hand with Ministry of Education to iron out the Sex Education syllabus as well as public awareness program. My opinion is awareness program may start from all company top management and HR department and disseminate to the rest of the company as company policy.

I am not LGBTIQ but I share the same sympathy toward the group as the bully and marginalization in the country is apparent and very uncivilized.

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

Open letter to Attorney General of Malaysia: Is selling off Equanimity (private yacht) before legal possession ok? Where is our democracy?

Refer to The Star Newspaper dated 12 August 2018, I would like to enquire whether had Attorney General Chamber(AGC), as public legal adviser, take proactive action to advise the government on the matter? 

I understand that AG had appointed S. Selvaratnam, Jeremy Joseph, and Ong Chee Kwan to represent the Claimants(Malaysia), along with senior federal counsel Alice Loke. I am glad that AG Tommy Thomas has made the rightd ecision. The purpose is none other than to have greater chances of winning the case since they are expert in the Admiralty Law. 

However a few days later, Tun Dr. Mahathir's (Prime Minister) decision to go ahead auction off the yacht before trial is blatantly disrespect to law. 

I do not know under which law empowered Indonesia to seized the private yacht but handling over to Malaysia does not imply transfer of ownership.

Presumed Tun Dr. Mahathir does not know AG had already appointed lawyers for the case and any law related to the matter. then shall AGC upon knowing Tun Dr. Mahathir action forthwith acknowledge him what is appropriate, otherwise (failure to do so- omission)it is a Tort.

I suggest AG Tommy immediately divert Tun Dr. Mahathir to the right track. On top of that, I would like to suggest the claimants representatives negotiate with the defendant to make an agreement, mutually agreed to make use of the yacht for commercial purposes (lease/ rent out)while it is under the custody of Malaysia without effects on the on￾going court case since the law suit is expected to the long winded one. The rationale from financial perspective are;

1. Lighten the financial burden of monthly 2 millions ringgit  maintenance cost.

2.  minimum loss for Claimants in the end of the law suit, whether win and sell if off or lost to the defendant includingp enalty for opportunity cost.

Financial trail and proof of the yacht ownership given by United States of America's Department of Justice (DoJ) may only serve as evidents for the case but not a conviction, thus it shall have no effects on the ownership of the yacht.

Since the yacht is currently within Malaysia sovereignty and custody thus it shall go through proper legal procedures before the claimant know whether entitle to sell it off or not.   
The defendant may issues estoppel to prevent the claimant from selling it off. It is basic understanding that you can'ts ell what is not yours. Common law precedent  Barker v Midstyle Nominees Pty Ltd [2014] WASCA 75,  is an

In the addition, putting the yacht in auction is contravened to Act 268 Bills of Sale Act 1950, Clause 9. (1) No sale by the grantee of any chattels so seized or take possession of as aforesaid shall be made otherwise than by public auction, conducted by some person duly licensed under any statutory provision in Peninsular Malaysia for the
licensing of auctioneers.

(2) Any sale made in contravention of this section shall be absolutely void, and any person aiding or abetting such sale shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred ringgit.
Malaysia received the yacht from Indonesia but whether Indonesia have the right to seized and then transfered to the custody to Malaysia is yet another question. 

What made Malaysia government acting disregard and disrespect law? 

ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (“the burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies”). The principle also found in the International human right under the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 11, The presumption of innocence is the principle that one is considered innocent unless proven guilty. This is the very basic tenet of democracy principle.

May I know are we still a democratic country? 

Where is the Westminster System in Malaysia? Aren't the separation of power (Legislature, Executive and Judiciary)
should be balance? 

Should Judiciary intervene when Executive cross the line?

I understand that AG is under Executive but it also because of this that AG should diligently discharge your duty to ensure the Executive stay within the boundary.

I would like to declare that I am a non-partisan and certainly have nothing related to the defendant (Jho Low) in this
case and 1MDB.   


*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

Friday 17 August 2018

Open Letter to YB Xavier (NRE Minister), YB Yeo (Climate Change Minister)& Anthony Loke (Transport Minister): Suggestion to include carbon footprint to billing& incentivize carbon reduction.

In light with Malaysia SDG(Sustainable Development Goals) commitment, I wish to recommend a more inclusive and participative approach to bring down carbon emission. 

recommendations are as enumerated belows;

1. Print historical record of carbon emission of electricity on electric bill. Entire year or six month record of carbon footprint&

Measure every vehicle CO2 emission and set maximum threshold to cut down CO2 emission.

I've written a recommendation to NRE and climate change minister to add another meter that record total fuel consumed.

Every car have odometer that record total distance traveled by car. This give hints on the condition of car. How thoroughly it has been used.

Thursday 9 August 2018

Open Letter To UK Claire Perry MP: What is the rational of exporting plastic waste to ASEAN when these countries is obviously overcapacity to recycle and ranked the most ocean polluter in the world?

Perhaps out of desperation UK is trying to divert the plastic waste originally dump at China to ASEAN. the rationale is simple, cost.

Although UK recycling rate is above Europe average but there is still lack of capacity to recycle the plastic waste. It is a very good business prospect for UK recycling business since there's no problem getting the inputs materials.

Monday 6 August 2018

Ambiguity of definition 'Natives' between Federal Constitution and Sabah& Sarawak Ordinance in relation to Cobblod Commission.  

The ambiguity of boundary defined ‘Native' of Sabah in the Federal Constitution and Sabah Ordinance Court proofed having disasterous effects on the people of Sabah.