
Monday 20 August 2018

Suggestions to use biometric for transaction in public transportation.

I have written an email to the Ministers to suggest the shift to replace cashless card transaction such as touch n' go& Rapid Card to biometric such as eye verify or palm print which is cashless and cardless. 

Not only it is the most environmental friendly but it is also very convenient and secured. despite card is lighter weight compare to cash but it is still prone to being stolen, missing and damage. biometric is a more secured way and literally it produce no additional carbon footprint. The only carbon emission need to be consider is from the verification side. 

Nonetheless, biometric is not 100% perfect thus a combination of all option from palm print, eye verification and face detection would be more holistic. this way person with special needs such as blind, limb amputee or congenital defects may also enjoy the same benefit. 

On top of that, I also suggest improvement of bicycle infrastructure in public transport so that the notion of first and last mile cycling is viable. First and last mile means public transport passenger may choose to cycling maximum 1 miles from home to take public transport then another 1 miles or so to their final destination after exit from public transport. Most of the train in Kuala Lumpur such as LRT, MRT and KTM can considered bicycle friendly but there's still a lot of room for improvement. 

Some of the things I've suggested to Prasarana& RapidKL to make public transportation more bicycle friendly are;

1. Install 'bicycle wheel ramp' on staircase.

2. Install 'bicycle lift storage' inside the station to prevent thief. Since the bicycle is stored on high elevation it do not take up space and reduce the risk of being stolen.

3. Provide shower room. Malaysia is a hot and humid tropical country thus shower room is a good avenue for grooming before going to school or work after some miles of cycling. 

4. Provide compartment and space for bicycle inside the train and bus.  

MS 1884:2002 is code of accessible for disable person but also in some way relevant for elderly. In Singapore there is  'Code on Accessibility in The Built Environment' that cater for each groups of person needs i.e. elders, disabled and infant. By complying the MS1884 it will increase the mobility of wheelchair bound person specifically the disabled. This will make their economy better and improve their lifestyle as well as lessen their dependency on aids. 

Among others thing that I am advocating are CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design). A few proposal has been submitted to the previous government silence in reciprocal. I strongly belief crime prevention is everyone responsibility and thus Architect and everyone have a role to play in preventing crime before costly remedy is needed to respond to crime committed i.e.  police resources in investigation and bring perpetrator to prosecution, judiciary cost and penalty such as jail. 

The Email to the Ministers are as below;

Refer to the previous email, about the CO2 emission information for public transportation and rewarding program, I would like to reiterate my previous suggestion to use palm print (a more secured method compare to thumb print) as alternative for cashless card (plastic). However it might have legal issues about privacy and personal identity leak issues. Face recognition may also be another alternative as many financial transaction is moving toward that direction (e.g. Alipay& McDonald at developed countries). 

This will further cut down CO2 emission and enhance security. The only problem is Malaysian is known slow in adopt new technology and least willing to try new things. Thus the million ringgit lottery will be a good marketing strategy. 

I will also forward to you my letters I wrote to previous government about eco-mobility such as bicycle infrastructure in public transportation and compliance to MS1884 Universal Design for the aging population. I have been talking to government for more than 7 years yet not significant result achieve except KTM now allow bicycle in the train. We are far behind others country. 

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

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