
Saturday 18 August 2018

Support letter to Dr. Lee Boon Chye on LGBT matters.

Congratulation to Ministry of Health, I am most delighted to learned about Dr. Lee Boon Chye bold, professional and honest clarification to PAS-Kuala Terengganu MP Ahmad Amzad about LGBT issue.

I have earlier on written to Suaram (refer to attached) on the matter as I notice whether conservative Muslim or general public in Malaysia have wrong understanding about the severely marginalized group.

Early this year February, I have also published a book entitled Austronesian Writing System for My Child which also touch a little bit on the issue. Although it is not a linguistic problem but I intentionally use fish as example to elucidate how biologically nature works between the gender and cultural invention about the sex.

Besides, I also written to Ministry of Education 2years ago and the current Minister Mazlee to proposed 'Sustainable Development Living skills' syllabus for primary and secondary school which also touched on Sex Education and LGBT.

I think it is vital for a developing country like Malaysia to openly learn about it despite its sensitivity and be civilized. My suggestion in the syllabus is to open all student with different religion believe about the topics and relevant in science.

I think a multiracial democracy society we must be transparent. LGBT perspective from Taoism, Sikhism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity& animism should be taught along side with science explanation. A truly religious free country should let people expose to all religion so they may select the whichever suit them the most including agnostic and atheist.

I am glad you step out to clear the air. Marginalized the group that result deprivation of education and job opportunity is affecting the country economy what more the suffering caused to them is injustice, unlawful and unconstitutional.

As you mentioned, it is an organic illness. Though it may not be an terms as illness but it may largely affected by hormone. This link to EDC (Endocrine Disruptive Chemical) which I have blog about. There are many sources of EDC and as well as food or consumer products that directly affect the hormone level in our body that attribute to the LGBT. While another less known group; Intersex and Quer should also share the same protection. Intersex is natural phenomena. depending on the types but generally 1 out of 100,000 new born found to be intersex in some degree.

I wish your ministry work hand in hand with Ministry of Education to iron out the Sex Education syllabus as well as public awareness program. My opinion is awareness program may start from all company top management and HR department and disseminate to the rest of the company as company policy.

I am not LGBTIQ but I share the same sympathy toward the group as the bully and marginalization in the country is apparent and very uncivilized.

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

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