
Tuesday 21 August 2018

Possible Scenarios of Malaysia Import Plastic Waste from UK.

Life is short so make it sweet. 'make it sweet' thus it is not sweet originally. Nothing is free, in order to achieve something we must offer ourselves and hope our services benefit to others too. 

 I had written to UK Prime Minister Teresa May, UN of Thailand and Vietnam on the matter too.

I have written an email to the Chairman of Khazanah Bhd., Tun Dr. Mahathir, also the Prime Minister of Malaysia on the matter. I'm not sure how competitive the market in UK but I presumed the business prospect is good since recycling rate is high and on the upward trend. No technology barrier and no short of expertise in the field. There is many land bank in UK the government may consider to open for the purpose which not only trigger the economy grow in the area but also providing job opportunity. Demand for green products is high in UK and Europe thus market it is not a hassle at all. 'Khazanah' is the largest sovereign fund in the world. It is owned by Ministry of Finance Malaysia. It's investment profile spread across the world including UK. Ideally Khazanah should do an investment feasibility study on the overall market size and future prospect by taking into others consideration such as startup cost, cost of doing business, local statutory requirements and risk of such investment. I presume the market in UK is still very loose since the phenomena of divert the garbage dumping to Malaysia is because of sudden ban from China which means UK may not have the treatment capacity yet but demand is there. Malaysia can make use of the situation to negotiate for a good deal and eliminate the risk of pollution in Malaysia. Not only invest in UK may be a profitable business for Malaysia sovereign fund company but also enable technology transfer which may be use for Malaysia when there is a market for it. 

I see it as a mutual benefit sustainable case where UK& Malaysia resolve the costly problem of UK plastic waste and both countries benefit in terms of economy& environment protection. Whether in terms of tangible dollars and cents or intangible benefit such as elimination of health risk and environmental impacts, it is a winning case waiting the call of both nation leaders conscience.   

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In my earlier email to UK parliamentarian Claire Perry dated 9th August 18, the possible scenarios of Malaysia wiling to import 500,000 tonnes of plastic waste every year from UK are as followings;

 1.UK ship plastic waste to Malaysia

2. UK Plastic waste is;

2.1 Recycled

 2.1.1 Reuse to make biodiesel

 2.1.2 Convert to energy by incineration

 2.1.3 recycled into plastic pellets to be reused.

 2.1.4 others recycled materials.

2.2 Incinerated

2.3 added to landfill

2.4 Mismanaged on land

2.5 somehow leak to become ocean Plastic Marine Debris.

3. Possible faith of plastic waste after items no. 2 are;

3.1 Recycled waste is sold in local market.

3.1.1 Plastic made of recycled waste enter into Malaysia economy is better than those extract from natural resources.

3.1.2 however, Malaysia recycle rate is low at the moment(perhaps many moment more before catching up developed nation level) thus it will contribute to pollution in Malaysia (refer to 2.3, 2.4& 2.5 above)

3.2 Recycled waste converted to  biodiesel and power generated for Malaysia market.

3.2.1 Create new market locally which is environmental friendly.

3.2.2 However, it is less likely happen since economically Malaysia can sell better rate to UK and Europe.

3.3 recycled waste is export back to UK.

3.3.1 A greener& more feasible option than 3.1 and a more likely scenarios compare to 3.2.

3.3.2 Although CO2e emission is inevitable but recycle rate is higher in UK means most like this plastic waste will be recycle again.
3.3.3 However, from environment perspective biodiesel produced is better consume in Malaysia than ship back to UK but judging from business point of view it is more profitable to sell it to UK.

3.4 recycled waste is export to overseas other than UK.

3.4.1 It break the close-loop cycle and very much depend on the importing country recycling rate.

3.4.2 It create economy benefit for Malaysia recycling industry and in export. less trade deficit and greater trade balance.

3.4.3 Greater local economy in terms of providing jobs, business and also contribute a bit on international trade.

3.5 Plastic waste added to landfill and residue of incineration is taking up space in Malaysia land thus incur cost for land, treatment and others side-effects of it such as health to human and animals thus medical cost and environmental damages.

3.5.1 Need to do the " Cost Benefit Analysis" whether worth it to import plastic waste if Malaysia do not have the capacity to treat the waste.

3.5.2 Is it fair for a few individual or government to received a sum of money from UK or certain company but due to inability to properly treat the waste result rakyat(citizen) to suffer to effects?

3.5.3 How much cost equivalent in sharing the landfill? also need to consider the cost of land, deforestation, natural capital, and treatment cost.

3.5.4 How much cost government would need to fork out to shoulder health cost of rakyat(people)?

3.6 Plastic waste mismanaged become a health problem and economy disaster to Malaysia which require higher cost to properly dispose off otherwise lead to diseases, environmental impacts, economy loss (from tourism, fisheries, waste treatment cost, human health and food contaimination).

3.6.1 The cost to Malaysia on top of 3.5.2, 3.5.3& 3.5.4 are collection of waste.

3.6.2 somehow release out to ocean and adding to the Asia-Pacific gyre.

3.6.3 refer to 2.5, Asia& ASEAN including Malaysia will suffer the effects from lower fish stock, loss of marine biodiversity, plasticized fish, loss of tourism, cost suffer from maritime industry, amounting more than $1.3 billion yearly.

3.6.4 Malaysia reputation will be damage further. Malaysia already ranked top 8th as most ocean polluter and mismanaged on land.

I wish to make clear that despite there are many 'virtual reality games' and we are not 'Valerian and the City of Thousands Planets' thus we must come back (go ahead enjoy virtual reality games during your leisure time) to reality as in the reality on planet earth.

When British leave Malaysia the spirit of Westminster System is also left. What remain is lifeless words written on paper (子上摊宾).

Mr. Gandhi once said:

"You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there be no results. "

I recognise the 'denialism' culture in Malaysia as though it is Malaysian copyright. Diabetes level of sweetness in every words and pictures covering behind the ugly truth only God bear to endure without a voice in his mind.


Great! oh so great! Everything is so wonderful...

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

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