
Friday 17 August 2018

Measure every vehicle CO2 emission and set maximum threshold to cut down CO2 emission.

I've written a recommendation to NRE and climate change minister to add another meter that record total fuel consumed.

Every car have odometer that record total distance traveled by car. This give hints on the condition of car. How thoroughly it has been used.

But odometer alone don't tell you how fuel efficient the car or your driving skill.

A meter that record cumulation of fuel consumed will tell CO2 emission and performance of car.

Of course the more passenger and weight it will consume more petrol but is very marginal different.

The idea is not only the CO2/km but also the rate of CO2/km which means how its performance deteriorate with time (*assuming the car take the same amount of passenger& load).

When it reached a maximum threshold then penalty shall be impose on road tax. This is on top of the car inspection.

However, I'm considering whether should go to the extend of synchronize with petrol pump station because each type of fuel Ron also emit different level of CO2. Otherwise a meter record fuel consumed will do.

A national total petrol sold should also give an idea how much CO2 emitted.

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.

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