
Sunday 1 November 2020

What are the contributions of Westerners to the Philippines?

 Westerners, mainly the Spanish and American, contributed good governance, wider globalization, culture, technology&science.

Governance is more easy say than done. Soon after American left, Ferdinand Marcos came to power and become a dictator rule over Philippines from 1965 to 1986 with iron first& corruption. What once rank top economy in ASEAN plummet down to rock bottom. Replace what once striving under America Commonwealth to a crime infesting& slum sporadicting state.

Source:WI the Philippines' economy does not decline under the Marcos regime?

Philippines have their own civilization, language, writing system, architecture, agriculture&art that were parallel to others during Butuan era but they didn't progress further until the arrival of western influence. Indigenous Men&women remain largely topless and living primitive life.

Picture: Igorat people of Philippines.

Philippines are mostly descendants of Austronesian& Melanesian with some earlier human(Negritos) arrived Philippines first.

The colonization of Spain also brought christianity, Hispanic Constitution, Spanish language, Spanish cuisine, fashion, music, literature and their gene pool into Philippines. Without which Philippines would have fallen into the hand of Islam, like the rest of Malay Archipelago/Nusantara. Christianity also allow Philippines more easily assimilate with American after the war.

The American introduce:

free education to Philippines (Thomasite- Increase literacy rate), taught Philippinos about nutrition and public health,

founded the oldest university (Siliman University), extend railway from 200km to 1,000km, introduce democracy&civil liberty, and improve trading and economy.

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