
Sunday 1 November 2020

How can we stop corruption?

New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, Singapore, Swiden, and Norway, are among the top ranking for corruption perception yet they are not absolutely free of corruption cases. Corruption Perceptions Index - Wikipedia.

Corruption may end but not absolutely because people have greed and this greed is stronger when there's disparity between wealth, and this disparity may be within country or international. All the country ranked least corruption are those have high GINI coefficient and GDP per capita. They are doing well and people generally do not feel the need to corrupt. However, absolute corruption free is extremely rare.

Privatization may reduce corruption within public sector but strategy must formulated to keep it competitive and result oriented. Situation in Malaysia for example is getting worst, rank 49th in year 2013 to 53th in 2019. 

Malaysia also has the highest public servant per population which make it the least effective government in the world. More than 1.6 million working in the public sector! With such low productvity the country is unable to pay high salary so corruption naturally pick up the momentum as low productivity staffs force to keep up with their peers lifestyle in private sector thus abuse power ensue. Corruption is already permeated to every corner in this country and would be hard to fight this up hill battle.

Good governance, Meritocracy and open market is key to alleviate corruption. That to say racism and nepotism shall be eliminated first before strategy to curb corruption in place.

A more realistic view is to keep corruption at minimum and keep improve governance thereby reducing it.

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