
Wednesday 25 November 2020

Without Prejudices - For Singapore Climate Change Dissidents

My objective writing to Singapore's Attorney General is hope there's synergy cooperation between Singapore government and dissident. 

Economy stagnantation due to COVID19 will be burdensome for government around the world including Singapore. Thus, climate change activists should not exacerbate the situation by creating unnecessary protest or pressure to government but to work hand-in-hand to find viable solution targeting carbon emission reduction.  

From legal point of view, I do not think some laws inherited from colonial era still relevant and effective since most of them are inconsistent with Constitution. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and shall prevail against any law made inconsistent with it thus it doesn't show any wisdom for Singapore to keep those obsolete law that suppress the civil liberty of the people. Those law were made to facilitate British control over their colony with purpose none other than gaining profit for themselves rather than protect the interest of local people. British is not wrong because this is what all other colonial master do but to keep them alive after independent is a sign of weakness in Singapore democracy and make the country look so frail to stand as an independent sovereignty. However, Singapore still far better compare to any country within ASEAN in terms of equality and judiciary independence. 


Sunday 1 November 2020

What are your thoughts of having similar buildings around the world?

No building alike even build with the same design but it would be boring/dull no matter how creative it is.

The rising cost of living prompt the increasing adoption of modular coordination and industrialized building at large scale that is repetitive in design. This might also coincide with Le Corbusier design that keep everything minimum yet functionable that is brutal to some Architects. Brutality in the sense that expose bare concrete look like an undressed man, strong;funtional; but may be a public nuisance to some (not if it is a girl). Yet, they are not exactly the same.

Zaha Hadid design style also expose bare concrete but they are more organic and unique in each and everyone of them. The curvature mimicking feminity that is eyes catching but like how most girl go shopping, they are not very practical in terms of buildability and cost of construction (aesthetic compensate economy). The function requirements of these high-end building may justify the cost of construction. They are not build to cater for public housing, they are to compete for designer's award.

It is not architecture if building are bare& monotonous because architecture respond to the environment: site orientation, precipitation rate, sun path, wind velocity&direction, surrounding object, climate, local culture, availability of materials, technology, functional requirements, local statutory requirement (such as fire department, GFA,), expected lifespan, clients requirements, industrial standard (Quality standard, Green Building standard: LEEDS, GBI, GreenMark, GreenStar, BREAM). There's also budget, time and quality constraints.

The magnitude of repetitive design in building is always in direct inverse relationship with cost (economics). There is no silver bullet, it is very much depending on suitability.

Uniqueness is costly, unless you can afford then it is at your discretion/preference.

Can money bring peace to the heart?

Money might not bring peace to heart but without money hardly anyone can be peaceful.

Money is inevitable in today world unless you are living off the grid then you may have peace without money. However, in comparison, an off grid life is even harder since you have minimum access to civilized world and would require to work hard to keep subsistence, that will spare you little time for your own meditation or simply rest.

Money if acquire to comfortable level will offset you lots of effort in living. Especially in unforeseen circumstances such as serious illness. Without money is a big headache and will drag family member along.

In the bigger scale, a country need money for daily operation and future planning. It is because of money that country rage war against one another. Millions life were lost due to rivalry for resources and most often it is a few top people that made the decision& profit from it.

Peace is costly. Many enjoying peace without knowing that without good defense system others country would take advantage of another country resources. A poor country always succumb to corruption because everyone is too frustrated with living in poor condition that prompted the easy way out. This also correlate with crime rate and safety index. Without feeling safe, nobody will have peace. Those who know Maslow hierarchy know that.

Peace also means the space for freedom of speech, descent, religious beliefs, property ownership, movement and so on that enshrine in the UN Human Right charter.

Will Malaysia ever return Sabah to the Philippines?

Although Malaysia didn't return Sabah to Philippines but Malaysia had eroded Malaysia sovereignty by allowing millions of Philippinos Muslim that may link to terrorist such as Abu Sayyaf and Sulu Sultan to infiltrate Sabah territory openly during Mahathir era (the 4th PM).

If there's law on treason then I guess Mahathir had repeatedly committed treason against Malaysian and the King. The erosion of sovereignty for political control is blatantly undemocratic and betrayer to the country.

I wonder how “Bersih” is “Bersih rally” if Mahathir is allowed into the mix. He is known to be the dirtiest in this universe. From cronyism, depleting country judiciary indepence, misusing royal pardon board, amended Constitution as much as >600times for his own convenience…etc.

I do not know why he still entitle “Tun-ship” and seems like he is not only immune to law but acting above all law and Constitution.

Allowing foreigners to infiltrate Sabah territory and disrespect constitution is an act of giving back Sabah to Philippines because Sabah resources are being share with these foreign origin people just because of his political agenda and engineer demographic from a Christian majority state to a Muslim control, at the expense of the local economy.

Sabah is plague with myriad of issues ranging from piratea and terrorist like Abu Sayaff to Sulu invasion. Defense system there is weak despite oil revenue amounting to trillions is being illegally siphon by federal government.

Sadly, Malaysian too blind to see. Nobody dare to go against is tyrannical figure. The strongest previous opposition, DAP, is now his allies. Whether Lim father son tag team or Karpal Singh family that used to be his formidable opponents submitted to Mahathir for political benefits.

So don't talk about giving back to Philippines because if people are what make up a country then Sabah sovereignty is officially being invaded, stolen and looted.

Malaysia have no integrity. Everyone is only after their own benefit. Everyone is blind and spineless.

How can we stop corruption?

New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, Singapore, Swiden, and Norway, are among the top ranking for corruption perception yet they are not absolutely free of corruption cases. Corruption Perceptions Index - Wikipedia.

Corruption may end but not absolutely because people have greed and this greed is stronger when there's disparity between wealth, and this disparity may be within country or international. All the country ranked least corruption are those have high GINI coefficient and GDP per capita. They are doing well and people generally do not feel the need to corrupt. However, absolute corruption free is extremely rare.

Privatization may reduce corruption within public sector but strategy must formulated to keep it competitive and result oriented. Situation in Malaysia for example is getting worst, rank 49th in year 2013 to 53th in 2019. 

Malaysia also has the highest public servant per population which make it the least effective government in the world. More than 1.6 million working in the public sector! With such low productvity the country is unable to pay high salary so corruption naturally pick up the momentum as low productivity staffs force to keep up with their peers lifestyle in private sector thus abuse power ensue. Corruption is already permeated to every corner in this country and would be hard to fight this up hill battle.

Good governance, Meritocracy and open market is key to alleviate corruption. That to say racism and nepotism shall be eliminated first before strategy to curb corruption in place.

A more realistic view is to keep corruption at minimum and keep improve governance thereby reducing it.

What are the contributions of Westerners to the Philippines?

 Westerners, mainly the Spanish and American, contributed good governance, wider globalization, culture, technology&science.

Governance is more easy say than done. Soon after American left, Ferdinand Marcos came to power and become a dictator rule over Philippines from 1965 to 1986 with iron first& corruption. What once rank top economy in ASEAN plummet down to rock bottom. Replace what once striving under America Commonwealth to a crime infesting& slum sporadicting state.

Source:WI the Philippines' economy does not decline under the Marcos regime?

Philippines have their own civilization, language, writing system, architecture, agriculture&art that were parallel to others during Butuan era but they didn't progress further until the arrival of western influence. Indigenous Men&women remain largely topless and living primitive life.

Picture: Igorat people of Philippines.

Philippines are mostly descendants of Austronesian& Melanesian with some earlier human(Negritos) arrived Philippines first.

The colonization of Spain also brought christianity, Hispanic Constitution, Spanish language, Spanish cuisine, fashion, music, literature and their gene pool into Philippines. Without which Philippines would have fallen into the hand of Islam, like the rest of Malay Archipelago/Nusantara. Christianity also allow Philippines more easily assimilate with American after the war.

The American introduce:

free education to Philippines (Thomasite- Increase literacy rate), taught Philippinos about nutrition and public health,

founded the oldest university (Siliman University), extend railway from 200km to 1,000km, introduce democracy&civil liberty, and improve trading and economy.

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Confusing, preposterous and rhetorical tweets from Dr. Mahathir on 29 Oct 2020.

 In regard to the tweets from Dr. Mahathir, Former Prime Minister of Malaysia& currently Member of Parliament, twitter account dated 29th October 2020, I think it is absolutely preposterous and abhorrent. 

*Police should investigate and confirm whether Dr. Mahathir indeed commented on France terror attack in his Twitter account. Cunning and deny every wrongdoings is his forte. 

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None of the tweets make any sense. Not difficult to see he is misogynistic(gender bias), undemocratic, selfish& irresponsible. Those tweets carry rhetorical agenda. Perhaps to gain political mileage to come back the third time as PM. 

Respond to Mahathir 1st tweet, may I know how is it justifiable to vent anger by killing a human just because of a caricature? 

How it is not Islam radicalising people when people from others religion will not react violently for such trivial matters? 

To Mahathir 2nd tweet. 'Killing is not an act of Muslim he would approve' and hope the sufism Islam Malaysia preach the same message. However, his 12th tweets approved the killing by quoted "angry people kill". If he would to refer the Algerian war between 1954 to 1962 then it has got nothing to do with religion or angry. 

Refer to the YouTube video above. This may be the reason why Mahathir would quote "angry people kill" because Muslim always hallucinate of having 'priveledged immunity' and cultivated to belief Islam is absolutely right (and intolerance to people from others religion) thus easily being radicalised and commit violence in the name of Allah/Islam. 

Another possibility for Mahathir disagreed Muslim for the killing might because showing of caricature of Mohammed is not blasphemy in the past. China CCTV proven that. However, Muslim radicalism is beyond what between permissible. in general Muslim are instill with the notion to eliminate all non-muslim (disbeliever of Islam). 

I totally disagree with him on his 3rd tweet. It is as if he had forgotten May13 incident where Chief of Armed Force Tunku Osman Jiwa and Inspector General Police Salleh bin Ismael order 'shoot-to-kill order' to 2,000 Royal Malay Regiment army and 3,600 police to kill innocent Malaysian Chinese. 

Thereafter the massacre, NEP (New Economy Policy) was introduced to exacerbate the situation that systematically marginalizing minority ethnic (mostly Malaysian Chinese&Indian) in almost all aspect of life. 

Article: Prior attempt to kill non-muslim. 

Not sure May13 massacre was a pre-planned or not but it does coincide with Quran 9:29 and Hadith Sahih 19:4294 perfectly. 

Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued

Sahih Muslim (19:4294) - "Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war... When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them... If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them."

All the police and army deployed under the shoot-to-kill order were Muslim. Not only no prosecution them thereafter the massacre (as if killing people is OK) but NEP or jizya were introduced to levy on non-muslim (as defined by article 160- Constitution).

NEP has been ongoing for 51 years and still haunting Malaysia minority ethnics (non-muslim). If only his tweet 7th refer to this but less likely so. 

Hence, Malay/Muslim is not sensitive but oppressive and only stop violence because the non-muslim is paying jizya (NEP) as per Quran 9:29. However, non-muslim have to be sensitive because our life is at stake! 

Mahathir's 10th tweet is applicable for himself when he was Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Source: Malaysia Ethnics 2020

His 4th, 8th & 9th tweets about copying west clothing and becoming wearing less. It seems like either he just born yesterday or he is alien to Malaysia because the reality is just opposite. 

Malay barely wear anything (probably topless and totally naked) prior to Srivijaya era. Sarong were introduced by the Indian. Likewise, the Orang Asli and indigenous people of Borneo(East Malaysia) were largely naked prior to the arrival of westerners. It is the west (especially the industrialization) that introduce modern clothing to Malaysia and make clothing affordable. 

Without Indian, Chinese and The west introduced more proper clothing to Malay, indigenous of Borneo (also Austronesian, share same ancestor with Malay) and Orang Asli (Negritos, Proto-Malay), they probably still naked living in the jungle. Nevertheless, how much clothing to put on or nude is individual freedom. 

Nudity as indecency bylaw is influenced by culture and religious beliefs politician want people to believe they having! 

Being nude is not wrong morally if it does not cause harm to anyone. How Muslim perceive it as consent for rape is a matter of self-control they obviously lack of. 

Malay didn't wear hijab in the 80's. Hijab is a relatively new trend as Islamism becoming more aggressive. 

Arrival of westerner bring civilization and more clothing to Malay. 

Borneo women were naked. If it is tradition then what's wrong? Isn't it is the west following our traditional fashion?

Women don't wear hijab

The west naked on beach, we were naked everywhere we go. The west is following our forefathers trend, aren't they?

Frequent terrorist attack by Islamist Jihadist prompted France& affected countries to impose safety measure such as no face cover (no burqa) unless for health reason e.g. covid. 

France didn't stop Islam country like Iran to impose rule for wearing hijab so where come the force others? France only impose rules in their own country for the safety of their people. 

Negritos migrated to Malaya and Borneo from Africa directly >65,000 years ago. 

Austronesian (Malay ancestor) migration route to Malaya only 3,500 years ago. 

For Mahathir's 5th & 6th tweets, please don't forget, Malay is not the first people arrived in Malaya or Borneo, it is the Negritos (orang asli). Did Malay ask their permission to land? Did Malay get permission before alter the land? In fact, not only orang asli did not enjoy the special privileges allocated only for the Malay but their rights also being denied. Constantly being force to convert to Islam. 

If his 5th tweet's late comer refer to Malaysia minority ethnics (Malaysian chinese& Indian mostly non-muslim) then he is right because if more Chinese and Indian would to migrate earlier then Malaysia would probably more develop now. 

New ideas, science&technology and hardship invested in Malaysia by these LATER comer (that can be trace more than 5 generation and as early as year 1400) contributed most of Malaysia economy development despite being minority. 

Muslim tend to be misogyny, narrow minded and not open to new ideas and changes probably due to the edicts of Islam caliph that Quran can not be change. The intolerance, misogyny, inflexible& xenophobia(treat non-muslim as foreigners/enemy) nature of Islam may lead to Muslim resistance to the new ideas. 

Nonetheless, some verses of Quran were abrogated and replaced by Mohammed himself. This proof that Quran is not evergreen and it can be changed. It was Caliph Othman that prevent further amendment of Quran in afraid of dispute that lead to bloodshed within Muslim at that time because there's several version of Quran emerged and authenticity is hard to confirm. 

Mahathir 5th &6th Tweet, Not wrong to say men&women are physically different but it is this differences that should empower women to defense for themselves through universal suffrage and adequate representation in Parliament, especially in this region where men are apathy. 

Democracy always care for the voiceless and upholding the principle of equality. He don't seems to understand what is democracy and human rights. 

Mahathir's tweet 10th overtly deny France sovereignty and disrespect to freedom of religious beliefs. It is freedom of religion that French can have freedom of choice to belief whichever religion or not to belief any at all (atheist). 

This is exemplary for freedom of believe and faith in a democratic country Malaysia should follow. This freedom is guaranteed by France Constitution that we all should respect their sovereignty right, especially it is a very good law. 

Since it is a law, France should enforce it so that everyone enjoy the freedom. Those who disrespect freedom of others shall not be respected in return.

Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help." 

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority". 

Quran (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks." 

Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." 

Quran (9:30) - "And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!"

Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness." 

There are over hundreds of violence verses in Quran and Hadith Muslim obligated to follow. All these are risk and threat to society (especially for non-muslim) and not just because of one or two killing incident by the Muslim. Thus, not wrong to say 'Islam is in crisis' because it is what the book (Islamic teaching) translating in real life. 

Mahathir 11th tweet about the killing "is not keeping with the teaching of islam", is not accurate because it is indeed within Islam teaching to kill for those committed besphemy (although the definition of besphemy maybe open) or just any non-muslim (disbeliever to Islam). 

Probably, the Islam Mahathir understood in his life is not what the Islam original value or maybe he is just being an apologist to disassociate Islam for the crime committed. 

This is preposterous because Islam is base on Quran and Quran is violence. Reaction from Muslim worldwide also endorsed the crime is Islamic. 

Thus, Who is disrespecting others value& religion? 

There is no law in France prohibit Muslim from their religious practices as long as it does not break the law. 

In which area France is disrespecting others value? 

Everyone is free to practice their religion in the West. Unlike Malaysia where non-muslim is bind by conditions and receiving unequal treatment despite contributed the most. 

If Malaysia respect freedom of religious believe then Article 160 of Malaysia constitution should not bind Malay to Islam and afforded special privileges to Malay under article 153. 

The existence of law is for public order and peace. If anyone can kill people as they wish then what law is for? 

Normally, parent complain to principal about discrimination. In extreme case report to police. There's many avenue in France to let his grievances heard. Glorify killing is akin to inducing more terrorism. 

Emmamuel Macron is not primitive, he is civilize since he pathway for legal recourse for all people disregard race &religion thus he is also not anti-islam because law apply to all. 

Algerian war is not as a result of angry French. The war is not related to religion. Is Mahathir trying to confuse people worldwide that French had killed many Muslim thus it is OK to kill French in return? 

Angry because French kill many Muslim in the past? 

He don't even know basic rules of law. Should his children and grandchildren be prosecuted for his cronyism, corruption& squandering public money? Of course no, unless they too involved. 

So why French people have to be punish for their grandfather/ancestor killing? 

Furthermore, it was war, killing is inevitable. He should not compare religion and colonization. Nature of colonization is to extract resources and profit from it. Whereas religion is for mental& spiritual growth and social well-being. No others religion other than Islam ask to kill or persecute others. This is the different between islam and others religion. 

What sort of punishment Mahathir think fit for the French? 

I would suggest French to erect a friendship monuments to express regret on the lost from both sides due to the war. 

Should Malay be punish for their crime in May13 massacre? 

If yes, how? 

I would rather Malaysia King and Prime Minister officially apologize to victim of May13 massacre and minority that suffering from unequal treatment due to NEP, as well as, abolish the foolish article 153 (special privileges) and article 160 (Malay definition). We don't want to kill Malay (they are our friend), we just want dignity and equality.

Mahathir words(if indeed his) is misleading& dangerous. As MP represent Langkawi, he shall be accountable for his words. He is not commoner. his word bring impact and may cause real damage as he is financially and personally capable of inflicting such terrorism. He should be prosecuted and Malaysia government should come out to distance the country from his personal statement.