I come to know about UEC issues only recently despite my cousin is one of the victim. She studied in Chinese school from Kindergarten to High school then further her study in Taiwan before married and settle down in Melbourne. Now with two kids living happy ever after in the land down under, Australia.
I'm extremely angry like very very angry on the government for the hypocrisy of promoting national unity and racial harmony yet on another hand cause such inequality and blatant racism to continue.
While I have no idea what reason for government did not approved UEC but the only reason for those antagonist (mostly from Malay and Islamic related group) is that UEC will cause disunity and threaten Malay language as national language because it is not taught in Malay language.
All Independent Chinese school is legally registered and teaching in Chinese is not breaking any law of the country. In fact, it is allowed for under the Federal Constitution Article 152.
Malaysia have 50.8% Malay population out of the 68.6% Bumiputra. 25.9% of Bumiputra consist of other ethnic groups (non-Malay bumiputra)from Orang Asal and Sabah& Sarawak Aborigines (e.g. Dayak, Melanau, Sulu, Kayan& Kadazan-Dusun) which represent 17.8% of Malaysian. However, when look into the statistic of civil service, non-malay represent less than 15% and Chinese is less than 10% despite having 23.4% of total population. Dig deeper, chinese only consist of 5.08% in public sector top management and 5.12% of management and professional group. What more puzzling me is where the 7% total Indian population go? Only 1.41% of Indian in top management grouo& 3.22% in management & professional group.
The statistic show a huge disparity in racial composition. Easily less than 50% of respective ethnic total population in civil service. This is not including police and defense force which may drive the Malay composition to near 95%.
From the white paper entitled "TOWARDS A MORE REPRESENTATIVE AND WORLD CLASS MALAYSIAN CIVIL SERVICE", it highlight that the implication of NEP (New Economy Plan) since inception in 1970 had driven the proportion of Malay civil service from 60% to 85% now. A figure pulling the racial equity gap wider by time.
Chinese in civil service is already much below what suppose to. UEC graduate who is in civil service is even a rarity!
Tun Mahathir quotes in The New Strait Times, 20 May 2001.
"The Government wants an increase in non-Bumiputra representation in the civil
service to promote national unity. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir said
today there was a need to ensure all races are sufficiently represented ay all levels
in the service. “We are a bit worried that there are not too many non-Malays –
that is Chinese and Indians – in the government service."
The need to close the equity gap in civil service is imperative. 3 main reason elaborated further in the white paper are:
Ensure equity, safeguard national unity& improve public service performance. Hence, it is absurd to reject UEC since forcing the Chinese further study in overseas will directly lead to increase of emigration. Working in overseas that is much compatible with their expected remunerations.
So why cause Chinese (especially the young energetic and smart one) to leak out? Isn't allow them to further study in public university will encourage their percentage in civil service to increase? Why waste talent?
If knowledge transfer via Chinese language is any less loyal to the country then how to explain majority (almost all) corrupted public official and GLC (Government Link Company) top management are from national-type school?
I belief those taking public money (corrupted civil servant) for their own benefit are considered as betraying to the country and worst are those sell off country wealth, no doubt an act of treason. So which is more disloyal?
There are 23 million Muslim in China, more than Malaysia Muslim and all of them are educated in Chinese language together with people of non-muslim. If it does not affect their faith then why is it affect the Muslim in Malaysia? Both are Muslim and Sunni.
Inevitably those UEC that force to study abroad, work, then settle down will eventually give out their citizenship. But how to expect their loyalty if you rejected them (just because you can't keep up the pace) in the first place? Expect anyone to loyal to the extent give up their dreams(like they owe you their life)?
If Chinese language as medium to transfer knowledge is a problem for the Malay Muslim then why are you praying in Arabic instead of Malay language?
Why Indonesian have Malay name but Malaysian Malay is using Arabic name despite both are Muslim?
Why don't you consider it as betraying Malay language?
UEC is originally developed together with Taiwan. If talk about affiliation, Chinese would have closer link to Malay than Arabic.
Arabic is a foreign language originated from the Peninsula Arab. There's nothing related to Malay. In contrast, Malay is a subgroup of Austronesian language originated from Taiwan and the mouth of Yangtze river, Southern China, which have closer link to Chinese language whether geographically or phenotypically. Proto-Austronesian is the liangzhu (Hemudu) people from Southern China. Chinese belong to sino-tibetan (Sinitic) and share the same ancestral with Austronesia, call Sino-Austric. Malay is a subgroup of Malayo-Polynesia, under Austronesian language family. Which means Malay language and Chinese language can trace back to the same language call Sino-Austric (Super-grandpa) whereas Arabic is more related to the African.
So why still pray in Arabic instead of bahasa Melayu? Don't you afraid it will erode the unity or affect Malay language? I'm sure the mighty God can understand Malay language too.
*I'm not against praying in Arabic. Go ahead, I'm only using it as comparison.
By phenotype, meaning genetic Malay have 66.7% DNA from Formosan and those Indonesian migrated here (and somehow become Malay) having 88.6% Formosan DNA. Formosan or Taiwanese Y-DNA Haplogroup O-M175. This makes Malaysian Malay and Malaysian Chinese (who does not carry Y-DNA haplogroup ‘R’) very much related.
![]() |
Blue color represent haplogroup O of which it stretch from China, ASEAN(Malaysia, Borneo, Indonesia) to Polynesian. |
Of course, my turtle head cowardly retract when write to gomen. The above might be sensitive to their fragile heart (sentiment). Perhaps the only thing I should have written is how come international student can enrol into public university without even taking Malay language in SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) but UEC graduate is asked to obtain at least C (credit) for the subject in order to consider eligibility for public university entry?
Is this not citizen cannibalism (eating own kind) or blatant apartheid to the max!
My writings to the Education Ministry of Malaysia is as below:
I wish your ministry can immediately approve and recognize UEC (Unified Examination Certificate) after the "holistic study" Education Minister, Mr. Maszlee Malik mentioned on 8th July 18.
I can not comprehend why it is not approved& recognized by the government since its inception, more so after it has gained worldwide recognition and credential(& credibility) better than that of national school could ever dream of.
UEC shall be assess from the perspective of quality. It is the content and delivery of it that matter. Chinese language as medium for teaching neither effect loyalty to the country nor does it have slightest jeopardy to racial harmony and unity. In fact, it is an advantage to strengthen communication skills and our rojak language culture.
The "Holistic Study" may consider several factors such as:
-leadership& politic promise
-Education Quality
-National Unity& harmony (long term)
-Economy contribution & opportunity cost
Leadership: both major political coalition(BN& Pakatan Harapan) had promised in their GE14 manifesto to recognise UEC. It will be a big disappointment and lost of credibility on Pakatan government if not fulfill the manifesto especially this is the first time Pakatan win the election.
When people voted for Pakatan, they also voted for the manifesto including recognize UEC. Thus, it is safe to say regardless of which ethnic or creek, the people had approved it and so should the people representative. So please deliver it.
Education Quality:
-More than 1,000 tertiary education institution worldwide recognise UEC with more than 70 of them are within world top 200 ranking university, as of 2014, including California Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Oxford University, University of Cambridge, University of Toronto, University of Tokyo, National University of Singapore, University of Hong Kong, University of Melbourne, Peking University and Kyoto University.
-In the year 2013, UEC graduate have Higher rate pursue tertiary education. 6,235 students(77.16%) out of 8,088 Chinese secondary school graduates pursue their tertiary education- 46.43% went to university in overseas and 3,017 (48.39%) enrolled in local private colleges and universities. Compare to only 48% national-type school graduate further their study. This show UEC graduate is smarter, more hardworking, and more potential in economy& social contribution to the country, as it has much higher percentage pursue (qualify& confident) tertiary education.
Must not deny tertiary graduate have higher income (increase national PPP) and higher productivity (real economy growth). Public university got PTPTN thus financial difficulty can not be a reason for not pursue tertiary education.
National Unity& Harmony:
-I'm from St.John's Institute, a missionary school(mostly taught in English medium), not from Independent Chinese School.
A missionary school is founded by the Christian brothers but student are from all sort of background.
Traditionally, English is the medium and from headmaster to teachers were Catholic brothers. Some of the distinguish individual graduated from this Christian school are the current Sultan Selangor, Sultan Brunei, DS Najib, DS Hishammudin, DS Zaid and many others Royalty, ex-ministers& their son. Of which most of them are Muslim.if there's no problem for the highest Islam authority in the country to attend Christian school taught in English medium, what is wrong for the religion neutral UEC teaching in Chinese medium?
What reason GAMIS(Gabungan Mahasiswa Islam Se-malaysia) from UM, UKM, USIM& UPM have to protest recognition of UEC when it does not constitute any religion elements nor racial disharmony?
UEC is religion neutral and not limited to Chinese. Meaning Malay, Indian, Iban, Bidayuh, Kadasan, or any person from any ethnicity and religion is welcome. It is a meritocracy based education system constantly competitive and upgrade itself for betterment.
There's nothing contradict to any religion(including Islam). UEC is basically teaching in Chinese (and some in English) with very good quality content. Please show me in which Quran surah is opposing UEC?
GAMIS or any group or individual who oppose it using religion or race as excuse is prima facie, either that they are stirring racial disharmony themselves or that they are lack of confidence to achieve what they wish for by own effort.
Malaysia has been drag down by antagonist and race-based policy for decades. Malay have equal potential and ability to achieve everything non-Malay achieved only if given the same platform and opportunity. Malay is not retard, stupid or lazy but the policy molding them so. I belief if the same condition given to Chinese, Chinese will also dysfunction.
-UEC is not exclusively for Chinese. Malay and Indian or whatever ethnic and religion background student is welcome. There's no restriction based on ethnic or religion. In fact, more and more non-chinese attend Chinese school and the result in unity and racial harmony is proven especially Chinese education is toward harmonious and tolerance.
Understanding each other language and culture will avoid unnecessary misunderstanding and foster racial relationship.
-Indepedent Chinese School are not alien or foreign entity. Unlike many International school in Malaysia that teach others country syllabus, Independent Chinese School teach Malaysia stuffs. History and Geography is in local context, Malaysia history and geography which no doubt instill sense of belongingness and loyalty to Malaysia. Therefore, it is absurd to recognise international school student but refuse to accept UEC.
-Bahasa Malaysia is taught in UEC, in fact more than Chinese language class per week. Thus, UEC graduate not learning Bahasa Malaysia is not true. UEC graduate can speak Bahasa Malaysia but of course not as good as Malay lah. This proof that Independent Chinese school do respect Bahasa Malaysia as national language.
Bahasa Malaysia is important as a medium for communication within public sector but it's significant is not as obvious in private sector. What more outside Malaysia (except for Indonesia).
I personally belief the amount of Malay language taught in Chinese school is sufficient even for national-type school. More mother tongue such as Tamil, Punjabi and Dayak language should be taught so that we can understand each other.
Isn't rojak language our Malaysia identity?
Even the law of nature favour diversity.
-it is proven by those non-Chinese who studied in Chinese school to have better understanding and relationship with all races. Chinese education is unique in a way it embraces and harmonized the yin& yang, meaning it cultivate mature personality that embraces negative and positive perspective making one more accepting to changes(reality).
-It is absurd to accept international student but not our own UEC graduate. International students coming from less develop country and less academy quality (credential) is accepted into public university while the much better quality citizen graduated from locally brew UEC is denied?
Seriously, is something missing in our education assessment system or the ability to think logically is absent? Repercussions of denialism?
Economy Contribution and Opportunity Cost:
-Independent Chinese School is market driven. Demand is far exceeding supply. There are 60 school available and producing around 8,000 student each year.
In year 2013, Independent Chinese School have no choice but force to reject 3,350 application due to undercapacity of the school. High School such as Tsun Jin have only 560 placement but application for admission is 1,150(double of its capacity=50% rejected). Hin Hua high school have 1,500 applicant but only able to admit 500. This show there's huge market for UEC and such market demand is not exist for nothing. The value of UEC bring is proven throughout the decades.
Independent Chinese school expenses is lower than others private school but might higher than national school. Yet demand is like ever increasing like never before.
It make all the economy sense to recognise it in order for the local tertiary education to benefit from the quality input of student and expand the market of both local public tertiary education and Independent Chinese school.
-China GDP stand at USD 13.8trillion (2018) and projected by Pwc to reach more than USD 60 trillion in year 2050. 5 to 5.5% growth each year. China is already the world biggest market (number 1, year 2016) and expected continue to lead the world market for the next 5 decades. How to tap into this market if we can not speak their language?
Practically UEC provide a platform for graduate to access into the world biggest market. The biggest economy we would have miss if we miss out UEC.
Translator incur additional cost. Time and accuracy of translation is yet another intangible expend for those don't speak Chinese. Imagine how easy it is for UEC graduate?
-According to Annual Report by Universitas 21, a global network research for 21st century university, Malaysia ranked 44 out of 50 Asian countries for employability, research output, enrolment, institution ranking. Despite ranked 12 in government expenditure& investment in R&D.
This means Malaysia is either not productive in utilizing fund or enrolled student quality is not as good (quality) to produce graduate that market demand and quality research paper.
How much can you expect local public university produce higher quality research(e.g.publish by international journal) and have better employment prospect if those UEC left out the opportunity to contribute?
UEC graduate that able to enrol to top university based on their academy achievement is contributing to University overseas such as NUS, NTU, Peking University and Taiwan University. Why accuse them not loyal if not giving them the opportunity to contribute?
In fact, by not giving(restraining) our citizens(talents) to contribute to our country and caused brain drain, economy opportunity cost that they might bring to the country, is an act of betrayer to the country.
Imagine if UEC is recognized, UEC graduate pursue tertiary education will certainly increase to above 90% and public university might increase its research quality and ability thus the ranking and employability as a whole. Why lose our talents to others country?
-May2001, estimate the cost of brain drain suffer by Malaysia amounting to £ 1billion each year. We are losing our young Chinese that bound for Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore and the United States- according to Kua Kia Soong, the academic director of the Jiao Zong Higher Learning Centre. That £1 billion could means more now after inflation and accumulation. Thus why should Malaysia continue suffer the lost?
-According to AIA research in Oct 2016, parents in Malaysia spent between Rm400,000 to Rm1.1million to bring up each child. By losing eight thousands talents each year to others country we are also losing the money invested in them. Furthermore, government is also losing the money invested in public healthcare throughout their life up to secondary school just to lose them for the absurd reason of not recognize UEC.
Therefore, recognize UEC is not only imperative but also a duty of government to safeguard Malaysia future human capital, economy and social fabric.
*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.
Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)
*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.
Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)
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