
Monday 14 July 2014

Hidden facts about Water: Effects of Aqua-aqua from water contain EDC

There's a saying in Chinese go like this; 'if man were made of soil, women is made of water'. While there's is literally no scientific proof to justify the saying but water does indeed somehow affect the genetic code of human notwithstanding that we all were once female (during the first few weeks-60days- embryo follows a "female blueprint" until testosterone kick in where another Y chromosome pair with X, instead of XX for female-changing genitals& brain) in mother's womb, that's why man also have mammary papillae or known as nipples.

Refrigerant, The Ozone Killer!

From Human comfort to keep our food fresh (or look fresh) but little do we know that it's the same substance that seems prolong our food& provide comfort at the same time silently rage war up above the ozone against our every survival and those others earth co-habitants. So force majeure really an act of god? 

Green Transport

I’m happy to see Green Vehicle priority in GBI although I don’t drive. Transportation is no doubt one of the hardest sector in curbing CO2 but its 2nd biggest CO2 contributor!

On 18th Oct 2011, 1st Malaysia-German Sustainable Automotive Mobility Conference at Kuala Lumpur, rolled out National Automotive Policy under the purview of KeTTHA. MEGTW was tasked to draft the roadmap.

Human ∞ Apes, in Sustainability


Sahelanthropus tchadensis

Back to 4-6million years ago, Human (homosapiens), Chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) and Bonobo (pan paniscus) sharing an immediate ancestral (Sahelanthropus tchadensis). Chimps shows aggressive in defending territorial and would kill, even their own kinds, for the continuity of their genes, prevalent in dominant alpha male. Whereas Bonobo shows behavior of love-making, kindness, sharing and even trans-territorial breeding.

Sustainable Development for Malaysia's cities

My Open Letter to Tengku Adnan:

Wednesday 19 March 2014

KLORR!! The Life Eating Dragon

Said .....

On 10th September 2013, Malaysia Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib, called on world leaders to inculcate a new respect for the environment, saying the people and the future generations depend on it.

“Until we understand instinctively that sacrificing such resources for short-term benefit undermines our long-term aims, we cannot hope to achieve truly sustainable developmentThis same principle applies in regional and global policies, too.” 

Monday 3 March 2014

MOCC-Sustainability, Society& You (Week 8-Assignment: Poster)


The background of the poster depict a wind mill (it’s actually a combination of wind turbine and solar panels). Wind turbine is one of the lowest energy cost green energy, not only the source is free, renewable and no by-products. Literally there’s no carbon emission during the course of its operation life.  

Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Dinosaurs in Building Sector

Building sector account for 38% of human GHG emission (10% residential& 18% commercial), an ever increasing  trend  since  the  introduction  of  cement  based  building  materials  apart  from  electric appliances&  gadgets  that  has  become  part  of  daily  life  necessity.  On  average  a  regular  building attribute 5,000kg CO2e/m2 through its lifecycle of which 25% come from its construction while up to 2% of it during its course of operation per year. We  can’t  twist  the  facts  that  the  demand  for  building  is  in  tandem  with  the  ever  growing  human population which translate to increment of GHG emission, thus questions on effects of climate change and  sustainability  natural  resources  ensued.  United Nation  (UN)  projected  that  world  population would reached its peak, at 9.22billions, in 2075, an additional of 2.1 billion souls from now. The right for quality shelter is basic to humanity which by then foreseeable as a matter of past but to reached there a mechanism to achieve the equilibrium between human and the surrounding environment is critical now. The sector is most promising in CO2 emission reduction in related to cost effectiveness, as suggested by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).