
Monday 14 July 2014

Hidden facts about Water: Effects of Aqua-aqua from water contain EDC

There's a saying in Chinese go like this; 'if man were made of soil, women is made of water'. While there's is literally no scientific proof to justify the saying but water does indeed somehow affect the genetic code of human notwithstanding that we all were once female (during the first few weeks-60days- embryo follows a "female blueprint" until testosterone kick in where another Y chromosome pair with X, instead of XX for female-changing genitals& brain) in mother's womb, that's why man also have mammary papillae or known as nipples.

Not that the natural water supply affecting our health or genetic code but it's our own creation that alter the behaviour of water toward us. There's always options but not always right decision. Human are attach to easy way and short-sighted convenient way for temporary comfort or financial gain. 

I've given my input to Green Building Index (GBI) committee on the cleaning agent or detergent on building usage since it's more relevant in building application context, rather than suggesting others attributes such as birth prevention pill and so on. 

Reason being for my suggestion is that the bioactive molecules contained in most of cleaning agent such as detergents, floor soap, kitchen top soap& etc. cause detrimental impact to health, such as irritation to eyes &skin, beside some emitting VOC. the more concerning issues is endocrine disruptors chemicals (EDC) that linked to these soap. EDC is recognize as silent threat to our health in water source that we have no idea how to treat it, which I brought up during the MIGHT-Foresight workshop last year.

We wash our floor with detergent contain EDC. EDC contained washed water flush to public water treatment. Public water treatment system unable to treat/segregate out EDC. Mother boil the water for her children (can’t kill it either). Then EDC that contain oestradiol mimicking compounds that hinder proper development in her son. Her son become Maknya/Pondan/ah qua.

EDC also associated with birth defects , others developmental disorder, learning disabilities, severe attention deficit discorder, cognitive and brain development problems, deformation of the body, sexual development problems such as feminixing of males (pondan), masculine female (Kathoey/ladyboy), thyroid& others cancers.

Of course, it’s not all blame point to cleaning agent, drugs such as diethylstilbestrol also form part of the problem. Actually, many medical drugs in the market after consumed the urine from the consumer contain EDC which then leak out to public water channel too. So not only human that suffer the problem but animals especially aquatic animals that come in contact with it suffer too. Not too surprise for biologist to found pondan frogs nowadays. Not sure Phuket, the highest density of pondan population in the world, related to this. J

Therefore, I suggest Green cleaning, environmentally friendly ingredient that preserve human health and environmental quality. It should be biodegradable (including its packaging). US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has got a label for it (Design for the Environment Program-DfE) which ensure safer chemical, lifecycle& whole bunch of technical assessments. 

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