
Monday 3 March 2014

MOCC-Sustainability, Society& You (Week 8-Assignment: Poster)


The background of the poster depict a wind mill (it’s actually a combination of wind turbine and solar panels). Wind turbine is one of the lowest energy cost green energy, not only the source is free, renewable and no by-products. Literally there’s no carbon emission during the course of its operation life.  

It comes& goes yet need no transportation- The spinning windmill imply that the production of energy without fossil fuel and better yet the necessity of its transportation. As long as there’s air pressure differentiation, air movement or wind, there’s FREE power.

It is everywhere yet need no storage- Wind power require no storage for fuel, since it is fuel by air movement, hence it need no storage space for fuel and any space consumption as a result of fossil fuel mining, transportation, storage, waste disposal and pollution out of its by-products. The current technology allow windmill to be station at shallow sea which eliminate the land consumption while allow unobstructed wind fuelling the windmill. On another hand, skyscrapers such as the Bahrain trade centre has wind mill installed to power its own building and with surplus selling back to the grid.  

It is powerful yet it’s free, catch it if you will- Wind is invisible to naked eyes yet it’s a powerful natural phenomena freely available. Although it might not commercially viable to all areas, with regard to the area air pressure, wind speed&cost associated with the land. Generally unobstructed land such as sea side, desert or areas that allow at least 15m/s of wind speed is commercially feasible for wind turbine to happen.

In the context of sustainability, the poster is promoting green energy in fighting against unsustainable power production, in effort to control the rate of climate change and potential threat of hazardous waste, thus contribute to a more sustainable living.

I purposely end it with “catch it if you will….”. There’s no question of whether can we because we definitely can only if we will. The overall cost of wind turbine is so affordable that any medium class in developing country can afford one. Thus, the challenge here is the will of readers to make it happen. Not forgetting solar panels is also getting affordable. The bottom line is whichever, wind turbine or solar panels, I hope green energy of such can be proliferate to every corner of earth where power is needed.

Wind Energy by the Numbers

Ø  Wind energy produced worldwide: 65,000,000,000 kWh per year (enough power for 6 million U.S. homes)

Ø  Wind energy produced in the U.S.: 16,000,000,000 kWh per year (enough power for 1.6 million homes)

Ø  Potential U.S. wind energy production by 2020: enough power for 25 million homes yearly

Ø  Installed cost of wind energy: 2-6 cents/kWhYearly emissions eliminated by generating energy from a 1 MW wind turbine instead of 1 MW of conventional sources: over 1,500 tons of carbon dioxide, 6.5 tons of sulfur dioxide, 3.2 tons of nitrogen oxides, and 60 pounds of mercury in one year.

Ø  Wind power farms generate between 17 and 39 times as much power as they consume, as compared to 16 times for nuclear plants and 11 times for coal plants, according to a study of Midwestern wind farms by the University of Wisconsin.[1]


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