
Monday 5 August 2013

Resurrection of Dinosaur- Part 1


Free Energy?

Energy is free? Yes, it’s free but to extract and convert it into a form that usable for our current technology is not. Disregard the energy spatter from the universe since the big bang (creation of universe). Sun is the main source of energy to earth from the aspects of biology, chemistry to physics. Sun rays sponsor its energy to all of us. Plant requires it in photosynthesis to grow and feed others animals which human are also part of the ecological food chain which means to say all living beings are either using energy directly or indirectly from the sun.

Universe energy
In compliance to the law of conservation of Energy, energy can’t be created or destroy. Energy absorbed into living things didn’t disappear along with their death but embodied into their remaining for millions of years before it was discovered, extracted and transformed into what known as fossil. With human intelligent it is turn into valuable fuel for electrical generation, moving transport, cooking& etc. Beside the millions years conserved energy we also convert sun energy directly into a usable forms that compatible with our current technology, such as photovoltaic and solar heater, but with much lower efficiency.

It was my honour to have been invited to attend the forum of Scenario Building year 2030 (Energy), by MIGHT, along with some thirty top guys in the industry& society. I can’t hesitate (though I remain silent) to agree that “Energy is free” when the statement shouted out by another attendee but since they have categorized it into the “W” omega scenario (wildcard) then its better to remain so or I’ll be called a lunatic again. 

Supply& Demand

The law of conservation of energy imply that the world including us (Human) is part of the energy metamorphosis system and therefore there is never a shortage of energy but the inability to efficiently transform it into a useful state at our current technology causes the problem. Factors ensuring availability of energy for all are;

  • 1.     Efficiency of technology converts raw energy into a useful state.
  • 2.     Availability of useful primary energy.
  • 3.     Environmental effect of the energy transformation
  • 4.     Growth of population
  • 5.     Consumption of energy per capita/ energy consumption pattern/GDP.
  • 6.     Affordability

Efficiency of technology

Since energy can’t be created or loss, we can’t actually consume energy but misusing the word “consume” does make readers and writer’s life easier. In contrast with Wikipedia definition, my definition of Energy Conversion Efficiency is the ability of a mechanism in converts input energy to useful output energy plus residue energy.

input Energy = ∑ useful Energy + ∑ Residue Energy

Thus, an efficient technology converting raw energy into a useful state means the ability of a method/ of machineries convert input energy to maximum useful energy with least residue energy (wastage) possible. The desire output energy can be in the form of;

  • 1.     Electricity (for electrical driven machines/ appliances)
  • 2.     Mechanical (Transport, moving machinery)
  • 3.     Thermal (Heat production)
  • 4.     Luminous (Lighting)

Inadvertently, all these forms of energies have twisting themselves evolving from one form to another within our life without being notice but what for certain is residue energy in the form of heat proof detrimental to our (human) climate. Therefore energy efficiency is the key to ensure maximum potential utilization of fuel especially the non-renewable fuel.

In recognizing the facts that we can’t survive in extreme climate condition if the residue energy and harmful chemicals waste from our energy conversion does not renewed, disposed or converted into a stable or useful state, let along the ever showering sun ray (electromagnetic energy) onto earth via our pitiful state ozone will make our earth explode like in the movie 2012! 

It’s no science fiction but a much larger scale of eggs cooking in microwave. Try it at home and you will have your eggs (eggs in the microwave, not those in your pant) detonated….Boom!! Likewise with sun baking earth, with thinner ozone shell means more energy is penetrated into our planet and together with the ever increasing unleash of residue energy from the pre-historic (fossil fuel) and that of the current pollution effects, all together at the same time, it’s creating a powerful time bomb waiting to burst at any time. I’m no scientist and have no idea when earth will burst into pieces but since our world temperature is still increasing means it’s still absorbing sensible heat before changing its physical state at large. Although I do believe parts of it has started to melt as evidence by the rising sea level. Until such time when earth started absorbs its latent heat (start changes its physical state without changes of temperature, melting) then I’ll probably end up like how Sméagol die in the last episode of Lord of the Ring except that I’ll have all of you accompany.

Undeniably economy does influence greatly in shaping the future energy landscape but invest half of our national (Malaysia) key drivers into it while only left 1 driver for ‘climate change’ show how we underestimate the power of nature. First, we created the idea of money (a medium endow with value use for exchanging our desires) then make ourselves believe that money is all we need to survive, later more ironically that we dig out the silent energy safely deposited in the ground and crazy about it with the money we invented. It’s as hilarious as hard for me to comprehend what is the meaning of economy or value of money if earth comes to an end for humankind.

Of course it would be too extreme (W-Omega scenario, i.e. social derailment) if we totally neglect how our current economy system works. It’s a balancing act between the cliffs, to juggle our environment and financial security so as to avoid nature claims our life as well as our psychological self-destruction.

In the alpha scenario (α, optimistic), we should have the brain power as well as the environmental conscious to invent and improve greater efficiency technology with lesser negative effects to environment. The possible technologies in future are;

  • ·         Inductive chargers
  • ·         Tidal turbines
  • ·         Fuel cells
  • ·         Bio-enhanced fuels
  • ·         Multi-segmented smart grids
  • ·         Photovoltaic glass
  • ·         Piezo-electricity
  • ·         Biomechanical harvesting
  • ·         Nano-generation
  • ·         Artificial photosynthesis
  • ·         Enernet
  • ·         Thorium reactor
  • ·         Traveling wave reactor
  • ·         Space-based solar power

The existing energy conversion efficiency;
Conversion process
Energy efficiency
Electricity generation

Gas turbine
up to 40%
Gas turbine plus steam turbine (combined cycle)
up to 60%
Water turbine
up to 90% (practically achieved)
Wind turbine
up to 59% (theoretical limit)
Solar cell
6–40% (technology dependent, 15% most often, 85–90% theoretical limit)
Fuel cell
up to 85%
World Electricity generation 2008
Gross output 39%, Net output 33%.[1]

Combustion engine
Electric motors
70–99.99% (above 200W); 50–90% (between 10–200W); 30–60% (small ones < 10W)
Natural process

up to 6% [3]

Household refrigerators
low-end systems ~ 20%; high end systems ~ 40–50%
Incandescent light bulb
0.7–5.1%,[4] 5–10%[citation needed]
Light-emitting diode (LED)
4.2–14.9%,[4] up to 35% [5][dead link]
Fluorescent lamps
8.0–15.6%,[4] 28% [6]
Low-pressure sodium lamps
15.0–29.0%,[4] 40.5% [6]
Metal halide lamps
9.5–17.0%,[4] 24% [6]
Switched-mode power supply
currently up to 95% practically
Electric shower
90–95% (overall it would be more efficient to use a heat pump, requiring less electric energy[citation needed])
Electric heaters
~100% (essentially all energy is converted into heat)

~30% (.300 Hawk ammunition)
Electrolysis of water
50–70% (80–94% theoretical maximum)
*from wikipedia

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