
Sunday 14 July 2013

Slum Population

Slum Population

The United Nation defines Slum as “is a run-down area of a city characterized by substandard housing, squalor, and lacking in tenure security”. There are 1 billion slum populations in the world and the figure will double up to 2 Billion by 2030. Slum population rate worldwide is decreasing from 47% to 37% from 1990-2005 but overall population is increasing thus number of slum population is swelling.

The existence of slump population implied economy performance is not up to par; either economy does not distributed equally, economy growth is not sufficient or natural resources are not sufficiently available. Whatever it might be, slump population means those that do not have access to basic infrastructure such as clean water, proper sanitary provision, electrical supply, waste management& safe shelter.

Influx of people into conurbations contributes to the growth of economy and elevate living standard of people at the same time make advanced infrastructure (e.g. internet, public transport, medical facilities and sport facilities) and basic infrastructure, like clean water supply, electricity and education, more accessible at large. These increase the life expectancy of urban dwellers and lower the mortality rate at the same time. Everyone is chasing wealth and fame in many of the mega metropolitan while some are struggling to compete/ live along side with their smarter, stronger or wealthier by counterparts. The cruel fact is that the movie titled “Slum Dog Millionaires” is living in real life; actually reminiscing the story of 1 billion slum population around the world. 

In a city where disparity of economy between rich and poor is huge, it allows corruption to penetrate deep into the foundation of legal framework. The social economy changes the way how human react with the environment and vice versa

Slum in Dhaka
Weak law enforcement mixing with doubtful judicial integrity and sometimes couple with obsolete law make a powerful cocktail for vice activities to bloom. Though it’s not always the case but when the aforementioned leak into social fabric it create social problem and further widen the gaps between the rich and poor, slump population as a result. 

The percentage of slump population is as listed below;

·         UAE 42%
·         India 21%
·         China 29%
·         Vietnam 14%
·         Philippines 23%
·         Cambodia 95%
·         Laos 67%
·         Indonesia 16%
·         Thailand -87%
·         Kazakhstan -6%

U. A. E.

Dubai in 1990
Dubai in 2003
Challenge of man ability; Man made islands
In 1990, Dubai is still a very deserted town that house nothing more than a few bunches of fishermen around its coastline, but in just 20 years, it attract the world attention as one of the most magnificent developed city in the world. Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum; محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم (Ruler of Dubai& Prime Minister of UAE) really maximized his desert treasure, petroleum, to the fullest.

My project site (Dubai Marina Mall) alone crowds with some 4,000 Indian workers. What a good business for the two canteen bosses! Friday outing at Bur Dubai and Deira proof the statistics to be true. It was an old port and fishing town by the local which turn into slum area (belief contribute much of the 42% growth of slum population) mostly populated by low income workers, after the local move to high class residential area. 

I was there somewhere around 2008 and most of the building and infrastructure already up and running except for the tallest building in the world (Burj Khalifa) and others biggest, largest or most expensive things is still in the making. It’s said that 30% of tower crane in the world is swinging in Dubai at that point of time. Building up physical development at that size and speed require humongous amount of manpower, materials, equipment and brain that make it works. As a result, the population surge with expatriates like me and 4.5millions (as of 2007) ants of army workers, mostly from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka& Philippine.

In 2008, Foreign-born Dubai residents stand at 85% of whom largest group are Indian while the local resident is barely 15% (i.e. 800,000). 
Burj Khalifa (Khalifa Tower)

In 2007 there were 286,432 occupied housing units but a year later (2008) the figure add up another 17%, 336,341, which double the demand for new housing stock. Although the surge of foreigner trigger uprising of market prices but it was ok then as economy growth was marked at 27%.  

The influx of population certainly contributes to Dubai economy as reflected on uprising of non-oil GDP (Tradition GDP). As hungry as for housing, Dubai sucks up food from 160 countries around the world, from 4.3 million tons in 2009 to 6 million tons in 2010.

The growth of economy is an uneven one. Most of the low income workers there merely seek opportunity to earn enough before return home, rarely brought wife to continue the next generation thus economy reap is impossible to benefit them, in long term.

Story behind the skyscrapers

While many of these low income workers is imported to feed the construction industry, drawing rich& poor disparity greater, lower class workers were forces to live in inhuman condition and epidemic of slum area keep going juxtaposing world renown skyscrapers next door.

The Siamese

Thailand on the other hand is building up its infrastructure steadily and known as westerner’s tourism mecca and with the new Suvarnabhumi airport in place, its tourism bloom like nobody business. This friendly country offer endless of smile for visitors but what more intriguing is they are so flexible and adaptable that riot and commotion will not turn their smile away. The country crime rate is reducing and income increase evenly across the board. Despite political disturbance (Thaksin ousted, 2006) and Tsunami joined the tourist visited the Andaman Sea area, somewhere around 2012 but foreign aids were generous and recovery was efficient. 

The funny thing is Tsunami actually is the reason how previous slum areas in Phuket and Ao Nang turn into busy commercial tourist destination. While the old slum area along the railway nearby Hualampong Train Station become a unique tourist attraction. It’s interesting to see them pack to give way for the in-coming train then within few minutes later their products is up on display again. There is no doubt that tourism account for 6% of Thailand GDP and it’s seen as catalyst to press down the 13.25% (as of 2011) poverty. I personally love Thailand so much that my passport is dominated by their immigration stamps.


My trip to Philippines three years back experience how the people live together with hills of dumpsite and skin disease was infested in everyone there. Social problem such as rape or premature sex is obviously ignored. Young pregnant girl is sighted everywhere, on the road side, nearby the slum area, let along rampant prostitute selling their fleshes in every corner of Clark and Makarti City. Many of those are from the rural area of Philippines, according to my driver.

Philippine is a beautiful country with many natural wonder but not all resident is as happy as their tourist. This island nation is home to some 92 million of people with one third of its people (22.8 million) living in the slum. Situation in urban is even worst, slum population rack up to 44%. Unlike UAE, the economy growth in Philippine is only 3.7% (year 2011) far lower than what it need to support the population. What more about how to alleviate the slum population?

Distinct from others developing country, its slum population is actually increase 2.3% from 2000-2006 and estimated to reach a total of 9 million by 2050! It makes me tear upon the witnessing so many people cramp into tinny hut of around 5-10m2, separated only by a layer of thin zinc sheets. There is not only no security in their tenancy but privacy also becomes a big question in my head. How baby is made with literally everyone is just around the corner??

The environmental impact is severe especially to the country’s water. Basically everything dumps into the river and sea, without treatment. The harm done to the nature will in turn haunt them back with disease and sickness (i.e. tuberculosis, malaria, dengue fever, diarrhoea& cough) 

Lines of uncontrolled pregnant!!
No one would want to live in poverty. When one is in poverty, he/she is weaker in mind; entice with fast-cash ideology, found in vice activity. As a result, robbery, stealing, prostitution, rape, drugs, murder and crimes of all sorts start surface from the rotten society image. It’s hard to reverse the condition especially when grey area exists between law enforcers and criminals. 

It's painful for me to witness how cruel reality can be. I often end up crying in the mid of my visit. The existence of slum is sign of lost in humanity and irresponsibility of human living on earth. Slum population is definitely a pest, to earth, but what make us different from them if we choose to ignore them?

Humankind is not so kind after all!

Fire steal away their home...

Where is the kids future?
Half submerge, slum area at Malabo, Philippine.
Slum, Manila

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