
Wednesday 13 October 2021

Malaysia violation of constitution article 8 and 152 for more than 4 decades.

Refer to , I oppose 30% bumiputra allocation for ECRL project. Under Article 8 everyone shall be treated equally, if bumiputra (Malaya's Malay+ indigenous in Sabah&Sarawak) is given special privileges then it is not equal and not democratic anymore because democracy is predicated by equal opportunity for all, such allocation rendered non-bumi citizenship inferior thus effectively creating second class citizenship. It also implicate loss of economy opportunity and erosion of transparency in public administration. 

I suggest tendering process must be open, based on merit (financial capability and technical know-how), without discrimination based on race and religion. This is to ensure cost-effectiveness& safety of ECRL project.

If MCA wanted to stay relevant then please obtain federal government's approval for UEC. Under Article 152, we no longer need to consider Malay language as Malaysia official language because Government rejected UEC thus breach article 152 (a). I urge the MCA President to stand for Chinese community to get government approval on UEC. Government can not continue act against Constitution otherwise the government may subject to prosecution for violation of Constitution. It is wrong to have a race based party and it is even more wrong if this race based party is not protecting the race it claimed to. If you can't do it, others will. 


Lord Aloysius Tay K.G.

Email to Malaysia Prime Minister to express my objection for giving minister-level perks to Dato' Sri Anwar Ibrahim.


Refer to the link I strongly disagree the move to give Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim minister-level perks. Reasons for opposing government granting minister amenities to opposition leader especially Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim are as enumerated below:


1.      I do not know what is the content of Memorandum between government and the opposition party however giving minister-level amenities to opposition party leader may be seen as bribery that will erode democracy.

a.       Public money should be spend in the most cost effective manner thus any resources spent must corresponding to the value it bring. What value Datuk Seri Anwar expected to bring from the perks?

b.      What is the reason to giving Anwar minister-level perks without people’s mandate& expertise that is critically to what needed, urgent and no alternative, I believe Anwar is not essential and this is against the spirit of democracy: he is not mandated by majority.

c.       Although how he was being elected as Port Dickson Member of Parliament is legal but it is not democratic. The previous MP was perfectly fit and capable but resigned just for him to take over.

d.      Giving minister-level perks to leader of opposition faction affect free debate& critics hence jeopardizing democracy process in the parliament and executive.

2.      Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim have a very seedy personal quality and sordid history.





a.       He was being charges& imprisoned for sodomy& corruption twice, first in April 1999 then in 2015. Although both times is alleged being put into jail because of gutter politic played by his political opponents yet he still willingly formed a political coalition in 2018 with Tun Dr. Mahathir, the very person that removed all his position in government in September 1998 before accused& caused him incarcerated. Therefore, whether he was innocent and being put to jail because of Mahathir's gutter politics or he indeed committed the crime (raped men and corruption), his personal quality is unquestionable seedy and unacceptable to receive any perks derive from public fund.

b.      Apparently, he did not fight for the justice he proclaimed which imply he openly cheating his supporters, as he should fight for his innocent in court to clear his name but instead he did otherwise in exchange to be anointed as Prime Minister by Dr. Mahathir under Pakatan Harapan government.

c.       He was also being reported for raping women in the past multiple times when he was Deputy Prime Minister.

d.      Received royal pardon for his last 6 months jail terms without going through proper procedure is disrespect to the pardon board and royalty since his pardon was being rejected by pardon board in 2015.

3.      Clandestinely undermining Barisan Nasional ability to debate and live up to the principles of democracy.

a.       In others autocratic country, leader use force to subdue opponent and dissidents. What tactic deploying in Malaysia now is soft-approach but not less lethal for democracy. By buying opposition over, it is moving toward autocratic and non-democratic political system where nobody question government doing and thus no liability for public official for their doings.

b.      How Barisan Nasional could strength its position is to proof it to the people government capability in overcome difficulties and make life better for all. Result speak for itself, not silence opponent by carrots and canes.


4.      Anwar and his family hypocrisy encompasses his wife& daughter which act in conflict of interest to one another in the past.

a.       Anwar, himself equate giving all member of parliament indiscriminately is a keen to crime<>  thus, he would not accept the offer unless he is being hypocrisy. If so, his character can not be trusted.

b.      Anwar's wife, Wan Aziza, was Deputy Prime Minister(DPM), the first Malay female hold such high executive power in the country but her capability is doubtful. She seems acted on behalf of Anwar. What conflict of interest is their daughter, Nurul, was being appointed as member of PAC (Public Accounting Committee) while Wan Aziza was DPM. This give rise to the question whether her daughter would disclose her wrong doing if discover some?

c.       Anwar unwillingness to disclose how he may contribute to the country yet keep promise many fancy things to aggrandizing himself is prima facie of putting his own personal interest before the public that he has no genuine interest to serve people but merely crazy for power.


Therefore, I strongly oppose to give Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim any perks conversely government should allow parliament open for debate freely whether is matter relating to Pandora Paper or RU355 whilst the executive may instruct relevant authority to investigate Malaysia public official in the Pandora Paper. I personally do not favor Sharia law or any other religious law applicable side by side civil law as this is eroding the secularity of Malaysia. Remember Malaysia is not Allah's heaven, authority is not angels and we are not dead yet. More so, many cases overlapping between Sharia and Civil court and victims suffer in limbo. There are many others thing relating to Sabah& Sarawak sovereign and Constitution which need all party including the British to talks and iron out what best for the people of the three or four sovereign.


Best regards,


Lord Tay Kian Guan

+6011 2731 7552