
Tuesday 5 January 2021

Is Malaysia safe?


Malaysia Ranks Number 1 In South East Asia For Highest Crime Rate

Malaysia ranked highest in crime rate in ASEAN;top 2 highest in Asia; top 15 in the world!

Malaysia is the most dangerous country, the last country anyone concern about safety want to live. Every minutes and second here is a risk and suffering for me.

Despite relatively wealthy and has been performing well in terms of economy (oil producing country) but its crime rate has not gone down in comparison to its neighbor, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia, despite spending more on it.

Not difficult to spot Malaysia cities rank top of crime rate and being highest mode (appear most frequent) in top crime rate cities. Naturally Malaysia also having the lowest safety index, meaning people is not feeling safe.

This graph is prima facie of Malaysia's poor performance in terms of fighting crime. Elsewhere in the world crime rate is falling but Malaysia is higher than year 1990.'>Singapore Crime Rate & Statistics 1990-2021

Singapore crime rate is less than a third of Malaysia and having the highest safety index in ASEAN.'>Thailand Crime Rate & Statistics 1990-2021

Thailand bordering West Malaysia, cut down crime rate more than half from 1990. There's tremendous improvement in safety.'>Indonesia Crime Rate & Statistics 1998-2021

Indonesia bordering East Malaysia and sharing sea border with Malaya is also cutting down their crime rate tremendously.

Almost all Malaysian is oblivion& gullible about the situation. The biggest impediment to improvement is perpetual denial on the problem and Asian culture of viewing critics as attack rather than opportunity for improvement.

I've written to Malaysia Home Minister&DPM Zaid and Commissioner more than 3years ago about the issues but seems like fallen on deaf ears. Problem in Malaysia is any negative feedback is deem as attack or political threat. Whether the previous BN or PH, political situation is extremely tense until they are unable to view matter objectively and neglect their intrinsic duty ensued.

UMNO (government political party) member even politically&morally support handphone robber that robbed hand phone broad daylight. It become a racial issues when a Malay lad robbed hand phone from a Chinese shop. Instead of view it as crime the politician make it a racial attack and not only backup the robber but use public fund amounting to millions of ringgit to open a retail space purposely for Malay. Is the government supporting crime?

They set up all-bumiputera Tech Mall using public money just to rival another local business (lowyat) because a Malay robbed a phone from a Chinese malaysian owned shop? What is the rationale? The all-bumiputera tech mall went down not long after operation, losing millions of ringgit…how to fight crime if everything is politicize and made into racial issues?

Malaysia, the bolehland! (Everything is possible) defying all logic. Victim is being insulted just because they are not Muslim whereas criminal is triumph as hero just because he is Malay and Muslim?

Is rules of law still apply? Apparently not. Judiciary independent had been eroded since 4th Prime Minister allerged made Lord President of Federal Court and those Chief Justice retire. This is how power play to safeguard politician position.

Infamous police image is not without reason, from traffic police bribery to something big, police beat up people (exjudicial) without probable cause and tort cases (police refuse to carry out court order). I do express my sympathy to good cops because it is an uphill battle to clean their image but until there's significant improvement and crime rate really subside, people have the freedom of speech and critics them. The very purpose of democracy is to allow people to voice out, critics so that government make improvement and protect the interest of people, not protect politician's image or their wallet.

Image and branding is an experience can not solely depend on advertisements. When situation improve their image will automatically improve. So let do it together. Fight crime is everyone responsibility (not just police alone) but as commoner we don't have power to act otherwise it is exjudicial. We only help by report incident to law enforcer which many here don't and sometimes police refuse to accept report. Not only Malaysian loss faith in police but most of the time people take matter to their own hands.

Example of short-fuse temperament of Malaysian. This is not exjudicial but an assault. Such incident would not happen if the perpetrator been to Vietnam, India or China. Honk is norm and in fact is bylaw requirement in others country but Malaysian would view it as attack or insult thus would retaliate. Savage? Barbaric? This is just typical Malaysian.

Anyone sensible person wouldn't want to live in Malaysia. If not because of COVID I won't return and stuck in Malaysia and would not doubt migrate out for good and get a citizenship of a safe country.

I'm not sure whether Malaysia honorific title bestow by rulers contribute to crime rate but most of them, in my personal opinion, act like gangster, as if they are being elevated into demigods or having special legal immunity but no law given any legal immunity to title holders. Royalty absolute legal immunity has been removed in 1994, thereafter even royalty is subject to prosecution under special court under the Constitution.

Honorific decoration is solely ruler's prerogative and I respect it but I would not accept any of it until racist policy is removed and quality of existing title holders improve, unless I've changed my citizenship. I do think the giving should be tighten up to assure its quality.

Malaysia is not a mature country even compare to younger country. Stunted growth or what, I don't know. But power come with responsibility although titled person do not have legal immunity bylaw but the public and law enforcer believe such invisible force exist.

I do think our King and most royalty are good and love the country more than anyone but they may not be well inform of what is happening and might not know the true sentiment of their non-malay citizen. We love our King and country not lesser than Malay despite being treated unfairly and outright marginalized. We pay tribute to Malay royalty during British& Japanese occupation and we still equally respect and love our Malay king now. Non-malay loyalty is undeniable and hope government recognize racial issues and attend to it.

Enforce law by law, not by race!

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