
Wednesday 19 September 2018

What is LGB?

What is LGBT? 

LGBT stand for Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual Trans-gender, some say Q (Queer)too. There are literally unexhausted terms under the umbrella of LGBT. Some of the more popular one are;

- Transvestitute
- Gender Variant
- Cross Dressing
- Androgynous
- Gender Expression
- Drag King/ Queen
- Cisgender
- Dysphoria
- Intersex
- Demi girl/guy
- Gender Queer
- Gender binary
- Transgender
- Bigender
- Agender
- Trigender
- Two Spirit
- Transexual
- Netrois
- Non Binary

A more comprehensive can be found in the link below;

Definition of these terms are revolving around four main realms; 

1. Gender Identity 

2. Gender Expression

3. Biological Sex

4. Sexually/Romantically Attraction

The GenderBread Person Version 3.3 defines as below;

Gender is one of those think they understand, but most people don’t. Like inception. Gender isn’t binary. It is not either/ or. In many cases it is both/and. A bit of this, a dash of that. 

Gender Identity: How you in your head define you gender? Based on how much you align (or don’t align) with what you understand to be the options for gender.

Gender Expression: The ways you present gender, through your action, dress, and demeanour, and those presentation is interpreted based on gender norms.

Biological Sex: Physical sex characteristic you’re born with and develop, including genitalia, body shape, voice pitch, body hair, hormone, chromosomes and etc. 

Sexually Attraction: Gender depict you experience find attraction.

Gender of a person may vary and gender identity&expression may be different than his sex at birth . 

Do I support LGBTQ? I do not oppose LGBTQ. I support decriminalize LGBT but doesn’t means I encourage it; not promoting straight people to go LGBT. 

Two main reasons attributed to my belief are;

1. My principle that align with democracy where everyone shall enjoy their fundamental rights, as long as, it does not cause any harm to others.

2. Advocate for the voiceless, persecuted, and marginalized group, especially those victim of ‘hidden crime’, within my capacity, when it is safe for me to do so. 

I belief LGBT is characteristic at birth, meaning natural manifestation. Especially the intersex. Everyone have the right to live according to what their nature dictate, meaning if a person sex and gender is conforming to culture norm then so it be. Likewise, those who found themselves born not within the culture norm (not exactly male or female) also should have the equal right and treated. 

Intersex is born naturally with genital abnormality (not binary). Probably range from 1 to 2000 to 100,000 depending on which spectrum.      

Of course, transgender may be those underwent sex-change operation plus some cosmetic surgery procedures to make sense to their ultimate desire. If it is out of ze own volition then it may be under the effects of zim born psychological and/or hormonal influence which is no doubt natural, according to God’s will. 

Well, which God? While there are no short of religious belief prohibit or even impose death penalty for being LGBT but it shall not discount that there are also others religious belief that allow for the third gender/homosexuality and those that never mentioning about it at all.  

Everyone belief vary, types and magnitude, and thus everyone’s God too. Therefore religious law shall only be regulated within personal atmosphere. No doubt communal worship/service and certain amount of homogeneity achieved within a religion is good to prevent bloodshed raised out of ego and ignorance. A civilized and matured society would respect others faith and not causing any inconvenience while practice his own. likewise, homosexual may choose to return to be straight and vice versa. 

I’m a straight, heterosexual, meaning I was born male and only interested to have relationship with female (opposite sex). I am unable to comprehend why and how one’s homosexual life is. I neither agree a straight trying to become LGBT nor I would promote LGBT to anyone. But surely, I will never agree anyone to commit non-consensual sex or what terms as ‘rape’, whether on straight or LGBT, which is why I would support the decriminalization of LGBT, is align with my reason no. 2. 

The repercussions of continue criminalize homosexuality, as in majority of the commonwealth country (remaining 36 countries) still do, is as a result of what left by the British Buggery Act 1577, the first Sodomy Civil Law, that was passed during Henry VII era. Most Islamic country enjoying the continuum, probably due to extreme similarity of the Christian’s ecclesiastic where Islamic law copied from.  India have just joined the other 16 commonwealth countries that decriminalized homosexuality. I wrote a letter to The Supreme Court and Justice Indu Malhotra to congratulate on the landmark judgement, dated 6th September 2018.  

Whether we like it or not, human is a territorial animal. Border is drawn on maps and rule differently according to the sovereign state government and people. Each country law on homosexuality differ, depending on the culture but one thing for sure is LGBT have yet to tally with mainstream in any part of the world. Even for the most advanced society like American, LGBT community continue facing difficulties such as; 

1. Being fired for who they are(LGBT).

2. Denied basic public accommodation (e.g. from admission to movie theatre to customize baking cake).

3. Not protected under hate crime/ social discrimination

4. Consensual sex still illegal

5. Deny from donating blood

6. Struggle to obtain parents custody

7. Not accept by major religious denominations, even those straight openly support LGBT is being discriminated.

8. Most of the queer people are not protected by anti-bully initiatives.

9. Sexual health education often don’t include LGBT

10. Seldom provide adequate healthcare because of stigma and discrimination.

11. Hindrances in hospital visitation for non-heterosexual partner that are sick and dying.

Needless to say, the suffering they have to endeavour in developing country is even more severe. Hidden crime, such as rape, physical assault, bully, disowned by family, and society discrimination, just because of being who they are, is rampant and blatantly ignored by authority. Where is the humanity?  

I am not sure the degree of awareness in law and adherence of it in developing country, as it seems to me the culture of ‘cash is king’ is very much prevalence. Privileged LGBT may not face as much persecution as those who are not. Those without ‘background’ may being abused and no where to turn to. No protected by law, neither the police nor general public, as if they are alien from another planet. 


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