
Monday 17 September 2018

This time around, I try my luck on Politician, MP Fong Kui Lun, Bukit Bintang Constituency Representative. The letter is as below;

Refer to the link below, 

I would like to bring to your attention that using infant or young children in begging is breaking Act 611 clause 32, anyone found guilty is punishable under the Act. Unfortunately, the lacking of law enforcement on the matter is as evidenced by the rampant outspread of begging around the city, from Petaling Street to Bukit Bintang. 

I’ve earlier on complaint to DBKL and they responded to the particular cases I reported, however the matter should not on individual case basis, as it is widespread throughout the city. Refer to the attached photo I caught recently at Plaza Rakyat, dated 14th September 18, 3pm.
My suggestion is to reanimate the shelter program for homelessness in Anjung Singgah and the Homelessness Shelter at Jalan Pahang, whereby DBKL provide the land, private entity such as MRCB sponsor the cost of construction and co-operate by NGO and related government agency. However, unlike homelessness where most are adult. The requirement for infant and young children is different. They are particularly vulnerable to external elements. Thus, I suggested enforcement of the law in tandem with long term, on-going, solutions to curb the problem. 

1. DBKL and related authority to patrol and catch beggar, particularly those that involves children and infant.

2. Infant and young children is sent for body check and DNA test, to ensure any health problem is immediately attend to and whether there is any physical abuse while the DNA test is to ensure the parents is indeed their biological parents.

3. Affected infant and young children should be put under the custody of authority until certain that their parents or guardian is capable provide basic necessity and care to them. 

4. Parents without income may assign on temporary basic economy activity such as waste segregation, clerical works, city conservancy works, gardening works, traffic controller and even as city walking tour guide. City council may provide training for these basic activities while job matching them for a more suitable job. 

5. Refer to No. 4, as long as no physical and mental abuse by the parents, they shall be allow to continue provide care for their children at the shelter. 

6. The shelter shall be maintain by the parents themselves and funded partly by the revenue generated by the temporary economy activity. 

7. City council may join others government agency and business entity to assist parents to return back to society mainstream. 

8. Children reach the age for schooling shall be sent for education as they should.

9. Illegal immigrant found should be detent and deported immediately.

10. Syndicate (whether human trafficking, child beggary, or human organ trade) found should be prosecuted under the law by relevant authority.  

Why I’m writing this to you is because those affected (genuine poor striking parents) are most likely unable to access to, city council (DBKL) and probably even you. Malaysia society is compassionate but this also become the problem by itself as syndicate exploit our generous and compassionate society. I notice there are people from as far as Kelantan and Terengganu come to Kuala Lumpur to act as beggar during Ramadan and major festival. They could fetch up to RM450/day, that is more better than Kuala Lumpur median income. 

I also wish to bring to your attention that in country like Singapore, MP (Member of Parliament) dedicate their time to meet people at least once a week, MP including those Minister and PM. Anyone is welcome to meet and voice up grievances to the MP. Whereas in Malaysia, we only see our MP during election month. Refer to the attached.
I’m looking forward your reply and please feel free to contact me at 011 2731 7552. 

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource. No obligation, any amount of ex-gratia is very much appreciated.

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I do not have partner or middlemen or proxy. Please only credit into my bank account. Thank you.

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