
Tuesday 25 September 2018

Suggestions to counter forgery of Malaysia national examination (SPM) and public university certificate (Part 2).

 Open Letter to Ministry of Education, Malaysia.

First of all, I would like to make correction that the word "validation" therein (in my suggestion) should be "verification". 

I notice your Ministry had make checking of SPM result available online which is very progressive. My suggestions are:
 1. make available for thirty party to check SPM result online with IC and SPM certificate series number as passcode. 

2. Result and statistics can publish online in PDF, Microsoft excel or any fix document (unable to edit). 

3. Any changes to the result, for example reseat and appeal, should be published separately. The reason being is when series number is peg with the result and total number of ratings (e.g. A, B, C, F), it is not easy to change or switch, while it give protection to the graduate privacy, in a way that only those have IC number and copy of SPM able to check the result from online. 

4. No name is reveal in the online check thus could not simply check by name. 

5. Any changes to the system should be authorized and recorded, time, date, by who, which computer& etc, to provide traceability.

6. Digital scan all examination paper for record and archive. Prepare an example answer for subjective question and answer for objective question. For future reference when necessary. The archive should be keep separately with the agency for certification. 

Scenario 1- switch result :
Mr. Ali with SPM series no. 123 failed all subject had been switched to Mr. Abu result of 9As SPM cert series No. 321. When Abu apply for a job his employer will notice the discrepancy and notify the Ministry of Education for investigation. 

Scenario 2- change result:
Mr. Ali fails all subject in SPM. He pays Rm500 to change the result to 4As. But the result published in the school only got 40 people got A in English and 5000 people got A in English nationwide, that year, which make the changes not tally with the total amount. Ministry of Education immediately notices the problem. 

Scenario 3- change result and statistics:
A grandmaster of forgery. When Mr. Ali is recruited because of his forged good SPM result but unable to perform. His employer may request Ministry of Education to double check the result thus Education Ministry may open up his examination paper and cross check with the answer sheets. The answer sheet provides an idea of how the marking is done at that time. This is to be fair because the answer applicable to all that time might not be as good now. If found Mr. Ali examination paper is not tally with his result then ministry& his employer may investigate and launch a police report. 
Needless to mention about the negative impacts of forgery of academy qualifications, it kills Malaysia image and very unfair to those who truly deserve a better opportunity for further study and career advancement. 
I hope you see the seriousness in the matter. If I know it only cost Rm500 to change my SPM result, I wouldn't take tuition class that cost me Rm600. I might as well get a UKM degree in Law right after my SPM and start charging a professional fee giving legal advice. Why am I not getting any payment despite sender many advise? Lack of certification? I can not imagine how I would live my life with a fake certificate but surely I won't trust any SPM or public university qualifications from Malaysia anymore until you make good of them problem.

*The blog is solely created and maintained with my own resource. No obligation, any amount of ex-gratia is very much appreciated.

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I do not have partner or middlemen or proxy. Please only credit into my bank account. Thank you. 

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