
Tuesday 17 July 2018

Water& Power Security Issues (an email to Mr. Lim Guan Eng, Finance Minister of Malaysia)

My intention here to increase water and power security while expedite sustainable development goals of both Malaysia and Singapore.

It is possible to make water treatment and supply in Johore zero carbon or even negative carbon by install turbine inside pipeline. Since the water source, Gunung Pulai, is on high altitude it can generate electricity by gravity and combine with wind and solar, it can be zero carbon emission.

Treating own water also make Malaysian realise the correlation of pollution and portable water cost. Malaysian need to learn to conserve water and protect the river and water resources as our own precious property since it will directly affect our expenses.

Singapore have no lack of technology to be self-sufficient, only concern here is how to get it done economically? Increase water cost will induce them to shift more toward self sufficiency and ways to find clean energy for the water treatment in long terms thus expedite the conversion from fossil fuel based power generation to clean energy. I think this just may be the push!

Dear Your Excellency Mr. Lim Guan Eng (Finance Minister),

Refer to the link here

First of all, I would like to apology for not kept you in the loop. I have been messaging our Prime Minister Tun Mahathir regarding the Malaysia Singapore Water Agreement.

The details can be found on the link above.
I would also like to apology if you found my blog to be rude but it is not mean to be formal. It is a personal blog. The intention is none other than pressure Singapore to be water and energy self-sufficient, particularly moving toward achieving Sustainable Development goals as well as inducing Johore to go along since if Johore would to treat own water then river pollution will be a cause of concern in order to reduce treatment cost. This inevitable create an economy condition for Singapore to move toward clean energy earlier since non-conventional water treatment require a lots of power and only make sense if they use clean energy which have better financial outlook in long terms. Malaysia on another hand, will have extra income to enhance our water and power security and resiliency.

*I'm not against Singapore although I do feel it posses a threat by defy the North Korea sanction. Besides, my suggestion intention is for the financial able Singapore to expedite the UN Sustainability Goals.
Water tariff need to be adjusted and incorporated with waste treatment cost however it shall consider the B40 thus extreme disparity in tier rate will encourage user to save water.

for example first 20 cubic meter is RM 2.00/cu. m, subsequent is RM4.50 cu. m. of course that will require more study such as average household size and targeted consumption rate. example, household size is 3.89 (around 4 person per house) thus if Johore target to reduce Water Consumption rate to 154 litre/capita/day.

Target month water consumption per house (154 litre/ capita/ day) should be

([154 L/capita/dayX 3.89 household size X 365 days in a year]/12months)= 4,696 Liter or 14.69 cubic meter/month.

The first tier of water tariff may be 15 cubic meter with much cheaper rate. Second tier rate may impose significant higher rate to encourage people reduce water consumption and stay within 154liter/capita/day.

For B40 group who have larger household size may consider to give them water bill voucher to offset the higher tier rate penalty.

Additionally, government should encourage installation Rainwater Harvesting system and recycling of water.

Rainwater harvesting system is already been gazetted but loopholes such as dismantling the rainwater harvesting tank to make space for other things after received building approval is happening rampantly.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Aloysius Tay Kian Guan

*The blog is solely created and maintaining with my own resource only. No obligation but any amount of ex-gratia to support the continuation of my writtings is appreciated.

Maybank (Malaysia)account number : 1643 1529 3268 (Tay Kian Guan)

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