
Friday 7 July 2017

Austronesian's Writing System

Why create Austronesian writing system?

  1. Preserve Austronesian languages from extinction which are now critically endanger (List of endangered Austronesian Languages).
  2. Conserve the culture and biodiversity of Austronesian origin& beyond, especially species that are facing extinction. 
  3. Reduce the carbon footprint of physical& virtual writing medium.
  4. Conserve the wayfinding tradition of Austronesian by celestial navigation& wave-piloting (rebbelib)


  1. By recording local dialect phonetics & languages before synchronized into the Austronesian glyph. 
    1. this Austronesian glyph is only a guideline of which new and more suitable symbol may be created to suit locality. 
    2. Number& phonetics of glyph varies, depending on the needs& suitability of local.
  2. Each glyph is created logo-graphically from cultural elements& biodiversity of Austronesian region ecosystem, some are in critically need for conservation e.g. Helmet Hornbil bird, Malayan Tiger& Borneo Elephant.
  3. Abugidas is created similar to Canadian Aboriginal syllabic of which every 90 degree turn of its orientation changes its glyph's consonant combination with vowels.
    1. Objects intend for preservation created the representative glyph has no vowel.
    2. Every 90 degree turn of the representative glyph changes the vowel combination follow behind, starting from A, O& I. 
    3. However, combination with vowels E& U is alphasyllabary (avugida) based of which additional symbol is added to the representative glyph as abugida. 
    4. Words is made in syllable block (box) to further reduce space and digital-bites thus reduce needs for data storage, paper space& ink of the storing medium.
  4. Each glyph will represent celestial star/s and it shall be re-introduced to the future generation, as means to tell time, orientation& supplement wayfinding in travelling. 


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