
Sunday 17 July 2016

Email to Kuala Lumpur Mayor (Datuk Amin): Water Supply breakdown at Masjid India.

Be it private or public, Malaysian have never short of ideas and initiatives but not many can withstand the test of time. 

Maintenance is a big issue here, so much so as its lifespan and replacement cost. 

Much of it owe to the lackadaisical attitude, especially when money is not out of their own pocket.

In this case, I think it is very generous of city council to provide free drinking water for public especially at high traffic area. It's not only a source to quenching thirst but also indirectly reduce plastic bottle and pollution. 

Sadly, the noble intention seems to have been forgotten. Not all blame to the government. I think as user or responsible citizen, we should help to notify the authority whenever necessary; change filter, repair, water leakage& vandalism. 

Therefore, if install a smart system that can automatically notify city council is too costly then public can play the role, as long as let us know the threshold of water filter, contact number, water meter or even donation box to offset the cost!  

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