
Saturday 28 December 2013

Standard Carbon Footprint of Accounting for Building

Earth is crying for help so as millions of dwellers within it. Our action has replied with reaction as evidencing by the unprecedented force majeur (natural disaster) around the world. Somehow we still call it “Natural” disaster despite good evidence showing major attributes are out of human hands. Perhaps it should call Natural Human Disaster. While it’s not fair to pour cold water on everyone faces as I do belief many of us is still very much concern about how our action shape the environments with live in.

The most common ways of measuring how our action attributes to the climate change is via measuring of carbon footprint which is still at it infancy stage of development. Information is of prime importance and its also the hindrances when readily available. Many countries such as the America, UK& Japan have started their carbon footprint decades ago and have gather pools of data but each with own ways of measuring. As for building, measuring its lifecycle is as tough as scavenging needle in the ocean and thus not many dare to touch. Despite the challenge, we should not back off because the sector eats up a huge chunk of carbon footprint pie.

I hereby proposed a prototype of Standard Carbon Footprint Accounting for Building as a step toward building a more responsible living environment for ourselves and the future to come.
Please download the SCAFAB below;


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