
Saturday 10 August 2013



CATWalks is a brainchild of MYCAT e(Malaysian Conservation Alliances for Tiger), an initiative to deter illegal poachers from harming our wildlife (particularly the tiger& its food chain below) while giving volunteers (I call it CATWALKERS) the opportunity to bond with the Mother Nature. The nature of catwalks requires certain level of physical and cognitive aptitude thus all Catwalkers must had survived at least 18 years on this planet and pretty much rational in respond to situation.

Monday 5 August 2013

Resurrection of Dinosaur- Part 1


Free Energy?

Energy is free? Yes, it’s free but to extract and convert it into a form that usable for our current technology is not. Disregard the energy spatter from the universe since the big bang (creation of universe). Sun is the main source of energy to earth from the aspects of biology, chemistry to physics. Sun rays sponsor its energy to all of us. Plant requires it in photosynthesis to grow and feed others animals which human are also part of the ecological food chain which means to say all living beings are either using energy directly or indirectly from the sun.