
Wednesday 9 December 2020

Is USA bully others?

 Trump didn't bomb anyone throughout his term as President, so far. I think President Trump deserve Nobel Peace Prize. US spent more than 6.4 trillion dollars for war since 2001 until Trump took over. 

$6.4trillion in war could have provide $188.235.00 to each American under poverty and immediately lifted them from poverty. Of course the money should spend to create job, training and housing subsidy. Millions of them could have lifted from homelessness and building industry could be more vibrant when public housing is thriving. Singapore for example has good public housing call HDB (housing development board) that provide millions shelter. 85% of the people live in one of those HDB and construction industry benefited too.

USA is not all dumb. They know how to do calculation more than anyone. The real reason behind those wars might link to economy, mostly to prevent bad guys from wielding power. GCC have plenty of bad guy holding enough oil to wreck havoc on earth. That have to be stop. Prevent them from further economy growth is also to prevent them grabbing more power that they might abuse. Power come with responsibility. If those guys deemed unworthy then USA may intervene to prevent future atrocity on humanity. Of course, as to what make US have the right to judge is subjective. One of the best source is UN human right charter which spelled out universal agreed human rights.

Therefore, I personally think we owe the poor in USA certain magnitude of opportunity cost as a result to correct the wrong of others. If I'm capable, I would try to revive depleting area in USA and help to lift poverty in USA to offset some opportunity cost they forgiven. I'm not a military guy thus will not contribute to USA military directly but would contribute my bits in their economy as much as I can.

I do not agree with US bully China. I hope people can bring their relationship closer instead of tearing them apart. There's no short of evil hand instill hatred. What we need is angel to conceal the wound and bring them together. Of course, US did it for some reasons. It may be: premeditated between them; rhetorical move for economy war; genuine interest in protecting human rights&democracy, or the combination of them. Economy power give rise to military and uncontrollable power make fascism dangerous to all. Safe in so far, I personally think China is still good in human rights issues when come to providing basic infrastructure.